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Real Name: John Martin Raymond-Zatara
Known Relatives: Ronald Raymond (Firestorm; father), Zatanna Zatara(mother), Cindel Zatara (sister, deceased), John Zatara (grandfather, deceased), Cindella (?) (grandmother, deceased).
Base of Operations: San Francisco.
Occupation: Mage.
Group Afflitian: JLA 2020
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 20
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Hazel
D.O.B. 2000

Powers: Extremely powerful sorcery and magic. He is especially adept at elemenatal fire magic from his father.

History: John is the very powerful son of Firestorm and Zatanna. When one is the child of two of the most powerful super heroes on the planet, one tends to have a very interesting childhood. His powers developed young, and by the time most children are able to crawl, he was throwing fireballs across the room. (It was a good thing Firestorm could make the walls of the house into indestructible metal)

Of course, a child of such power, became a target for the various supervillains who had a problem with his parents. By age 10, he had been kidnapped six seperate times, by the likes of Wizard and Wotan, and threatened numerous times more. At 13 years old, he and his father were attacked by Killer Frost. Frost, nearly killed John and his father, but John's powers fully developed at this point. Losing control when Frost was about to kill Firestorm, John melted her.

John's life knew other tragedies as well. When he was four, his infant sister died of Leukemia, and his mother miscarried three other children. This proved a greater and greater strain on his parents' relationship. His father had fallen off the wagon and begun to drink again once it was discovered that it was his own irradiated cells that had caused the leukemia and miscarriages. His return to alcoholism, the death of Cindel, and finally the death of Killer Frost, proved too much, and scant months after that disaster, Zatanna moved herself, and John, out of the house and brought John to the Theodore Knight Academy for further instruction in his powers, as well as for regular visits with the Parliament of Embers. This is scant weeks before the Magic War, and his enrollment in the Academy was likely a means on Zatanna's part of keeping him safe.

John was sent to school with some of the most powerful wizards and elementals after that. After learning to control his powers, John became more aware of the world around him. He also began to regret more and more on what he did to Frost. He made several attempts to bring her back to life, all of which failed. As his control over his powers increased, he grew more aware of the world around him, and has developed senses unknown to normal humans.

John joined the JLA when it was reformed at 19 years old, as Magus. Since then, he has pretty much spent all his time on the team.

Personality: John comes across as a total spacecase most of the time. Due to his extremely high level of power, he tends to see and think about things on a totally different level then most humans. What he sees important and what he sees as silly, often doesn't match normal human concepts. This has made him very dependent on his teammates at times to bring him back to earth.
