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Name: Sir Kyle Theodore "Ted" Knight II
Alias: Starman
Relatives: Ted Knight (Grandfather, deceased), The Mist I (Grandfather, deceased), Kyle (Uncle, deceased), Nash (Mother, deceased), Sandra Knight (Great-aunt, deceased), David Knight (Uncle, deseased), Jack Knight (Father), Barbara Gordon (Step-Mother), David Gordon (Half Brother), Wilma Payton (half-sister), Clarence O’dare (God Father)
Group Affliation: JLA
Base of Operations:
D.O.B. 1999

2000 was a very hard year for Ted’s father, what with his father's passing, his fiancee deserting him and the death of some of his closest friends, Jack Knight retired from the hero business. His father spent a lot of time calling on Opal's newest resident Oracle for aid in changing Ted's diapers, feeding Ted, clearing up his varied rashes and such. One thing led to another, and the two were eventually wed with a baby coming the year after.

Ted Junior and little David seemed to grow into rivalry from the start. It was always apparent that ted would carry on the Starman name, and David resented him for it. They reminded their father a lot of his own childhood with their late uncle David. If there was ever one thing the two boys ever could agree on though, it was that Wilma Payton was the devil's own seed, and not really their dad's. During her holiday and summer visits the boys made her the constant target of their sibling shenanigans.

Ted is most fond of his Uncle Shade, spending countless hours of his free time absorbing every iota of knowledge that Shade would give him, especially as it pertains to the exploits of his grandpa, his dad and all the other Starmen.

At six, Ted was enrolled in the Theodore Knight Academy (David insisted on public school his whole life to be closer to the O'Dares every day), and it's location in Opal City allowed for him to remain at home while attending. He, along with Archer and others, was among the first classes of graduates from the Academy. A former member of Young Justice, he moved on to the new JLA at its inception.

During the summer after his Senior year at the Academy, Ted vacationed abroad, touring across Europe accompanied by his classmate and good friend, Johan Reilley. Much of the exploits the two experienced abroad have been kept between the two of them. It is known that they met a girl in France, though her name remains unrevealed, and that the girl came to travel with them. At one point during their trip, touring Windsor Castle, the two foiled an attempt by the villain Twilight to steal the crown jewels. Both lads were beknighted for their great deed to Mother England. This is the only event known to the public at large of their time abroad, as it was such a newsworthy affair. Something happened in late August to anger the two towards each other, and they spent the subsequent two years no longer friends, the girl as well went her separate way. It's only in recent months, after each had joined their own respective and different superhero organizations, that the two Knights began to renew their friendship and put past angers behind them.

Training: Ted is trained in most forms of martial arts; excelling in some more than his brother, some less. Most of his training came from the Academy instructors, with a bit of outside tutoring from his step-mother. As a graduate of the Theodore Knight Academy, Ted has a good deal of computer, weapons, combat, and other forms of training suitable to the superhero lifestyle, as well as conventional schooling. Armed with the star rod, he fights crime as the latest man to bear the Starman mantle.
