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Scrying is the oldest method of diving in the world. People from almost every culture have some form of scrying. There’s lots of different media that can be used to this; things such as water, fire, crystal balls, ember patterns in a dying fire, mirrors etc. No mater what is used, the most skilled individuals can yield very accurate results.

Whichever medium you chose to scry with, the general principles are the same. Obviously, if you’re using something like fire, you’ll want to stay far enough away so not burn yourself. Begin by sitting comfortably before the medium and gazing into it. Ground and centre. Let you gaze delve deeper into the medium, as if you’re trying to look through it to something that lies beyond. You may also wish to have symbols representing whatever it is you’re scrying for present with you at the time, using them as foci. Concentrate on what it is that you want to see, and don’t try to ‘force’ yourself into seeing things. Images may form in the medium, or they may form in your mind. Sometimes the images may be cryptic in nature (if such is the case, it may be good to keep a journal, and write them down for later interpretation), or they could be blatantly obvious. Interpret the images as they come, and try to piece them together into something meaningful.

Before beginning a session, you may wish to burn incense, or prepare a chant to ease yourself into the trance. If you use your correspondences properly, this could greatly aid you in your scrying.

When finished, give thanks to any deities that have been invoked (or just Divinity in general) and clear up your working area for next time.

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