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Name: Travis Michael Eberly
Age: 19
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Known Relatives: Ted Eberly (Father), Tina Eberly (Mother), Teddy Eberly Jr. (Super-Tough, Brother), Trevor Eberly (Super-Hot, Brother), Tiffany Eberly (Super-Fast, Sister), Todd Eberly (Super-Senses, Brother), Toby Eberly (Super-Breath, Brother), Tamara Eberly (Sister), Troy Eberly (Brother), Terrence Eberly (Brother), John Eberly (Grand Father), Rich Schurtz (Grand Father), Roberta Schurtz (Grand Mother), Johnette Eberly (Grand Mother)...
Group Affilation: Outsiders
Base of Operations: Detroit
D.O.B. 2001


Travis is the second oldest child in a very large LDS family. He is devout, kind, loyal to friends and family alike. He wears his heart on his sleeve. Sometimes naive, he isn't always as quick to forgive those who take advantage of his naivete. He loves his God and his family with all of his heart, and hopes more than anything else to do them proud.

In his mid-teens he, along with most of his siblings, suddenly developed super powers for seemingly no reason or cause. They just appeared one day; his brother Trevor accidentally burned down his grand father's home when their powers first actualized. Recognizing the powers as a gift from God, his father, along with the Bishop of their Ward set together to begin training the children to properly control their abilities, and to hopefully help do some extra good in the world. They were willingly modeled in their heroic image as an homage to Superman: his purity, his strength, his All-American wholesomeness. Their Bishop believes that the children received their powers as a result of their father's exposure to chemical agents during the Gulf War of the early 1990s--that God saw fit to alter their daddy so that they could be heroes.

Powers and Abilities

Like his siblings, Super-Buff possesses what seem to be a fraction of the powers possessed by Superman himself. In this case, Travis has PHENOMENAL super strength. His other physical attributes (endurance, regenerative capabilities, reflexes, speed, etc.) seem to be stronger than that of regular humans as well, but nowhere in the league of his possessed level of strength (he can run at sustained speeds of 35mph, recover from .45 calibre bullet wounds in minutes [hs skin still bleeds, but the bullets seem to have trouble puncturing his dense, powered musculature], can dodge most things that aren't quicker than his eye can follow etc.).

Travis only has about one yea of training using his powers, as he began his mission soon after and has had less time to save the world while he's been busy saving souls.
