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Alter Ego: Prince Trek of Carggg
Alias: Jacob Walters
Age: 16
Height: 5"9
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Known Relatives: Ivan of Carggg (King, father), Queen Cerse (Mother)


There are many planets left that are yet undiscovered in the galaxy. The planet of Cargiite is indeed one of them. A planet that is as old as the earth itself, or perhaps older. Cargiite is a peaceful world for the most part. The rulers kind and just King and Queen.

King Ivan and his wife Cerse had brought peace to the entire planet many years ago, and went out in the kingdom for a celebration. Soon afterwards the queen had wonderful news. The kingdom would soon have a prince. King Ivan was overjoyed at the news, and announced it to the kingdom who were even more excited about it than the King was. After nine months, little Trek was born. King Ivan spent many hours eduacting Trek. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with his son, even though he was King. Trek learned everything from how to respect the laws of his home, to martial arts. He loved his Mother and Father dearly, and always did his best to live up to their hopes. Which he did to no end. Trek was very bright, and exhausted what his tutors and parents could teach him at the age of 14. From then on, Trek requested if he could travel the planet and learn what he could not at the palace. King Ivan agreed, and Trek went out to enjoy the rest of his planet.

It was at this time when Trek encountered his good friend, Orpheus. Orpheus was being under the attack of bandits, and Trek quickly assisted him, and ran the bandits off. Orpheus was amazed at meeting the Prince and invited him to have dinner with him. Trek agreed and the two were the best of friends traveling together for the next two years. While on their exploration, the two boys discovered an ancient ruin from the war torn days of Cargiite. Cautiously they decided to explore it, as they were always on the curious side of things. As it turned out, it was somewhat of a high powered Solar Cannon which were used to destroy parts of the planet. But such ruins as these were ordered to be destroyed some time ago. Trek knowing this, journeyed with Orpheus to the Palace again, to tell his father the dire news of how the people of his planet could be in grave danger. Overjoyed at his son's caring heart, Ivan sent for the Golden Rod of power to be bestowed upon his son. Trek was quite curious about this artifact, but his father explained it all. The rod was a tool of the old days of Cargiite, when invasion was about to engulf the planet. Scientists made the rod which the king of those days used to help defend the planet. The rod was capable of bestowing great power to the wielder, as long as the wielder's heart was a true one. After the king explained this, he told trek the powers of the tool, and to go and destroy the war ruin. Trek did this with no hesitation, knowing that someone had to be using it in a plot against the planets people. Soon after the incident with the cannon, a being known as Takron appeared ordering the King to surrender the planet to him or he would destroy it. Takron gave the king a month to decide, and as an example of his power Takron destroyed a small town near the capital of Cargitte. The King knowing of only one thing that could possibly prevent the planet from tyrannical rule, told his son that he had to train with the Goldrod and master his powers. Fortunately, Trek was a fast study and had mastered the art of the Goldrod enough to win, with one day to spare. Trek then fully enveloped himself in his Goldrod costume, and went to settle things with Takron. Just as Takron was about to destroy another city on the planet Trek intervined.

The Battle would go down in the history of Cargiite forever. For five days and five nights, both slugged it out in space. Energy blasts would light up the night sky, with gold and red energies. The people of Cargiite cheering for their royal hero. But sadly this was a battle that ended with no winner. As the two were in close quarters of each other, a giganitc black hole appeared as a result of so much energy being expended in space. Both Trek and Takron were swallowed up never to be seen again. Or so they thought......

Trek awoke after a few hours in a completely unknown part of space. He quickly surmised that it wasn't a black hole that had opened, but a wormhole. In attempting to get back to the wormhole, Trek soon discovered that the wormhole was not there, as if it had never existed in the first place. For days it seemed Trek was a drift in space, that is until the Earth's gravitational pull finally got a hold of him and pulled him through the atmosphere eventually landing on earth. Grateful that his armor held up against the expereince Trek then investigated this stange planet. He took the name of Jacob Walters so that he would not arouse suspicion about himself, and delved into every field of study that could be relevant to the information he needed. After a few days Trek realized why the wormhole was not where it should have been in space. The wormhole not only sent Trek into unknown space, but it also sent him 400 years into the past!! This naturally caused a great deal of pain for Trek, as he had never really been away from his parents. Knowing that there wasn't anything else he could do, Trek vowed to always remember his cargittian ways, and to continue to fight for peace, truth, and the pursuit of happiness (He had read a great deal of Earth history) for all of the people of this planet, he learned was Earth. Trek then dubbed himself in memory of his father, GoldRod. He has learned that the majority of superheros on this planet were able to handle themselves quite more effectively when not all of the people knew who they were.

Like all Cargggites Trek can triplicate himself into three people. However, only one of the three can use the rod at one time.

The rest of Trek's/Jacob's powers are derived from his goldrod. The rod stays in a subspace type dimension, until Trek calls for it.

Self sustenance: Trek does not need to sleep, eat, or breathe when he's in his goldrod costume.

Communication: Trek can communicate to his home planet via his power rod, or the people on earth he has met. Though he has yet to tell anyone of his existence.

Body Armor: Treks entire suit is gold and Black. He has a helmet that completely covers his head and face, and keeps him from taking a pretty good deal of damage.

Shield vest: Trek also wears a type of Shield vest over his upper body and shoulders. It is capable of absorbing a blast he's hit with, healing Trek, bouncing an energy attack back at his attacker, and emitting a force shield.

Teleportation: Trek can teleport to anywhere provided he has seen the place before. This is usually how he gets around to various places so fast.

Energy Blasts: Trek can fire energy blasts via the top of the rod. He has mastered this quite well and can fire them at varying levels of power.

The Gold Rush: By far, this is the strongest of Trek's attacks. The golden rod of power envelops all of Trek in a glowing energy, which Trek will use to send himself like a missle to his attackers. After it hits, Trek's teleportation autmoatically kicks in, sending him a few feet from the backlash. Trek uses this power in only the most dire of emergency's as he knows it usually destroys his target outright.

Trek is an extremely honorable young man. Even though he has learned he's completely cut off from his family and people, he has not lost the spirit to fight for what's right. Trek also realizes that there is still much training he needs to do with the Goldrod, until he has finally, completely mastered it.

Trek also has the nagging suspicion that Takron is alive somewhere on Earth, and hopes to stop him from trying to rule this galaxy as he did on Carggg. He knows that it will not be a simple task learning on this planet, but feels that he must do his father proud and defend his ideals. It's a strange new world Trek is now on, but he knows that's after only a few days on this planet, he has countless reasons for wanting to help defend it
