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Photo Album

Hello and welcome!
I finally got some pictures scanned from the trip I just took over Christmas to Egypt (a pilgrimage, of sorts).

This is me and my friend Patty at a wedding. She became my designated dance partner that night (notice the beer can in front of me

This is me again on a ferry across to one of the many islands flanking Vancouver's shores. Lovely view, n'est ce pas?

This is me and my partner, Jason.

This is the beginning of the trip when we arrived in London. This picture was taken in Trafalgar Square right across from Buckingham Palace (that's Canada House behind me).

This is the famous city of Petra in Jordon (which we went to after spending a few days in Isreal - during which time I got the stomach flu and was bed-ridden for the whole time *pout*). This is only one part of the city known as the Treasury.

This is Jason in front of the Treasury (when I took this picture, I was actually standing in a grave that had been dug up to get the body out! Eeeeew!)

We ferried across from Jordon to Egypt. Here we joined a tour group and the first stop was the Pyramids at Giza. This is me on my horsie with the Pyramid of Cheops behind me.

This is Jason and I at the Pyramids. A sweet little Belgian woman took this picture of us - she was on our tour group too.

This is one of the walls on the Temple of Kom-ombo (dedicated to Sobek (Crocodile God) and Min (God of Male Sexuality). Here you can see Min in the middle (the guy with the *ahem* erection). When the Christians came to deface all of the temples in Egypt, they considered the phallic sybolism on Min especially offensive (what would God say?) so they cut it out - making it appear even bigger?? Kind of defeated the purpose of that, huh?

This is a beautiful sunset over the Nile.

Another sunset over the Nile.

This was taken at the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Luxor. This is a statue of her standing off to one side of the entrance.

This is our little baby. His name is Oscar.

This is me teaching my sister's mother-in-law how to make my extremely delicious perogies! ;-)