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Name: Susan ‘Suzy’ Lilith Duncan
Known Relatives:Karen Beecher Duncan- Bumblebee I(mother), Malcom ‘Mal’ Arnold Duncan- Guardian III/Herald/Hornblower( father), Malcom Duncan Jr.-Black Cat( brother)
Hair: Brown
Ht: 5’6”
Wt: 140 lbs.
Group Affiliation: Birds of Prey, G.O.O.D.
D.O. B. 2003

Suzy’s life was more directionless then most second generation heroes. While she had a Superhero Barbie( and her Malibu Secret Base, complete with a Jacuzzi), she never knew she’d wear some silly yellow and black tights and fight E.V.I.L. .

But all that changned one night when she was woken up late on her brother’s 16th birthday. Since he was away at SCHOOL(it really peeved her that he got to go to that cool private school) she didn’t know why she heard HIS voice in the living room. She snuck into the living room and saw him wearing an ULTRA cool suit. Her dad was proud and her mom was talking about all sorts of exo improvements she could make to the suit. Her brother said he wanted none of that, while he’d allow his mom to increase his padding...but that would be that.

Suzy woke up early the next day, for the first time since her brother had moved out, and for the first time EVER made her parents breakfast. When mom asked Suzy what was up, Suzy told her that she wanted ‘ the x- skelotor’ which would allow her to do all sorts of cool stuff. Dr Karen Beecher Duncan had never been as happy with her daughter than at that moment. Mother and daughter then spent the next year and 1/2 training together as mom taught Suzy basic flying, fighting techniques and the history of her fellow African American heroes( of which mom and dad were the first to join a superhero team).

After Suzy’s first public outing as Bumble Bee II, she and her mom were surprised to find Suzy got a letter from G.O.O.D. Dr Karen Beecher Duncan, as an employee of STAR, knew about G.O.O.D. and told her daughter that this was the chance of a life time... Suzy thought it sounded wayy cool, and packed her stuff( including her Superhero Barbie now in a custom Bumble Bee outfit) to move into a G.O.O.D. Secret Base....

Powers and Weapons:
Suzy’s mom Karen Beecher, an accomplished computer technician and electrical engineer, designed and built her Bumblebee costume. Its insect-like wings allow her to hover or fly at great speeds, and by varying their rate of vibration she can use them as sonic disrupters (one frequency even stuns listeners into unconsciousness). Her costume also has a "sting" of sorts, since its antennae absorb solar energy that she can release as blasts of electricity through her eye lenses. The main body of the Bumblebee costume is an insulated, form-fitting exo-skeleton that protects her from sonic feedback and also deflects most blade weapons and small-caliber projectiles. The costume's ear-pieces also help protect her from falling prey to her own wing frequencies.

Suzy’s costume also has a wrist-mounted "honey gun" that fires an incapacitating adhesive

Suzy is major up beat. She enjoys being a member of G.O.O.D. and kicking E.V.I.L.’s butt. . She has sometimes groused that she wished Birds of Prey and G.O.O.D. got more press, like the JLA, but usually is willing to let it slide. Like her brother, she feels that as an African American super hero she has to prove herself more then... say the bat folk on her team. Her team mates might also notice that while Suzy will drool over any guy, most of the guys she actually dates are African American.
