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Exorcisms from the Necronomicon

These are rituals staright from the Necronomicon, all of which were perfomred (at some time) by the Mad Arab. None of these need to be performed in a circle of before the Watcher unless it says otherwise. Just like any spell or ritual, put your all into it; fill it with your energy to ensure its success! Now, onto the good stuff....

Exorcism of Azag-Thoth

This is for your enemies who chose to use magick against you.

An image must be made of a throne and put into the flames of the AGA MASS SSARATU while chanting the following exorcism.

Boil! Boil! Burn! Burn!
Who art thou, whose son?
Who art thou, whose daughter?
What sorcery, what spells has brought thee here?
May ENKI, the Master of Magicians free me!
May ASHARILUDU, son of Enki, free me!
May they bring to naught your vile sorceries!
I chain you!
I bind you!
I deilver you to GIRRA!
Lord of the Flames
Who sears, burns, enchains
Of whom even mighty KUTULU has fear!
May GIRRA, the Ever-burning One, give strength to my arms!
May GIBIL, the Lord of the Fire, give power to my Magick!
Injustice, murder, freezing of the loins,
Rending of the bowels, devouring of the flesh, and madness
In all ways hast thou persecuted me!
Mad God of Chaos!
May GIRRA free me!
You have chosen me for a corpse
You have delivered me to the skull
You have sent phantoms to haunt me.
You have sent Vampires to haunt me.
To the wandering Ghosts of the Wastes, have you delivered me.
To the Phantoms of the fallen ruins, have you delivered me.
To the deserts, the wastes, the forbidden lands, have you handed me over.
Open thy mouth in sorceries against me no more!
I have handed thine image over into the flames of GIBIL.
Burn, Mad fiend!
Boil, Mad God!
May the burning GIRRA untie thy knots!
May the flames of GIBIL untie your cord!
May the Law of the Burning seize your throat!
May the Law of the Burning avenge me!
It is not I, but MARDUK, son of ENKI, Masters of Magick, that commands thee!

Binding of the Sorcerers

Get a cord and tie 10 knots across it. As each line of the incantation is stated, untie one of the knots. When finished, throw the cord into a burning fire and give thanks to the Gods.

My images have you given over to the dead; turn back!
My images have you seen with the dead; turn back!
My images have you thrown to the side of the dead; turn back!
My images have you thrown to the ground of the dead; turn back!
My images have you buried in the coffin with the dead; turn back!
My images have you given over to destruction; turn back!
My images have you enclosed within walls; turn back!
My images have you struck down on doorsteps; turn back!
My images have you locked into the gate of the wall; turn back!
My images have you given over to the God of Fire; turn back!

Mountains of Mashu

A spell to cause consternation in the enemy and confuse his thoughts. It is also a binding, that the evil sorcerer may not see his spells work their desired ends, but melt away like hot wax or honey. These mountains are called SHADU, are one of the hiding places of the Serpents of KUR. A spell to cause Ultimate Destruction.

May the Mountain overpower you!
May the Mountain hold you back!
May the Mountain conquer you!
May the Mountain frighten you!
May the Mountian shake you to the core!
May the Mountain hold you in check!
May the Mountain subject you!
May the Mountain cover you!
May the Mighty Mountain fall on you!
May you be held back from my body!

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