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Name: Daniel Blaine
Former Aliases: Thom Kallor of Xanthu, Starboy
Age: 28
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Group Affilation: JSA, Legion of Super Heroes (Former), Amazers (Former)
Base of Operations: New Oa
D.O.B. 2974 (Thom), 1992 (Danny-doctored papers)


Horribly distraught over everything to do with his life at the time, Thom Kallor turned his back on the Legion, deciding the time had finally come to accept the destiny he'd learned awaited him--in the past. Breaking into the Time Institude, he stole a Time Bubble and travelled to the year 2013. He buried the Time Bubble in the wilds of Northern Canada, along with his Legion Flight Ring & thumbed his way across continent and into America--ending his trip at Opal City.

Thom spent absolutely zero time looking up Jack Knight, who was happy to see Thom again, though they had met for only such a brief time in the past. With the help of Jack's wife Barbara, Thom was able to create a new identity for himself, one with medical history, school records, birth certificate, etc. He was now Swiss Immigre Daniel Blaine.

Danny spent the next two years getting his name and face out there as the new Starman; first protecting Opal City and then branching out to a more global protection. He spent a lot of time training with whatever heroes Jack and Barbara could call upon to give Danny a hand.

One of these people was the Royal Consort to Queen Diana-- Starshine. A sparring match between the two proved life-altering for Thom. Their powers interacted quite oddly, creating massive amounts of energy feedback. The resultant explosion hospitalized him for a week, and when he recovered he'd found that the accident had somehow metabolized some of his former Daxamite-level powers into returning.

It was shortly after this that Danny began teaming rather regularly with other heroes that would eventually come together to re-form the JSA, and base themselves out of Sentinel's New Oa.

Powers and Abilities

Danny possesses the power to manipulate gravitational fields. Additionally, he possesses a moderate level of super-strength; superspeed clocked at around the speed of lightning--though for short bursts only; electrical-projection vision; and a moderate level of invulnerability--capable of stopping conventional firearms and small explosives (in actuality he lacks any form of invulnerability. Rather, the electrical reactions in his cellular structure fire off the growth of new cells to damaged areas with such speed that he merely regenerates said damage fast enough to make it seem as if he's moderately invulnerable. This process also seems to have stabilized his physical age at 28 years. It's unknown whether his cells are capable of speed-healing damage in great excesses above "moderate" levels).
