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August 30 to September 1, 2003
Saturday to Monday
Individual Comments

Jaime Buyayo

Manongs and iibadida,

Inspiring, expiring or perspiring talks are all welcome in any Re-union events.  Manong

Ray's sharing was definitely inspiring but because the delivery was at almost "nungawa'y

algo' I believe some were perspiring.  I like to refer to the Ifugao Association of California

as the "Re-union" because tha't's how it was fondly known in the beginning and not to

cause any confusion.

The tapes of the 'gotad' during the 37th Ifugao foundation are now 'digitalized'.  My son,

Alan, and John C. are working hard at it.  The tapes together are almost nine hours long,

some parts (audio-visual) are not so clear but it will be condensed and clean out to

something presentable.  I have seen the 'trailer' (like a patalas-tas) of it and I was

impressed.  We hope that it will come out fine but I will do whatever it takes to make it

into fruition.  We will hear from John C. when it is ready.  For those of us who are lining

to get a hold of a copy we just have to wait a bit.   :)  Thanks –jaime



Manong Vic,

An organization such as ours cannot survive without the  $$ or its proper

accounting.  I know of some fil-am some organization that got dissolved due

to money matters.  So, we thank you very much.  When it comes to chores at

camping or other events just your presence alone is more than enough

specially when you want to taste Noli's pinakbet which is the best in the

west.  Anyway, the camping was fun and I'm glad that everyone enjoyed.  I

liked Hermie's high-tech shower.  Everyone showed their can-do attitude  :-)




The Ifugao ILA is the official publication of the provincial government of Ifugao.  It is a

monthly publication.  I got a copy from atadeboy himself when he was with us during

"The Camping" and I definitely would like to subscribe.  I would like to invite you all to

do the same.  Our subscription is one way of helping its publication besides getting

detailed news on what is going on in the province.  I understand that anyone can also

contribute, advertise, make comments, etc., on the paper but reading it gave me this

feeling of a little "homesickness."

Anyway, please give it a thought on subscribing.  The Gov. or one of his staff, I'm sure,

will direct us on how to do this.  Thank you and have a good day.



P.s.  My profound thanks to the Governor and everyone who graced it for highlighting

our camping and making it "The Camping" and of course to Johnny G, who scouted

the place,  and company who got down and dirty to make sure that food and wine

were always flowing... hagiyeee!! 

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