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Ever mind the rule of three
Three times what thou givest returns to thee.
This lesson well, thou must learn
Thee only gets what thou dost earn!

Remember that? This is something that you should always keep in mind when using any sort of binding against another person. Make absolutely sure to banish all anger/hatred towards this person; only work a binding to protect yourself against, or rid yourself of this person. No feelings of hatred should be lingering, as this will only come back to you threefold in the end (see 'The Law of Power' under the 'What is Magick?' link on the index page). It stated that you may only use the power against another person with their consent (which you probably won't have if you're doing something like this), to protect yourself from them, or to protect them from doing something potentially harmful against themselves.

When doing bindings, it's very important to use correspondences (that section is finished and waiting for you to look at), as well as choosing the right moon phase and day of the week (Saturdays, being ruled by Saturn, and the best). Also, another excellent thing to have is a sympathy item from that person (a sympathy item is something personal of theirs, like a lock of hair, fingernail, ring, etc.). This creates a focus for the power to go to.

I've included some bindings below, a few of them are mine (and have worked wonders for me!). Enjoy, but please be careful!

Poppet Binding

Materials needed: Make a cloth doll (leaving the head unstiched for stuffing), needle and black thread, a sympathy item from the subject, black ribbon, burning pot, sterilized needle, paper and pen, a black candle at each quarter of the circle plus one extra.

Cast a circle using whichever method you prefer, placing a black candle at each of the quarters. Call the quarters (be sure to call ones appropriate to what you're little cutsie-pie fairies here!). Evoke deities to serve your purpose (I'd suggest deities of protection, NOT vengeance!) Light the extra black candle, concentrating deeply on the person. Take the personal item and stuff it into the head of the doll, and then sew it shut. Wrap the black ribbon around the poppet's head, concentrating intently on your desire taking effect. While doing this, chant:
"With harm to none, my will be done.
I hereby bind you (name of person)
Your words cannot harm me.
Your thoughts cannot harm me.
You cannot harm me."
Continue chanting to raise power, and channel it all into the poppet, but see the poppet as the actual person coming under the effects of your spell. Now is the time to seal the spell. Sign the paper with your full name (or, if you have a sigil, use that instead if you prefer). Prick your finger with the sterilized needle (I know what you're thinking....Owwie, eh?) and place a drop of your blood over the signature. Fold the paper three times over, and burn it in the pot. Meditate on the flames, seeing the spell being sealed and taking its desired effect on the person. If working with others, join hands and all meditate on the same thing. Feel the power surge around the circle as the spell is bound.
When finished, ground and center.
Release the circle, thank the God and Goddess for Their protection and power. Take the doll and bury it as far away as you can from yourself within the next three days.

Binding and Bidding

Obtain a photograph of the subject, or point directly at them with your directing hand (usually the hand you write with. Just be discreet, you don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, do you? ;-)) While either pointing at the photo or the person, chant:
"I touch the inner soul
of this man/woman with my finger.
I sent the heart of MANA
into his/her soul
I burn out all the coldness.
I burn out all the suspicion.
I burn out all the jealousy.
I burn
all the poison up.
All the dead things up
I burn through the shackles on love.
He is changed. He is changed."
Chant this over three times, each time sending power out of your directing hand towards the person/photo.

Cauldron Binding

Set your cauldron on the altar between 2 black candles, with another black candle oppostie you on the other side of the altar. Burn a protective incense (see herb correspondences). Have the name(s) of the subject(s) written on a piece of paper. Sprinkle basil and elder flowers into the cauldron and say:
"Bubble, bubble, cauldron bubble.
Burn the evil, destroy the trouble."
Light the paper from the candle opposite you and drop it into the cauldron. While doing so, concentrate on your power having effect. See the results of the spell in your mind's eye; think with power. Take up your wand or athame and stir the air above the cauldron while chanting:
"Darkness ended. Control is done.
Light has come. My battle's won."
Take the ashes outside, and throw them to the winds up towards the moon.

Binding vs. gossip and slander

For this, you'll need a small piece of white cloth, a black felt pen, a needle with black thread, a black candle, and a small jar.
Begin by drawing your subject's face on the white cloth; make it as distinctive as you can (like, if the person wears glasses, draw glasses. If they have facial hair, draw that too). Light the black candle, and take up the needle and thread. Begin to sew over the mouth on the face that you just drew. While doing so, concentrate on that person being helpless to slander; not being able to utter a single negative thing about you or anybody else. Continue this visualization until you have completely sewn the mouth shut. If you can, also have a sympathy item from this person to create a focus. Place the cloth (and the sympathy item, if you have one) into the jar and seal the lid as tightly as you can. While doing this, concentrate on sealing the spell as you are the jar's lid; it will last as long as the lid stays on the jar. Seal the lid with wax from the candle and keep it somewhere safe. Remember, if the jar breaks, so does the spell!

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