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Babylonian Magick

Babylonian Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

1. The Cup

Face East, with arms at side, and vibrate: "Thou art". Raise arms to form a cross and vibrate: "The Kingdom". Touch the right shoulder with left hand, vibrate: "And the Power". Touch the left shoulder with the right hand, vibrate: "And the Glory". Lower head, vibrate: "To the Ages, Amanu".

2. The Circle.

Move to the East, face West and vibrate: "Enuma elish la nabu shamu". Walking widdershins (counter clock-wise), trace the circle, returning to the East.

3. The Pentagram

Facing East, raise your hands to form a triangle on your brow, visualize a pentagram there, and vibrate: "Anshar" Fling the pentagram forward with your hands, towards the barrier of the circle, vibrate: "Shamshi". Move and face North, repeat the first gesture, at the first point, vibrate: "Kishar". At the second, vibrate: "Bel". Move and face West, repeat. At the first point, vibrate: "Lahamu". At the second, vibrate: "Sassuru". Move and face South, at first point vibrate: "Lahmu". At the second: "Ilu"

4. Calling of the Guardians

Return to the center, facing East. Raise arms to form a cross, call the guardian deities of the four corners, vibrating: "Shamshu ina pa-ni-ia. Nerakkal ina im-ni-ia. Suen ina ar-ki-ia. Ninurta ina-su-me-li-ia."

5. The Consecration

Lower arms to the side, after a few moments pause, raise the right in belssing and proclaim: "From the Gate of Air to the Gate of Water. From the Gate of Earth to the Gate of Fire. From the Holy of Holies to the Outer Wall. Let a sanctuary of Strength be established. By the word of Dur-an-ki."

6. The Cup

Repeat Part 1, and the ritual is complete.

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