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Greek Magick

Consecratio Instrumenti Minor

Items needed: Salt, Water, Incense, candle or altar fire.

Prepare and devote and altar.

Have tool to be consecrated on the altar.

Cast circle.

Consecrate salt and water.

Hold up tool, and pray:

"Athena hear! Hephaistos hear! I call on you and all the other Gods of Craft! I dedicate and consecrate this (____) to You! If ever I've fulfilled my vows and pleased Your hearts, now cleanse this (____) of every taint and all corruption. Purify it for my use, and for Your service."

Meditate on the tool, on its history and construction, on the purpose you intend for it; send it purifying energy.

Sprinkle it with salt (representing the Earth)

Sprinkle it with consecrated water (to represent the element of Water)

Pass it through incense smoke (element of Air)

Pass it through candle flame (element of Fire)

Hold the tool aloft, point to it, and command:

"I charge thee by the powers of the Goddesses and Gods. By Sun and Moon and Stars. By Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, to serve the Goddesses and Gods through me. I consecrate thee by the names: Athena! Hephaistos! By the names of all the Gods and Goddesses! So mote it be!"

Use the tool immediately, or keep it with you for one full day (against your skin) to seal in the purifying energy.

Close the circle.

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