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Member Since:
December 26, 1999

Age: 19





California, USA

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Computers, Eating Out, Musical Instruments, Shopping, Travel, Video Games, Writing

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First of all: haha lolz~ i dont reallie type like dis - but peeps make fun of meeh cuz i type all perfect n spell eberything correctlie so im just being dumb~ *KEKE*

Name: Kelly

Korean Name: Jumee

Age: 18

Birthday: Feb. 23 1982


Sign: Pisces

Location: back n fourth between Fresno, CA and Fairfax, VA

Status: Heartbroken

Likes: music, krn dramas, chattin on da phone, ~CALIFORNIA~, norae bang, tofu, kim chee, ice cream mochi, and bubble baths

Dislikes: playahs, liars, sIutz, n fake peeps

Future: i wanna go into the CIA . . .yup yup u heard rites . . i wanna be an East Asian field officer . . (haha or a spy if u`d rather call it that) . . im majoring in international relations and taking 3 languages . . chinese, japanese, and korean to prepare~


AIM: HangukGurl82

ICQ: 34743408


~Meeh, Miyuki, and Kana in Japan~

~Meeh & my cuz Jessica~


Wow . . believe it or not things ARE getting better . . .i guess those peeps that said all it takes is time knew what they were talking about after all . . but we gotta stick with our plans . . SANTA MONICA baby~ whoo hoo living on da beach~ Good luck at school~ ill see ya this summer!

~Meeh & Keeka~


Glad to see u been doing better without *HIM* . . haha ish so funnie how everyone has a *HIM* . . well thank gawd mine`s outta da picture . . now i got all these stock guys to worrie about . . puahahah . . well u better hurrie and get ur license so i can go visit~ k????


Hey wassup~ okay since u said u didn`t like all that "b*tchin" stuff . . i took it out~ see how nice i am?? well hope ish going good wit ur gurl . . haha we all know u need one so u can stop complaining all da tyme~ ne wayz . . man u gotta stop going out n save ur money~ remember u want a car??? haha wellz . . once again thanks for listenin to all my *bleep*in and dont "lunch" to much . . PUAHAHAHA~

~Amy & Meeh~


Wassup Johnny Boy~ *LOSER!!* Hehe . .well u suck for leaving Banana - stop bumming, k? Well I`ll ttyl--buh bye!~


Dang how come u always get to go back to fresno? Haha what do u do there ne wayz? Jeez i dunno though . . i feel like if i went back id get this weird deja vu feeling and shiet. Wellz glad u found a guy u likes. . we gotta move on rite???

~Shawn oppa, Kyu, Amy, Jennifer, and Meeh~


Hey Kristy - haha mah quarterfilipino - filipenis friend~ dang turning down HARVARD for a guy eh? Da crazie things we do for dem guys, lolz - wellz dang I knew you all da way from 1st grade eh? Haha the same reading group n eberything - now we`re all grown up lolz. Dang all dat education so I can type like DIS. Well its been fun talkin shiet about da dumb peeps wit u - haha JAMES n JOSE - I`ll neba forget dem - we had soooo much fun with dem eh? U still hab ur s1utty quintet dress im sure. Haha wellz hope u having fun at RICE but not too much fun with JAMES - no not dat one - lolz - jus keep ur virginitie k?


Hey mah lil bro~ hehe thanx for all da advice throughout da years - from mah hair n make-up all da way to guys eh? Yeah u always gave me da truth n jus said wut came from da heart -lolz ders always good ol Roger~ Im glad i met u ~ haha eben though we had HUGE phone bills cuz of eachother lolz, and eben though it was at justin`s partie dat i met u. Well n no more worries bout da queen of b*tches cuz she`s gone! You got to learn to stand up for urself, k? Haha just say HA JI MAH!

FRIENDS: 2B_U 559_ravers AZN-MacCrew Antix Aznplayerboi BlueDramaCity Chap2Boyz DEEJ_JHIG DJQUANTUM DOOMOGG DaJun83 Divababy81 DjShine DogBite-Danny ELEVATED-I Fluid GL1NTS Gaijinsama Hideaki InToXICated_D JB012 JIRO KP_DmC KaMiKaZe28 KaliTooNx81 Kang_Sung_Hoon Keiko Kevin1205 Korean_Tigga KrNDoGgy KrazyLazy Kw0NeE23 Kyudogg Luniz18 MZTERCOOL Masa-Kun Michael_24 Narcissus_Of_RA OnceInALifetime Pico1 PreludeXrage Ravsound RelaxAsian Ryoma Ryuichi SiLLy_ViEt_bOi Stanfrd_RiceBoy SusHiXmaN TaiLoU Takeshi



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