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Sex in Witchcraft

Sex is often thought of as a dirty word; and this is something I think we owe to the onset of newer religions. After Christianity had been firmly established in the world, the thought of having sex for physical pleasure became an appalling subject. Of course people still did it; that was like giving a small child a lollipop and telling him not to eat it, but there was always that little shadow in the back of their minds that made them think, “I know I shouldn’t be doing this, this is wrong”. Sex is something that was strongly associated with Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. The form it was commonly used in was Sex Magick, meaning that sex was used to raise the energy necessary to power a spell. This, just like everything else in Witchcraft, was perverted by people who didn’t/refused to understand it. Images were made of Witches having sex with Satan (who was ‘replaced’ by the Horned One of the Pagan religion) These images were true in a sense. During ritual the Lord and the Lady are invoked, but only to watch over and lend energy/guidance to the ritual, not to directly participate in it in any way.

Sex is the most sacred of acts in Wicca, as stated in a few forms of the Charge of the Goddess: “All acts of love are my worship”. Sex is a way to unite the divine masculine and feminine into one ‘being’, this being the divine masculine in males, and vice versa for females. Sex should never be viewed as something that ‘just feels good’, but remembered as a sacred gift given to us by the Lord and the Lady to be used as a form of worship, leading to the appreciation of the cycle of life (birth, death and rebirth).

In Christianity (and many other religions), sex is only to be used as a means of reproducing, never for pleasure or a pressure release (which, not surprisingly, many people use it for). I have one small problem with this: if sex supposed to be used solely for that purpose, and we’re not supposed to enjoy it, then why do orgasms feel so damn good? Temptation maybe?? Whatever!! One of the major aspects of Witchcraft is to be able to see and to honour the Lord and Lady in all of their forms, this also extends to us. Enjoy whatever is at your disposal. If you have it within your reach, it makes absolutely no sense to begrudge yourself of it because of what other people may think, or what others religions may say.

Homosexuality stretches into this category. Homosexuals are frowned down upon it almost every society that exists today. Both people and religions condemn them for something that they have no control over, being attracted to the same sex. Same sex relationships are no different than heterosexual relationships in the eyes of the God and Goddess. It was stated earlier that “All acts of love are my worship”, including the love between two men or two women. In the Bible, the line “No man shall lie with another man as he would a woman” is present. Frankly, this one line makes me seriously wonder about that entire book. Firstly, it says that only men aren’t allowed to be with one another…but what about women? This could be ‘meant’ to include same sex couples altogether, but put in the context of ‘man’. I don’t think that this is the case. Perhaps it was already assumed that all women were sinners anyway because Eve was naughty and stole the apple off of the tree, so it was okay for them to submerge themselves in sinful acts day after day. However, men were still ‘pure’ and were offered no leniency in this respect…I think not. I remember watching a lesbian comedienne once, and one thing she said is still stuck in my head, “What is it with this “no man shall lie with another man as he would a woman” crap? Fags are condemned and dykes get a pass? Either God is incredibly sexist, or like all other men he just likes to watch.” I thought that was very clever. I guess what I’m getting at is that homosexuality shouldn’t be viewed any differently from heterosexuality (through ‘Wiccan eyes’) as it’s fulfilling the same purpose as hetero sex does…honouring the Lord and Lady, appreciating life and the gifts that They have given us. Sure gay couples can’t have their own children, but like I mentioned earlier, in Wicca reproduction is not the sole reason for sex.

Friends have asked me before what it is exactly that makes me gay. The truth is, I have no idea. Some people say that we’re born gay, as proposed by ‘the gay gene’ (which actually makes some sense). One friend told me that the reason I’m gay is because I had a bad experience with a woman, so I ‘shielded’ myself from women altogether after that and took the next best thing that came along, men. I couldn’t help but laugh in his face after he said that. Given that I had had a bad experience with a woman, that statement missed the mark entirely. I’ve known as far back as I can remember that I like boys rather than girls, so growing up was fairly easy for me. It was just as natural to me as liking girls would be to someone straight. Other gay men I have talked to offer the same opinion in ‘why’ they’re gay…they just are. Some people realise it before others. I know of a few people who have married and had children before walking up that ill-fated morning and saying “Honey, I have something to tell you”. I’m not denying that some people could turn to the other side for lack of being able to get the opposite sex, but this doesn’t apply to the majority of the gay population.

In the end…gay? straight? It all boils down to the same thing…love. Love for yourself, and love for the person you chose to spend your life with. This is what the Lord and the Lady want, because we now know that all acts of love, no matter what the form, are acts of Their worship. From their worship we get Their love in return, which completes the cycle.

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