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Air Power

Air is another of the vital elements that we need to survive. Air is the power of movement; of freshening, and intelligence. Air is comprised of different kinds of invisible gases that we breathe in every day. In magical terms, Air is also the power of the mind and intelligence. Any magic needed to inspire thought or affect thought processes is ruled by the power of Air.

To Stimulate Creativity

For this spell you’ll need a wind instrument of some kind, like a flute or recorder. If you don’t know the instrument, pracitice with it so that you will be able to make it produce the desired sounds.

Then do the following: light a yellow candle. Hold the flute before it while saying these, or similar words,

“Music magic come to me; music magic let me see. Music wakes the muse in me; music magic come to me. Music magic opens me to the music mystery. Mystic mind awakened be. Music magic sets me free.”

Visualise yourself completing whatever it was that you need the inspiration for. Now play a short tune on the instrument, allowing the instrument to bring forth it’s magic through music.

Once this is done, set the instrument down, keeping it within your sight, and sit down and go to work. If your conscious mind blocks again, play the instrument again, and then go back to work.

When you’re finished, snuff out the candle, and place it, along with the instrument, in a safe place for later use.

Protection Chimes

For this you’ll need a set of windchimes. They are available in a lot of places. They are ruled by the element of Air, and can be used to protect your home from intruders and negative energies.

Get a set of chimes (make them, or buy them), and make sure that they emit a definite sound. Before you hang them outside, charge them to do their task with this ritual.

Place the windchimes on a flat surface in your place of magic. Gaze down at them, realising that they’re lifeless, still and unmoving. Wave your projective hand over them while saying:

“Wind chimes; spell rhymes; spell chimes; wind rhymes. Air primes spell chimes; nine times nine.”

Lift the chimes from the string from which they will be hung. Hold them before your face, and blow against the noise maker, visualising the tones scattering and driving away all negativity.

Hang them up outside, with visualisation, and let the chimes do their work. For the best results, repeat this ritual every nine days.

The Weather Strip

Use this to raise the winds at land or sea. In an old rawhide thong about an arms length, tie a knot 3 inches from the end, a second knot 6 inches from the first, and a third knot 9 inches from the second. As each knot is tied, visualise the winds being trapped within the knots. A light breeze within the first knot, a strong wind in the second, and a gale in the third. To activate the spell, simply untie the knot corresponding to the wind you wish to summon.

To Stop the Winds

Gather four feathers, preferably one of each of these colors; white, black, blue and yellow, to represent the four winds. Take these feathers and tie them together tightly with a thick cord. While you do this, visualise the winds being bond together into one. Place the feathers in the bottom of a bowl, and cover them completely with salt so that they aren’t visible. This will bind and earth the winds (do this with visualisation), and they should abate.

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