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Nightstrike's Log

Well, we finally got back to the YJ cave after dealing with Arrowette's problem. But I'm not at all pleased with how the things went this time. The main problem was when Steph and I finally got there, and decided to do recon. Astra asked me if she could lay in the car, somewhere out of the line of sight. I told her it was cool, and she informed us after possessing one of the gun-toters, that there was a bomb in the school.

Superboy, Vixen, Imp, and the rest all went undercover with the help of SV's powers. Wondergirl was also back with us, and Trouble is still here as well. Anyways, Steph and I were crawling in the ventilation shafts looking for this bomb. I was trying to use my suit's sensors to try to get a lock on the sucker, but no such luck. But after we looked around the main level and were on our way to the basement, we found out where the bomb was.

Sickly greenish gas started coming out of the basement and into the ventilation shafts. I analyzed what the gas was, and just about hit the floor. It was the Joker's laughing gas, and that was about the time we heard insane laughter come across the intercom. Bart was able to zip down and shut all of the vents, then he took off to find our "Laughing Boy" He found him in the principal's office, and Robin and I were quick to follow. He started lobbing pie's at Bart, and Bart then sent one right back at him. Once it hit, "Quinn Boy" started laughing uncontrollably. I ran through the batcave's computers to get the antidote, but unfortunately, even with my suit it wasn't fast enough. He started frothing at the mouth, and then just laid there. Bart zipped him up to the hospital, while Astra and the others were making dang sure that the boys in the gym were properly taken care of.

So now, most of us are back at the cave. Just a few others are left to get back here, and not 10 minutes since we got back, we have company. I don't really know any of them, but they say they are here for tryouts. Robin has found out that Quinn Boy is actually Daniel Ryder, and that he is the brother of one of the Joker's old gang. So I'm sure we'll be investigating that just a tad. But right now, I think we will probably be dealing with our visitors. I find it disturbing that they managed to show up right when we got back. I'm hoping they'll tell us who told them we were even having tryouts. But I have a bad feeling that much like Bruce, Joker has decided to make a comeback. I hope I'm wrong about all of it, and so does Steph. I need to talk to her as well whatever is wrong with her, I know it has something to do with Tim. At the mention of his name she seems like she got hit below the belt. But that's where I'll have to end this now. I'm hoping this whole imitation Joker boy is just that. An imitation. But I have a bad feeling that I'm right, and the real one is back. I guess time will tell us, and I doubt we'll have to wait long.

Nightstrike Log

Well it seems that today is when we just are flooded with unexpected company. But the second time around, it was Secret and Valor. I couldn't believe it. But there wasn't anytime for that. Valor was dying, and thanks to JJ and his Thunderbolt, we found out that it was magic that was killing him.

Of course I found this out just a little bit later than everyone else, as shortly after we came back, I was visited by "mom". So she took me out to eat, and to talk to me about the living arrangements. She also had some news to tell me. When she did, I was fairly shocked. It seems that anytime, I could have an unexpected visitor, that would be in the same situation I'm currently in. "Mom" and the other speedsters were in the mainflow of the speedforce fighting Savitar. When the Legionnaire Nike, went and pulled Jen, my twin sister who YJ met as Quick, into the main flow to help them fight. Which means that Jen can't go back to where she came from, and she'll try her best to come and find me once she gets her bearings. I have a feeling that she is still in the main flow, as when Jesse told me they all went back to their original times after defeating Savitar, the speedforce would know that if it returned Jen, it would definetly destroy part of itself.

After that, I inquired about if Jesse or Dick had ever met Red Bird. Jesse informed me that she had not, so I guess I had better think of something to tell her when she wakes up. I hope she wakes up. Batman currently is caring for her, and has informed me when she'll be conscious he'll call me.

Jesse told me that they were more than ready to recieve me, and that I can move into the house as soon as I'm done helping Valor. I told her about my speedster gene, so we'll test it once I get there. I just hope with the luck I've been having lately, it doesn't blow me up or something. But I would rather have Jesse there, in case there are any problems. She knows more about this stuff than I do.

But after we talked for a few hours, Steph called me on my comm, telling me I need to get back there. Jesse dropped me off in record time, and wished me luck. That's when the bolt was able to tell us that Valor was currently being hurt by a good magician or something. So he has told us he can teleport us to where this guy is. So that is where I'm ending this now. We're all getting ready and are now ready to go. I just hope that for once, we're on earth for two missions in a row, not the other way around.

Nightstrike Log

Man, if there was ever a place I didn't want to visit again, it would have to be Hell. But yet here we are, as this is the location of the good order mage. But I guess it isn't all bad. I see that we are not going through our personal hells again, and Jesse had even agreed to let me call her mom. I thought it sounded right since her and Dick are going to take me in, and she agreed.

Luckily, we didn't have to worry about much. Neron wanted in exchange for Valor's safety, the little witch brat Klarion. Thanks to JJ and his bolt, that only took a second. After Klarion was presented on a silver platter( I mean that literally) the bolt sent us back to our Justice Cave.

But the things are rarely what they seem, and that was the first thing I learned on this team. No sooner than when we got back, and secret was going after the phantom Zone projector to check on Valor, Joto showed us her true form. It was the execution number 4. I honestly didn't think this happened until 2005, but that just proves I'm in a different world. I have the computer on the nightmobile running through the info on him anyway, if the picture looks the same, I may know exactly how to beat this prick. And Beat him I will. Luckily the other YJ'ers have rage against this guy, which is good for me. I have a ton of hatred for anyone who even thinks about calling themselves an Executioner. But YJ doesn't know why i hate them so much. I hope I won't have to tell them. But if executioner is as bad as my computer banks probably will say he is. I may just have to see if I can build the "Ex Buster armor" in the 20th century. I know it's an extreme measure, and Mom and Dad would probably send me to 50 some odd shrinks if they knew what I was talking about. Heck, YJ even might. But this persona has destroyed many lives, and even more families. One way or another, I want this Legacy ended. But I hope I won't have to design the armor. It even scared Jen. But with my luck, it just may come to that. But if it prevents the deaths and emotional distress of losing loved ones, can I really say "No"?

Nightstrike Log

Well, I'm happy to so report that we have succeeded in our first round with the Executioner. JJ and the Bolt, along with Astra, and the others literally messed him up. All of his bullets and Astra's mind powers dropped him in less than a second. So Robin called the JLA, and superwoman showed up shortly after. It was pretty weird meeting Kara. But I'm going to have that feeling for a while. It's not everyday you're shaking hands with ghosts.

Anyway, I let my temper get the better of me again. Kicked the son of a....something or other right square in the ribs with my strength enhancers on. Trouble was the only one to pick up on it. Luckily, when I came back out to meet superwoman, I remembered to hide what I was working on. I can't let them know.....not yet. I know it's not going to be my favorite thing to bring up, but if our plan works I won't need to worry about.

After we nailed the Executioner, Steph had this idea of fooling the Executioner's mind in to thinking he had accomplished his mission. For some odd reason, he wanted Secret, but he didn't get too far. So SV and Astra are working on his head, while the rest of us get ready for some heavy duty combat. I've switched my suit a little bit. Put the stuff Bruce had made me back in, I hope it's enough. This is the one chance I'm giving myself to stop him without putting the armor on. So if we fail, I nail him. I still don't know if I will kill him if push comes to shove. Maybe I can stop him without killing him, but his regeneration powers may not give me the chance. But then I remember the last fight Dad had with him. Dad had no choice either. He took a full blast right in the chest, was dead before he hit the ground. But he was also able to give the final blow to the Executioner. He knew he was going to die, and made sure the Executioner was going with him. Dad won't die this time. I'm here, and I'm older than I was last time. This guy wants to dance with the Bat-Family. I'm making sure I'm on the top of his card. But that is where I'll have to end this for now. SV and Astra are waking up Exie, so we're all taking our positions and getting ready to follow. I hope this works, and we all walk away from this one. I guess time will tell...........

Nightstrike Log

Well our plan to deal with Exie didn't go as planned, though I know now what I'm going to do next when I see him again, I realize I wish it had. After we let Exie teleport away, my tracer soon picked him up. He was moving away from a UPS building, heading south. Only problem was, Astra was picking him up watching a UPS truck go south.

So after we told Steph the dilemna, I realized that Secret could be in the fed-ex truck, being delievered to whoever wanted her. JJ and the Bolt then teleported part of us to stop the truck, the other half to check on the UPS building. But the Executioner must have known our plan all along. As soon as we got there, bullets started riddling the building, and Aura got hit.

Luckily the bolt protected her, then we were all teleported to an Aztek temple that I guess is where Robin went nuts with his ring before they met me. Exie had disappeared from the rooftops from where he was shooting, which is why we're here now. If I only had a little more time, I could have burrowed right under that *&^% and put a hurting on him.

But currently, we're all at the temple figuring out what to do next. I told Steph a little about the Executioners in my time, which is a lot more than I wanted to. But It's going to come out sooner or later anyway. She was feeling kind of in the dumps over what happened, I told her to stop it. I mean, it was a good plan, but this guy's power of telepathy must not have too much of a limit. She felt a little better afterwards to which I was glad.

But that is where I'll end this now. I'm hoping we meet up with this guy again soon. I tried to do it the traditional "Bat-Family" way one last time. But when you're dealing with Executioners, that gets you dead. Dad realized this a little too late in 2020, along with some of the heroes he fought with against him. It won't happen again. I know now that there's no way I can avoid what I have to do. My armor goes on, and the Executioner goes down....

Nightstrike Log

Gee guess it's been a while since I've written in this thing. But then again, so much stuff has happened in my life over the past few days it's all been kind of a blur. After we got ourselves out of the YJ temple, Steph decided we all needed to take a vacation. So Astra and Trouble went out on a date, Steph, Cassie, and JJ and the bolt, went to the set of Angel, Kon and Vixen did their own thing, and I completed the psionic scrambler in my armor so that if Exie ever does come looking for us again, I'll be ready.

After that, I decided I would go and see Katie before I headed for home. I was there for a good half hour before both Mom and Dad came in. They were both in costume, so I knew something was up. Sure enough, they had found out about Batman, so I was between a rock, a hard place, and a wall. Dad gave me that disapproving glare that I hate, but I really couldn't think of anything to say. I wanted to tell him Wayne was alive, but it wasn't my place to say.

But on the plus side, Katie is doing quite well regarding her recovery. I hope she wakes up soon. She's the only girl in my life that's ever gotten me to open up the way I that I have. Batman also informed me that Huntress had been almost killed by the Executioner, and her team the Outsiders are looking for him. I hope they find him, but are also prepared to find him. Dad and Batman also informed me what happened with Tim. No wonder Steph has been so out of it. I might talk to her about it after our YJ meeting coming up. Besides, I still haven't told her the great news that Mom told me regarding Jen. I don't really know how Steph will react to this, but I think she will give Jen the same chance she did me. I also need to tell her that Mom and Dad both know Batman is back now, I'm hoping I get a chance to. Batman informed me in the hospital that they were going to go and rescue Tim. Steph would be going with, along with Jason Todd, Batman of course, and finally Dad. Batman didn't feel he would need me on this one, which is fine as it will give me a chance to get acquainted with a home life, and spend some time with mom that's a little bit longer than in a restaurant. I kind of wish Dad would stick around, but Tim was always a little brother type to Dad, so I can't really blame him.

I also need to ask him if he's ok with me calling him Dad. I know Mom didn't mind, but I'd like to ask him before I just spring it on him. But I believe that is where I'm going to have to end this now, Steph is getting ready to call us here at the cave to order for the meeting, and I don't want her coming into the tech lab wondering what I've been doing in here. So Until next time. No doubt I'll have a lot to write about in the weeks to come, but here's to hoping that the circumstances don't get any worse.

Nightstrike Log

Man, It’s been some time since I wrote in this thing, but so far nothing bad has happened yet. The meeting went ok, and I later found out Steph’s mission was going to go and rescue Tim from Ra’s Al Ghul. I sure hope Tim is ok. But with the majority of the Bat-family there, maybe I should be worried more about Ra’s.

Anyway, I’m happy to report that Dad gave me my equipment back. He realized I pretty much knew the ropes and was quite pleased with how responsible I have been in the past using them. He also seemed quite pleased when I called him Dad for the first time. It feels so weird having a family again. It seems like the last three years of my life I’ve woken up from like a bad dream or something. Anyway, I’m currently at home on leave from YJ as Mom and Dad wanted me to spend some time with them. Personally I could use the break being I can’t honestly remember the last time I had one wether YJ did or not. I’ve also been invited to Kara’s wedding which I told her I would bring Katie with too attend. She should be feeling a lot better by then, I just hope she’ll be ok mentally. When I think about how close she came….It makes me want to strap my armor on now and rip the breeders that make them a new one.

But on to more pleasant things. I’ve currently constructed a rice grenade that will be quite satisfactory for Kara’s ceremony. I hope she likes it. But I still don’t know what to get her for a gift. I know it will be something I construct, perhaps a holo-program or something. We’ll have to see. But that is where I’m going to end this for now. I told Mom I planned on going in my costume and I have a feeling I’ll be avoiding her to stay out of a tux until the wedding. Which is pretty dang hard when she can travel around the house like 4 times before you can even blink. But it’s all in good fun. Hopefully Kara’s wedding goes without a hitch, and they have a long and happy future to come.

