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Totem Spirits

I figured it to be only appropriate to do a short blurb on totem animals, since they seem to help so many people in so many things. Totem animals originate in the Native traditions, being used as 'power animals' or guides in one's life. They are often represetative of certain traits or behaviours that we find within ourselves, or others. Let me begin by telling you about how I found my totem animal, and how it relates to me.

My totem animal is the Spider. I know, I know, it's not an 'animal' (but remember, nor is it an insect). I was a bit shocked when I first found out, but then it kind of grew on me. I've always been fascinated by spiders. I'd always catch them and bring them home (mostly to scare my sister) but I kept alot of them as little pets. Soon after my initiation into Wicca, I was surfing the net when I came across this fabulous site on totem spirits (sorry, I don't have te URL to that site), and there were some suggested meditations to try and find your own animal spirit, so I figured sure, why not? I went outside on a full moon and set up a small area in a little copse of trees. I entered the meditation (not following it exactly, it's much easier if you don't), and waited for my animal to come to me. I waited and waited, and then finally an enormous Spider appeared. I was kind of like, "Eeeew! Gross!", but I kept working with it in meditation, and came to realise that this was the best totem that could be associated with me.

Remember I said that the animal represents certain traits within ourselves? Well, Spiders are very territorial. If I don't have my own little personal space, I go absolutely insane. If anybody invades this area without my permission...HOOOO HOOOO boy!! I often associate spiders with deception and intrigue; always finding new ways to trick their prey to falling into their traps. I've always been able to do this, but in a less direct way. Weaving sentences together in certain ways to get people to answer a question, or to tell me something that they never would if I asked them directly. There are several other things, but that's just an overview. Also, I've always had an aptitude for knitting (my grandma tried to teach me, and I was quite good at it), but alas, I've long since forgotten how.

How do you find your totem animal? Well, your totem animal generally tends to be an animal that you're very interested in (in it's physical form) and probably spend alot of time around (if/when possible). It may even sometimes feel as though you have a sort of affinity or connection with this animal that you can't explain. In retrospect, the animal could too be one that terrifies you, one that you've never liked. This 'fear' could be from not understanding (or trying to understand) the animal and the way it lives, or why it lives the way that it does. If such is the case, try working with this specific animal in meditation, and see what happens. You never know, this could be your totem animal in disguise?

Invocation of your Totem Animal as a Guard

This is a short invocation that can be used to call you totem animal to you when you need it to guard your circle during a ritual, or lend it's strength into something you're doing. If you ever find yourself stuck in a situation, try murmuring this to yourself, and your totem might be able to help.

Arise (_____) of defense that I may instruct
thee in thy duties. Be thou ever watchful to
the North, and the South, the East and the West,
behind thee and above thee, and below thee and
around thee. Take thy watch from the setting
of the Sun to the coming of Dawn, and stand
guard as I have instructed thee.

Remember the wording of this invocation; the spirit will remian from the setting of the sun to the coming of dawn.

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