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Earth Power

The Earth is our mother. It is nurturing to all life, no matter which form it takes. It exists as moist soil, dry sand, and of course, the physical representation which are stones. We couldn’t exist as we are without the earth. The planet we live on is merely a manifestation of this element. True Earth energy also exists within ourselves and throughout the entire Universe.

A Book Binding Ritual (to ensure it’s return)

Those of us who study magic are often very fond of books. This fondness often extends to our lending the books out to friends, which could mean that we’ll never see them again.

This ritual incorporates knot magic to harness and hold the power of the earth. In magic, knots represent intangible goals (such as the return of loaned property), and to absorb personal power.

Before you loan the book, hold it between your palms. Send personal power into it while saying:

“By hill and wind. By flame and brook. By shining moon and sea. I place a bind upon this book that it return to me.”

Wrap one foot of plain white cotton string around the book, securing the string with a knot. Knot tightly, but leave enough slack so that you can slip the string off without having to untie the knot.

As you tie the knot, visualise the book returning to you, and say once again:

“By hill and wind. By flame and brook. By shining moon and sea. I place a bind upon this book that it return to me.”

Slip off the knotted cord, and put it in some secret place. As you loan the book out, say the chant again (under your breath, if you prefer) the book should indeed return to you. Once it has, untie or cut the cord, it has done what it was supposed to.

A Rite for the Earth

This isn’t really a spell, per se, rather it’s a ritual designed to give energy back to the Earth.

Light no candles. Burn no incense. Go into the wild to perform this spell, a place far away from humans. If this is impossible, work this in your area of magic. There have ready a potted plant, or four plain stones.

Sit on the ground, and place you hands beneath you (or onto the stones, if inside). Visualise the Earth from space as a blue/white sphere of positive, whole, healed energy. Experience it as a living organism. When you’re ready, say:

“Pure are the caves and the plains. Pure are the sod and hills. Pure are the winds and skies. Pure are the lakes and rills. Pure are the clouds and rains. Pure are the woods and trees. Pure are the valleys deep. Pure are the bays and seas.”

Renew your visualisation, then begin again:

“Pure are the birds that fly. Pure are the hounds and bats. Pure are the fish and whales. Pure are the hares and cats. Pure are the owls and snakes. Pure are the stags and deer. Pure are the lizards green. Pure are all creatures here.”

Once again, renew your visualisation. Feel the earth. Block out all thoughts of the damage that humans have done to the planet. See the Earth as a whole, healed being. Then say these words, or whatever else comes to mind:

“As I receive your energy, now receive mine.”

Pour your personal power out through your palms and into the Earth (or stones, or the plant). Gently send it spiralling down into our planet, lending it the strength to survive. Willingly give of yourself for a few moments while visualising that shining blue planet hanging in the sky. After a few moments, end the ritual by lifting your hands and standing. (If performing this rite indoors, place the stones or the potted plant on the ground outside to allow the Earth to absorb it’s energy.)

It is done.

A Clay Spell (to mend a broken heart)

You’ll need a small bit of clay or any type or colour. Red is ideal for this spell, but not necessary. Also have a small container of water nearby, a sheet of waxed paper, and a round box of some sort.

Form a circle by pressing together the tips of your thumb and ring finger of your left hand. Make a ball of clay so that it can pass through this circle.

Smooth and knead the clay while thinking of your heart-breaking situation. Really work out your frustrations, anger and pain on the clay. Punch it, squeeze it, break it into small pieces, but always reform it into a ball again. (Note: do not blame another person for this anger while doing so) Wet your fingers throughout the spell (if needed) and keep the clay moist.

Now smooth the ball into a thick, flat circle on the waxed paper. Push and tug it into a rough heart shape. Lift it from the paper and, holding it with both hands, rip it apart. Say:

“This is what was”

After a few seconds, tenderly lay the pieces back onto the waxed paper and put them back together, smoothing over the broken edges until it is restored to the shape it was to begin with. Release all the anger, fear, hatred, and guilt that you feel about the relationship, affirming that these emotions are now in the past. Say:

“This is what is.”

Carefully lift the heart and lay it over your own, pressing the cool clay against your bare skin. Feel its energy entering you, healing you, smoothing you.

When finished, place the heart in a round wooden or cardboard box and leave it there for use as needed. (If the clay hardens, fill the box with rose petals and keep as a symbol of your self-love)

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