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Fire Power

Fire is our creator and destroyer. We use it every day in one form or another to warm our houses, or to cook our food. Fire is the only element that cannot exist without the need to consume something else. Fire is the element of passion and energy. On a sunny day, go outside and bathe in the sunlight; immerse yourself in Fire energy and know that it also exists within ourselves. Fire must be controlled when it is made. By lighting a candle and using its energy, well call upon its powers, but at the same time limit them. This is necessary if the physical manifestation of fire is to be of any use to us.

The Pot of Flame (a rite of banishment)

To be rid of a problem that bothers you, find a small copper or iron pot that stands on legs off of the ground. Also, if the problem is something physical, find something that represents the problem, and put it into the pot. You’ll also need rum, everclear, or some other ignitable alcohol. If this can’t be found, just use rubbing alcohol.

At night, place the pot on a heat proof surface, and hold your projective hand over the opening. Visualise and push the problem into the pot, along with all of the energy you have been feeding it. When this is done, standing clear away from the pot, light a match, and throw it into the pot. The liquid should ignite immediately, if it doesn’t, try it again until it does. Once the contents have been lit, turn off all of the lights. Watch the flames, saying these words:

“Blazing force of cleansing fire, dancing flames of light. Hearken, for my need is dire; help me in this rite. Pot of flame, O fiery flower, glowing in my sight; cleanse me with your magic power: free me with your might.”

Continue to repeat the words. Visualise yourself completely freed from the problem until the fire dwindles and goes out. Put the pot in a safe place, and use it for nothing else but spells of this type.

Firing with the Sun

When you need extra physical energy of any type, try this ritual. It must be performed on a clear day, for it uses the energy of the sun.

Sitting outside, draw the image of a sunburst in red ink on a piece of paper. Place the picture in full sunlight. Allow the symbol to soak up the power of the sun for at least an hour.

Once it’s been charged, pick up the paper with your receptive hand. As you pick it up, the sun’s energy is transferred to you. Feel the heat. Absorb the sun’s radiant power, Feel it’s warm strength stimulating and energising you. Crumple the paper, and you’re done.

Fire Scrying Chant

Scrying is the ancient art of gazing into a reflective surface (crystal ball, mirrors, ect.) in order to wake the psychic mind. Fire is among the oldest things used for this purpose.

When you wish to contact your psychic mind, sit before a fire, far enough away so that the heat and sparks don’t burn you. Close your eyes for a moment, and clear you mind completely, then open your eyes. Look directly into the flames. Don’t strain your eyes, blink normally. Breathe deeply. When you’re at peace, say these words:

“Blazing fire as you dance, give me now the secret glance. Call upon my second sight; make me psychic with your light. Blazing fire shining bright, give me now the second sight"

Repeat until your eyes grow heavy. Divine the future within the fire’s restless flames.

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