(Hanson StoryBook Land)
nce, not so long ago, there was a girl named Mae (me) who wrote Hanson stories for fun. One day she decided to put up her Hanson stories for all to see. Only the greatest of the great came to see her writings on her home (website.) She decided to share her home with all the wonderful authors of the cyberspace. These author's stories centered around three young princes by the names of Isaac Taylor and Zachary Hanson. Hopefully one day these princes will stumble upon Mae's home (website) and read her and her friends' writings. ;)
(***UPDATE~ I have added a couple more chapters to "Moving away".***)
Short Story Books |
Short Story Book #1 |
Chapter Books |
Chapter Book #1 |
Chapter Book #2 |
Novel Books |
Novel Book #1 |
***Maybe I should explain. Each book wether it be S.S., Chapter, or Novel will contain more then 5 stories. No stories are curretnly up yet, so I wouldn't try pushing the links yet, but if you are a Hanson writer then please go to the Guidelines Page and see if your story makes the cut. Please, I need authors like you to help make this page great. Thanks.***
HSBL was created Nov. 2, '98
Everyone must now sign the all mighty G-Book
"Rantings Of The Mind."
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