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Name:, Robin Garth Harper, Prince of Markovia
Alias: Morph
Relatives: Roy Harper Sr. (grandfather, deceased), Brave Bow ("grandfather," deceased), Roy Harper Jr. (Arsenal, prince of Markovia, father), Biri Harper (Mockingbird, mother, deceased), Roxanne Spaulding Harper (Freefall, stepmother, deceased), Tara Markov Harper (Terra, princess, stepmother, deceased), Donna Troy Harper (Wonder Woman, princess, stepmother, deceased), Cheshire (princess, stepmother), Brion Markov (Geo Force, King of Markovia, uncle), Denise Markov (queen, aunt), Lian Harper (Archer, princess, half-sister), Hippolyta Sioux Harper (Princess, princess, sister), Quinn Harper (prince, half-brother), Richard Wallace Harper (prince, half-brother), Tara Harper (princess, half-sister), Brionna Harper (princess, half-sister), Amber Harper (princess, half-sister), Kyle Theodore Harper (prince, half-brother), Takeninfu Harper (prince, half-brother), Brion Markov (crown prince, cousin), Kalen Markov (prince, cousin)
Occupation: Outsider
Group Affiliation: Outsiders
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs
Age: 19
Eyes: Blue (varies)
Hair: Red (varies)
D.O.B. 2001


Robin was 5 when his mother was murdered by other Durlans, and Robin swore that he would do all he could to make sure no one else had to lose their mother to murder. When he was 8, Arsenal married Freefall, who Robin found to be rather neglectful. Then Roxy was murdered and Tara became his stepmother when he was 9, and then when he was 10, Roy married Donna Troy. Suddenly Robin had more brothers and sisters than he knew what to do with. It was hard enough looking out for Lyta, who seemed to attract trouble no matter where she went.

For the next 5 years, things were good. Sure, there were lots of babies, but since he was at the Knight Academy, he didn't have to deal with them. But in 2015 Tara was murdered by vampires, and in 2016, Donna was murdered as well. Then Roy started pursuing the recently paroled Chesire, a mass murderer, even if she was Lian's mother. Robin quit visiting as much and went out to try to make the world a better place.

Powers and Abilities

Robin is a shape changer because of his Durlan heritage. He's also gifted with the Harper aim. From the Knight Academy he learned detective skills and martial arts.


Morph sees beauty in all forms, though he remains rather sober. He values all life and hopes to stop as much violence as he can.
