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Wonder Girl

Name: Sappho
Relatives: Alberto Ramirez( Grand Father, Deceased); Esmerelda Vega- Ramirez (Grand Mother, Deceased); Queen Hippolyta (Grand Mother, Deceased); Inez Ramirez, Royal Consort (Mamasita); Queen Diana (Mother)
Ht: 5’2”
Wt: 100 lbs.
Hair: Raven Black
Eyes: Lt. Brown
Group Affiliation: Global Guardians
Base Of Operations:
DOB: 2005


In 2003 after a couple of years of dating on and off Diana aka Wonder Woman proposed to her almost constant companion- Inez, aka Starshine. After a year of wedded bliss, Inez asks her mother in law Hippolyta if there is a way to use amazon science and magic to produce a child of both her and Diana’s. Some months later Inez gets successfully pregnant with Diana’s child. They name their bundle of joy Sappho after the great Greek poetess. Sappho’s childhood is idyllic on Paradise Island, verging on the spoiled. Her life changes as her Grammy dies in 2013 during the great Mage War- battling Circe. With Diana taking the role of Queen and Inez acting as Ambassador of Good Will- Sappho spends the next few years in boot camp.

In 2015- as the Amazons send Nikos Sandsmark to the Academy, Inez decides to send Sappho to New Eden. It is felt that Sappho needs to learn about the rest of the world but would have a hard time accepting male teachers. Sappho is sold on this by the fact that she’d have a chance to meet Morning Ray of Sun- one of the heroes in the Mage World. In 2018 Sappho is given the title of Wonder Girl and joins the Global Guardians in order to take up her mother's former role as messenger of peace and ambassador of Thymiscrya.


While Sappho does not know ‘martial arts’ she is excellent at hand to hand combat, taught by some of the best. While in New Eden she also was trained to defeat any creature two or four legged... She also takes after her Mother Diana, striving to be the best she can be at anything.

Powers and Abilities

Sappho has what she believes the best of both worlds, she has her mother, Diana’s, strength, agility and beauty [and an excellent set of bracelets], as well as mamasita Inez’s complexion, heighten senses, and cosmic blasts. Her two regrets is that she can’t turn to energy like Inez- nor are her blasts as powerful... yet.


Sappho is headstrong and has a strong belief that she is right, even when she isn’t. Her first encounter with a male was Nikos( Major Marvel), while she has meet others- Sappho is still female chauvinist pig.
