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Egyptian Magick

Throughout the text of the rituals, there are certain terms used that need to be known before the ritual is begun. "Travelling in the Body of Light", refers to astral travelling. The Egyptians would always refer to the astral body as the Body of Light. "A Truth Speaking Magician", is an honest person, capable of telling nothing but the truth. This is something that is required of all people wishing to practice these rituals.

The following short spell is to be spoken over the body of the recently deceased person. This particular ritual was written for King Pepi I (from the VIth dynasty); to use this spell, simply replace the name of Pepi with the name of the deceased. This spell illustrates a general type of prayer offered by the Kher-Heb priest, who is said to have formed a telepathic link with the disembodied consciousness to Pepi. The opening statement prepares the priest with the proper attitude required to preform the spell. Then, at the beginning of each section, he again states "this is Pepi" to reaffirm the psychic connection. A clear mental image of the deceased must be maintained while the words are spoken. After the prayer, a final positive note is given: "This Pepi is with Tem," and an image is formed of the deceased with the god Tem. If the spell is carried out effectively, the disembodied consciousness of the subject will be transferred to a spiritual state associated with the qualities of Tem, whose name means "perfection".

The spell mentions three parts of man's occult constitution: the ka, the ba, and the sekhem. The ka is similar to the astral body of occultism, and contains the emotions. The ba is similar to the soul. The sekhem is power or energy and is similar to the "prana" of Hindu and Buddhist yoga and the "chi" of Chinese yoga. Sekhem is the vital force that flows through the channels (khet) of the subtle body or aura (ant) in the same way that blood (tef) flows through the arteries of the physical body (khat). To avoid confusion, these three terms have not been translated in the spell.

A Spell for the Dead

"Hail to this Pepi. Now, you may rise up and stand. May you be purified. May your ka be purified. May your ba be purified. May your sekhem be purified. May you come to your mother. May you come to Nuit in the great Region of Unification where she will purify you. This is Pepi. Behold, you are spiritual. Hail to this Pepi. May you be purified. May your ka be purified. May your sekhem be purified and dwell with the spirits. May your ba be purified and dweel with the gods.

Hail to this Pepi. May your limbs, and your bones, and your organs, and your head come before Seb. May he keep inequity away from you. This is Pepi with Tem."

How to travel in the Body of Light.

This ritual is to be spoken over the statue of a golden ba inlaid with precious stones which is to be worn around the neck of the magician. (The ba is depicted as a hawk with a human head, this is what the human soul was thought to look like.) This is a ritual to help the soul (ba) be like one’s body (khat) in the Magickal Universe. It must be performed by a qualified magician.

Consider the god Anniu, the god who brings things about. Consider the god Pehreri, the god who perfects things by repitition, who is in his hall and say to him:

”O Great God, may you come to me and to my soul wherever it might be. Then may tchefau (divine food) be brought to me and my soul wherever it might be. I can use the Eye of Horus. I can rise up and come forth with it along the path of the divine initiates, at the time of leaving the body. I am a magician, who speaks truth to the dead who are Annu, the land which thousands have a correspondence with. May I obtain my soul. I will be a truth speaking spirit with it wherever it might be. Then those gods of heaven will be guardians of my soul. The tchefau will be given by you and my soul will see my body that has lost consciousness. I can use the Eye of Horus. I can rise up and come and come with it along the path.”

Consider the gods of solidification, who pull along the boat of the Lords of Millions of Years, and who bring it across the Heaven of the Tuat, over the pathways of the Goddess of the Night sky who takes souls in their spirit bodies, and say to them:

”May your two arms be full. May you keep to the middle. May you hold onto it ( to the rope of the boat). May you give solidification. May you hold back the Serpent of Death.”

Rejoice, for the boat brings the mighty god of Peace. Now say:

”You must let the soul of this magician, truth-speaking, come before the gods of truth-speaking, who are in their sublime flesh in the horizon in the eastern part of Heaven, where I will be led to the place where I was yesterday in peace’ the peace that is of Amentet”

Close by saying:

”May my soul see my body. May it rest in its spirit body. May it not lose consciousness. May it not lose the Throne of the body, ever.”

The Ritual for opening a Door for the Ba

If this ritual is performed correctly, one can come into light, and his soul (ba) will not be detained.

This is a ritual of opening a door for a living being, so that the soul (ba) and the shadow (khaibit) can come into light with power on two feet. It must be performed by a magician who is truth-speaking.


”I will open up the door that was sealed up to prevent consciousness from being lost. I will open up the door for my soul that is there. I have obtained the Eye of Horus and have established a new body on the brow of Ra. I have come a long way to the true Throne on two feet. I have tread this great path so that my body components will be developed. I am Horus, the avenger of his father, who brings the Urert Crown along its proper channel, and who opens up the door of the pathways for souls. My soul is one that can see the Great God in the subtle regions, and the boat of Ra on The Day of Souls. My soul is the forefront among those who can influence the passing years. I have obtained the Eye of Horus for my soul and have established a new body on the brow of Ra. Divine light shines upon the faces of those who are with Osirified body compnents. I have not lacked initiations for my soul, nor powerful guardians for my shadow, but I have opened up the door of the pathway for my soul and for my shadow. My soul can see the Great God in the subtle region, and the Ka-shrine that influences the Day of Souls.”

These words spoken by a qualified magicians must be repeated to those in the Subplanes of Solidification on the Thrones, and to the Powerful Guardians of Osirified Body Components and the Guardians of Souls and Spirits, and to those who seal up the dead and those who make trouble for you may advance along the pathway to you, and their divine hearts will be with you. Your soul and your spirit are capable of leading them.

Now say:

I have sat with the Initiator of the House of Great Ones and the Initiator of the Throne of the Gods. I have not lacked initiation.”

Close by considering this: It is said that the Guardians of Osirified Body Components and the powerful Guardians of Souls can seal up the shadow of the dead. It is said that this will increase one’s time in Heaven.

The Ritual of Encountering Friends and Relatives in the Magickal Universe (be they dead or asleep)

This is the ritual of encountering deceased friends or family members in the magickal universe. Any being that is either dead or asleep can be encountered there.

To begin, leave you physical body, enter into your Body of Light and say,

”Greetings to the God Ra. Greetings to the God Tem. Greetings to the God Seb. Greetings to the Goddess Nuit, and those who can help at this time, and to those who pass through the sky, and to those who pass through the earth, and who pass through the waters.”

Concentrate on you deceased friends and relatives, and say,

”I can encounter my deceased relatives. I can encounter my father. I can encounter my mother. I can encounter my sons and daughters and my brothers and sisters. I can encounter my friends. I can encounter those who have done services for me. I can encounter my friends who can cause events to take place at this time.”

A Master of the Earth may encounter you, or your mistress, or your beloved. You must be conscious at the time that this occurs. Behold, the God Qema-ur (the God of discrimination) can be encountered at this time.

Those who are your children or you mistress are the concern of heart at this time. They may be encountered at this time. Those who were your friends are people who cause events to take place at this time. Now, a Mater of the Earth is one who can travel about in his subtle body (physical body) in order the help at this time.

The appearance of your father and of your mother may be encountered at this time. You’re deceased relatives can be both male or female, or one’s men-friends, or one’s woman-friends.

Now you must travel about in your Body of Light. You will encounter others at this time. People who have protected you from evil can be seen at this time, and those who were brotherly to you. Any person who has done you a favour or some sort of service in the past, can be encountered here.

Consider the Master of the Earth. He has a mind and a heart that are provided by the god Ra. His mind and emotions are upon the Altar of the Gods: no longer needing food, no longer like the white of an egg, no longer the inheritor of a mortal temple, no longer bound by uncontrollable forces, no longer attached to the Khent-Boat. Now you can receive your own father or mother. An entire group of your deceased relatives may appear at this time, or a group of friends. These people are the concern of heart at this time.

Now, a Master of the Earth is one who can bring you together at this time with any of your deceased relatives who dwell in heaven, earth, in the after-state, in the divine waters of heaven, in Askeb, in the Nile, or anywhere else they might be.

Visualise the Goddess Hathor and say:

”Greetings to the Goddess Hathor who will be here at this time.”

Now, if during your life you were provided for by the God Seb, you will have a sister at this time, or a wife, waiting in the Great Field. It is said that she will be able to help. A sister or wife, at this time, will wait in the Great Field. She will help you to travel about in your heart and will try to please you.

Now you must have control over the group of deceased people you are with. Those who travel about in the heart can be enamoured. It is known that they can go about in circles at this time. You will exist in those places and in those conditions and with those beloved ones who are the fruition of those seeds sown upon the earth. A sister/wife at this time can help you do this. The Goddess who can help you at this time the most is the Goddess Nuit. You can also be helped by the Great Work of the God Reretha, who helps every soul and every God. Deceased relatives at this time might also help one. At this time the Magick of one’s Master can help one, and also the God Ra.

When you are finished meeting with your friends and relatives, return your Body of Light to your physical body.

Note: People using this ritual might want to keep a pencil and paper handy to record any experiences. It is important to record information learned while travelling in the Magickal Universe, as the conscious mind quickly forgets these experiences.

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