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Real Name: Rosie Gold
Age: 15
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5’2"
Weight: 90lbs
Known Relatives: Michael Jon Carter (Father, Booster Gold), Kara Zor-L (Mother, Power Girl), Rip Hunter (Godfather, the Time Master), Daniel Carter (Greatplus-Grandfather, Supernova).
Group Affiliation: Young Justice
Base of Operations: Theodore Knight Academy, Opal City, WA; occasionally Vanishing Point.
D.O.B.: 12-19-2004


Booster Gold was a hero known for his mistakes and foolish behaviour. Perhaps it was unsurprising that a one-night stand produced a child; what was more unlikely was the fact that the respected heroine Power Girl was the undeserving recipient of a specimen of Carter DNA. When both heroes perished in the world-shattering attack of the Avatar, the fate of their secret child Rosie was thrown into doubt.
Rosie was abducted at the age of five months from her temporary guardian Ted Kord (the Blue Beetle) by the rogue time-breakers Black Beetle and Per Degaton, who sought to use her Carter DNA to activate the stolen suit of Supernova, hoping to use the Phantom Zone projector woven into its super-fabric as part of a plan to project Earth-0 into the Phantom Zone. Rip Hunter the Time Master was instrumental in recovering the infant Rosie from the Time Stealers, and he advised Ted to allow him to spirit her away to the safety of Vanishing Point. Due to the dangers of another attempt by the Time Stealers, Rip worked tirelessly and secretly to excise any record of his Rosie's existence from the timeline for her own protection.

Rosie proved a handful to raise, with her quarter-superhuman powers manifesting well before puberty and causing all manner of disturbance and headaches for Rip. Educated largely through VR and amidst a variety as time-spanning locales, Rosie soon developed a thick streak of rebellion, eventually demanding to be allowed as normal a schooling as could be arranged. Rip's suggested that Rosie could be allowed to return from Vanishing Point for more than a brief period, to attend the Theodore Knight Academy amidst other super-kids such as herself. With Rosie excited at the idea, Rip's powered up his Time Sphere for a return to 2020.

A freshly-tailored super-suit imbued with futuristic technology suit was gifted to Rosie as a going-away present, to allow her to disguise her powers should the secret of her super-strength and speed become known and the reputation of her mother Power Girl become besmirched. (Booster Gold's reputation, however, was disreputable enough to permit the existence of a secret child.) She has been instructed to hide the origin of her powers, and to claim they are the product of her super-suit rather than innate, and that her features (similar to Power Girl's, albeit with a strong dash of Booster's good looks) are the result of genetic tampering by Durlans as part of a failed long-term plot to discredit the heroes of Earth. While her father Booster Gold will often be mentioned, her mother's identity is not advertised, except as a fall-back position if her powers are revealed as the product of her own genetics rather than her suit.

While her schooling has been comprehensive and her intellect is keen, she has been instructed to 'dumb herself down' to match that of her supposed father, the deceased Booster Gold. Her frustration at her life on Vanishing Point has resulted in something of a wild temper, although this has been lessened by the excitement of finally being allowed to interact with super-teens of her own age.


Rosie's strength is at a level only a quarter of those of her mother Power Girl, placing her well above normal human levels but nowhere near Kryptonian levels. She can fly (slowly compared to most superhuman flyers), preferring to use her flight to extend jumps made with her super-strength and to prevent damage from falling. She has minor levels of super-senses: telescopic sight (perhaps 5x that of an eagle), super-hearing and super-smell (maybe 5x that of a hunting dog), and x-ray vision enabling her to see through fabric or thin wood, but not stone or metal. Her super-speed is relatively more powerful than her super-strength, but still nowhere near the levels of a Kryptonian. Her physical resistance to damage or temperature extremes is far less developed than her strength or speed; it is not known if this will develop further or remain at the approximately one-twentieth Kryptonian level is is currently at. Rosie claims her powers are derived from her super-suit, with her mother Power Girl providing a fall-back excuse should they be revealed as innate rather than suit-derived.


Rosie has had a wide and comprehensive education, thanks to her godfather Rip Hunter. She has received schooling from figures such as Aristotle, Einstein and Hendrix, in locales spanning the Earth at many points in the timeline. She enjoys history (naturally), but also musical performance and theory. Her vocal talents are limited, but she is a prodigy with guitar, keyboard, saxophone, and various yet-to-be-invented instruments such as the hyper-theremin. She has been trained in electronics (mostly to allow her to activate and control the self-repair functions of her suit), but does not enjoy most of the scientific arts. While she is adept and well-educated, she plays the fool to exaggerate her connection to the often-maligned Booster Gold while keeping her mother's role in her birth relatively secret.


Rosie's super-suit contains a variety of functions. A Phantom Zone Projector built into her suit allows the teleportation of matter from one place to another through the Phantom Zone itself. The suit contains a copy of the white dwarf star size-changing belt used by the Atom, allowing Rosie to effectively 'disappear' instantly to subatomic size; it does not allow her to manipulate her mass to any size other than 'regular' or subatomic. The advanced laser system built into the suit has been de-powered for her own protection and that of those around her; it is able to melt steel should it be reactivated, but can currently only generate burst of bright and disorienting light. Rip Hunter claims to have built the suit to be resistant to all time ravages, and it is so advanced that it is able "to freeze time for its wearer". As long as Rosie keeps the suit on, she feels no need to eat or drink, able to exist indefinitely and without aging. The suit is specifically keyed to Carter DNA, requiring any wearer to be related to Booster Gold in order for the suit's abilities to function.
