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Boing, The Master of Bounce

Name: Scott Mark Wesley
Home World: Earth
Occupation: Unemployed, Legionnaire
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mark Wesley (father), Alyson Wesley (mother), Jennifer Wesley (sister), Chuck Taine (descendant), Charly Rossi (descendant)
Group Affiliation
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 250
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown

Scott Wesley was born in Hollywood, as the first child of two actors. Since he grew up with wealth, he never worried about money and was a little spoiled. At a young age, he became obsessed with Super-Heroes and went to great lengths to try and gain super-powers. None of these attempts got him anywhere until he got ahold of some Gingold Elixer(which was what gave Elongated Man his powers). He didn't get the powers he expected, but he did get the ability to inflate into the shape of a ball and bounce. As it turns out he had a metagene that would eventually be passed to his decendant, Chuck Taine.

Powers & Skills:
Scott has the power to inflate into the shape of a ball and bounce. When in his inflated state, he is nearly invulnerable to blunt attacks as well as electricity.
