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here are some rumors about pokemon

1.Ash buys Misty a new Bike
2.Brock gets a girlfriend
3.Ash and Misty kiss
4.pikachu evolves in the show
5.Ash catches all the pokegodzZ
6. When Ash and Misty grow up, they get married
7.Ash meets his real father is said that magikarp can turn into a more powerful pokemon than gyarados!
9.there could be an ultra rod in the game that leads you to cobblestone town =)
10.pikablu fights squirtle.
11.Pikachu beats Mewtwo in battle.
12.there is a mewthree.
13.butterfree comes back to ash!!!!

a way big thanks to pikaplant for rumors#10-13 =)

please email me w/ more pokemon rumors if u have some at