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Ouija Boards

The Ouija board has been being used for many years as a form of bridging the gap between the world of the living and that of the dead. It was first introduced in 1892 by one Elijah Bond, he later sold his discovery and it developed into a sort of parlour game by the mid-1900’s. The power of the Ouija board cannot be denied, I’ve seen with my own eyes the planchette moving all over the board without the person even touching it (it was a witch friend of mine, her name is Lissette, very powerful individual!!)

The Ouija works as a focus point or ‘gateway’ if you will, for a spirit to communicate with a living being. The person concentrates on the spirit as it moves the planchette over the board to spell out various messages by moving from letter to letter. Rather than buying a board from a store (I’ve never seen them sold in stores), you should try making your own. It’s a known fact that if you make something yourself, then a large amount of your energy is imparted in the item; more so than if you buy it.

To make your own Ouija board, you will need the following:

1) A table, or flat surface on which to put the board.

2) A large sheet of paper, or posterboard to draw symbols on to and then cut out.

3) A dark cloth of any colour that best suites you (or any colour that you just happen to think is pretty).

4) A piece of glass that is large enough to cover the piece of cloth.

5) A wineglass, or tumbler. You want to find something that’s light, and can be moved easily. If you’re handy with woodworking tools, you may want to try to make your own planchette. The traditional planchette is heart shaped, and about the size of the palm of your hand. A hole is drilled through the middle, large enough that the letter the planchette is over can be clearly seen through the hole. Three small legs are also present to lift the planchette over the surface of the board. They are preferably tipped with felt or velvet to allow the planchette to glide over the surface with ease.

6) You may want to include other symbols that are meaningful to you.

7) Also you may want rune cards, tarot cards or astrological glyphs. Remember to be as creative as you can, this board is your project and you want to impart as much energy as you can into it.

In order to begin construction of your Ouija board, begin by either drawing or adding the letters of the alphabet onto the posterboard (maybe cut them out of a magazine and then glue them on) and then cut them out. Do the same for them number 1 through 10. There’s must also be two places; one labelled “YES” and one for “NO” (obviously for yes and no questions) Arrange the letters, numbers and any other symbols you choose on the piece of cloth that you chose. Once arranged, gently place the pane of glass over the cloth, keeping everything in its place.

Holding a Ouija Session

Before each session, you’ll want to cleanse your Ouija board using whichever method you prefer (whichever you most prefer according to your tradition). You may want to burn a white candle for added protection, but I’m not sure it’s advisable. I’ve heard several times before that candlelight keeps spirits away, rather than drawing them in.

. You may want to have someone there to take dictation. When genuine contact with a spirit does happen, the planchette may move too quickly in order to keep up with what’s being said.

You may want to link hands with the person/people that are there with you and utter a blessing. Then ask a simple question to see if there is a spirit present. If there is one, or a ‘presence’ is felt, continue on.

Place your index and middle finger of each hand onto the planchette. You don’t want to apply pressure to it, as it won’t be able to move if you’re pressing down on it. Ask the spirit a question (start off with simple ones, then build up) Test it by asking things that only you could know. Sometimes nasty spirits may come, and you’ll know when they do. If you start getting curses as messages, or something like that, immediately end your session and light black candles (black for banishing, and the candlelight to keep the unwanted spirits away) You may wish to perform a banishment at this time, or ward off the unwelcome spirit.

Always remember to remain light-hearted during your sessions, as spirits are drawn to the whimsical people. Also remember to respect the spirit behind the board, and they will respect you. It’s a good idea to give thanks and a blessing when the session is done to keep good relations with the guardian spirit.

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