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A bit about me

First name:


Last name:

Ruel (German, I think??)




I really shouldn't say *blush*.....195lbs

Born in:

Edmonton, Alberta


March 29

Weight at birth:

(this is getting a bit personal, but just for the sake of interest) 10lbs 6 oz.

Where I live now:

Vancouver, British Columbia


Right now, I'm going to school full time. Where, you ask? Simon Fraser University.

What am I taking in school?:

My major is Animal Physiology. (It's not fun until you're staring down the entrials of whatever it is you happen to be dissecting that week.)


For lack of a more apprpriate heading for this section - it seems to just drip with Christian undertones, doesn't it? Well, let me begin by saying I'm not (nor will I ever be) Christian. Not that I have anything against them, mind you, it's just that it's not for me. I was initiated into Wicca about 3 years ago (self-initiation; there was no such thing of a coven or anything where I was living at the time). I focused my worship primarily on Isis. During my initiation/devotion, I called to my patron deity and animal totem. Both of them came; Isis came as my patron deity and the Spider came as my animal totem. While I don't adhere specifically to any one tradition, I do to one specific deity (I have a Shrine dedicated to Isis set up in my living room).


From this page, guess? Witchcraft!! I have others, like music (which I chose not to pursue for the safety of those around me. Trust me! You DO NOT want to hear me sing!) I enjoy reading (mostly fantasy/occult). I like to draw and paint (I was in my grade 9 art club, so there!)

Favorite things:

Just like others my age (until I've heard otherwise) I really enjoy a good sleep in on the weekends (solely to break the monotony of having to get up at 6:20am every morning for University *gak*) I enjoy movies. I do not enjoy sports! (not very butch of me I know, but what's a guy to do?) Going camping (with people who aren't afriad to get their hands dirty), shopping (for anything!) Lastly, best put by my friend Ryan: "Every person, at some point in their life, enjoys a good beverage." (which I do) That's his running theory, and has yet to be disproven.

Favorite Music:

ANNIE LENNOX!!!! WOO HOO!!!! She's as good as they get! I'm nearly convinced that she's just another guise of the Great Goddess! I tell no lies...she DOES kick ass! Then there's the lovely Jann Arden (from Calgary, Alberta). Sarah McLaughlan (who happens to live 4 blocks away from me. I can see her apartment from my balcony!!! If I only had a telescope....) Tara McLean (also from Vancouver) Delerium (ALSO from Vancouver) KD Lang (born in the same town I grew up in!! My friend lived right next door to her before she was famous) The Rankin Family, all five of them (Cookie, Raylene *happy sigh*, Heather, Jimmy and John Morris) are absolutely wonderful. The Corrs (Irish group) are awesome. Jewel (from Alaska), ABBA, Loreena McKennit (another Canadian lass), Def Leppard, Billie Myers (Kiss the Rain, baby!)

Favorite shows:

Riverdance and Lord of the Dance...I swear, there are no words to describe how wonderful these two shows are. I have several versions of Riverdance on video, one version of Lord of the Dance, and BOTH of the soundtracks. Contrary to what you must be thinking, I'm not the envy of many people, but proud nonetheless.

Favorite TV shows & Movies:

Ever After (I just saw it for the first time last weekend), Starship Troopers (GORY, but wonderful), When night is falling, All of the Aliens movies (Sigourney Weaver, will you marry me?) Snow White: A Tale of Terror (again, with the lovely Ms. Sigourney Weaver. I just LOVE saying her name! Sigourney...SIG-OUR-NEY...anyways) The Craft, Ferris Beullers Day Off, The two Brady Bunch Movies, Saturday Night Live, Are you Being Served?, Keeping up Appearances (Patricia Routledge should be a national treasure), The Nanny (though I admit her voice needs a little work)

A few of my favorite people
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