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Real Name: Serah Inar-Ra
Occupation: Exchange student at the Theodore Knight Academy
Base of Operations: Currently Opal City, normally Daxam.
Marital Status: Betrothed to Robert Cobb
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Young Justice
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs
Age: 17
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
D.O.B. (Approximate) January 3, 2004


Inar-Ra was raised by The Church of the White Triangle of Daxam to believe that she is one half of the chosen bloodline to bring peace and prosperity to her people for the next millennium. She has always been told that she was created via science cloning a hybrid Daxam and Kryptonian native, though whether this is true or not is unknown.

In recent months she was made to meet her prophesied partner, Robert Cobb (aka Mystery) and arranged with him a plan for their future mating. Their plans have been put on pause due to a civil war between the religious and scientific factions on Daxam. During the Summer of 2021, Robert visited Daxam again to help mend some of the tensions of the civil war, though much of it remains tense.

In a move to keep their Madonna safe, the Church has sent Inar-Ra to Earth where she can finish her education surrounded by the relative safety of Earth's many heroes as well as to place her close to her betrothed in the hopes that continued proximity will speed along their prophesied coupling.

Powers and Abilities

Inar-Ra has the genetic components of both a native of Daxam and a native of Krypton. Because of this, she enjoys the full range of physical capabilities of each race, at full strength. It is unknown whether she shares their weaknesses and vulnerabilities, or at what severity. Inar-Ra has no combat training.


Raised to believe she is the saviour of her people, Inar-Ra spent the majority of her life sheltered and pampered. While she truly has a deep core of compassion and altruism to her character, she also frequently has difficulty dealing with situations where she feels her privilege should trump any and all social matters.
