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Alter Ego: Robert Cobb
Identity: Secret
Occupation: student at the Knight Academy
Base of Operations: Knight Academy, Opal City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Young Justice
Height: Variable (normally 5’8”)
Weight: Variable (normally 150 lbs.)
Eyes: Steel Blue
Hair: Sandy Brown
Apparent Age: 14
Apparent D.O.B.: 2006

Until Mystery came to the Knight Academy, no one had really ever heard anything about him. Someone in the upper echelons of the management of the school must know the score because they’ve allowed him to enroll.

He has taken the name Robert Cobb, but it isn’t his birth name. None of his classmates have any idea that the identity is a fake. Anyone who chose to dig deeper into his files would find he has no school records or medical history. He is, as his codename implies, a mystery.

Though he is a member of Young Justice, he is their secret weapon. He does not appear in publicity photos or deal with the authorities. His powers make him ideal for infiltration, and he can be a very big surprise to super-villains who have no idea the team includes someone with his abilities. Since this works well for all involved, no one has had a problem with his “mysterious” status, so far.

Mystery can turn his body into a cloud of particles resembling a smoke or mist. While in this form, he cannot be touched, though he can be dispersed by strong enough winds, and he can shape it to any form he wishes, becoming small enough to filter thru a ventilation system or large enough to cover a baseball diamond in concealing fog. He may also fly.

While solid, Mystery can lift heavy objects and withstand quite a bit of damage, though his power level is not quite at Kryptonian level.

He has been shown, in both forms, to be able to emit a burst of hellish flames from his eyes, though he is hesitant to use this power as it is both blatantly obvious (hence, contrary to his purpose on the team) and also an exceptionally-frightening sight (and he has no desire to alienate his teammates).

Mystery has been known to have bouts of weakness, but no one has yet determined what the cause of this weakness is, as no common factors have come to light in these episodes.
