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Okay, first off, it should be noted that hexes aren't particularly nice things to do. Remember again the Law of Three! Whatever you dish out, you better have enough room on your plate for three times more! These can be used for vengeance, or just because you really don't like someone.

Also remember to use correspondences and the right moon phase/day of the week. Now let's see what I've got....

Hex cakes

To bring bad health to your enemy, gather these ingredients:

1/2 cup of flour
1/4 tsp. powdered mandrake root
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. of salt
1 egg
1/4 cup sour milk
a lock of hair from the victim, or some of their fingernail clippings.

Mix all of the ingredients together in a black bowl under the light of balck candles. Literally pour your anger, frustration, and/or hatred into the batter while you mix it. Really concentrate on this person, and the effects of the hex cake taking effect. You might even want to spit in it for dramatic effect (go ahead, it won't hurt anything!) Once sufficiently hate-filled, bake the batter in a 350 degree celcius (or 180 farenheit) for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown.
Take the cake out and bury it at the base of a dead tree. As the cake decays, so too does your victim's health.....


Take a glove or some other personal item of clothing from your enemy and boil it in a cauldron with water mixed with wilted rue leaves, chimney soot, and urine from a black cat (have fun getting that!). Stir counter-clockwise six times. Vent all of your hatred and anger into the item as it floats in the cauldron. Remove the item of clothing, prick it thrice with a silver pin and chant twice:
"With silver pin
I prick the one
Whose name is (_____)
To him/her let harm be done!"
By the light of the waning moon, dig a hole and bury the glove. After covering the hole back up with dirt, spit on it twice, close your eyes and say:
"I curse thee!
By the Great power of Arioch!
Enemy be cursed!"
To lift the curse, dig up the glove and burn it in a fire while chanting:
"Fire burn, ashes turn
Evil spirits disperse
I now remove this curse!"

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