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Inside This Newsletter

Women among us

It has come to my attention over the last few years that there are some women among us who get great pleasure in interfering in the lives of other sisters. It seems that they are unhappy with their own lives and hate to see anyone else happy. After the initial breakup of the couple that they caused problems for they sympathize with the unhappy person and tell them that they will find true love somewhere else if they are just patient. The excuses they give when trying to break people up that have found happiness is...she is too old for you....she still loves someone else...she is cheating on you when you are not there....... Are most women in the lesbian community so insecure that they really believe all this crap? Since when did age become a factor when age is nothing but a state of mind....since when is it written that you can not love two women at the same time but be inlove with one of them....and who has the right to say someone is cheating on someone unless they are trying to cheat with that person?

Wouldn’t this be a really great world if we didn’t have to put up with all the back stabbing lesbians out there that we seem to think are our friends? No wonder there are becoming so many of us in the community think it is better to be alone and hurting than take a chance on having a relationship that could just last a lifetime if they only had the opportunity to work things out by themselves. If women would just take the time to HEAR the woman they say they love instead of listening to all the others that think they know everything, maybe there would really be a happier community. Honest communication between eachother is the answer.

Written By: Bestwolf

CA Lesbian Is Head of Household

A lesbian family in Los Angeles stands to save about $2,500 per year in state and federal taxes now that the non-biological co-parent is officially the "head of household." The state Board of Equalization on July 26 voted 3 - 2 to grant the status in the first case of its kind in the state -- and quite possibly the first in any state.

Helmi Hisserich had filed her tax return with herself as head of household in 1997, when her partner Tori Patterson gave birth to their daughter and continued to stay at home with her. California's Franchise Tax Board rejected the filing and demanded an additional $1,050. The code described head of household status applying to an unmarried person only if s/he paid more than half the expenses of a blood relative or adoptive or foster child. None of those described Hisserich's family relationships, although she and Patterson have been together for 14 years and have registered their partnership with their city, their county and the state. Hisserich hopes to move towards adopting her daughter this year.

Two Board members were immediately responsive to Hisserich's situation, and the swing vote was a representative of State Comptroller Kathleen Connell. Connell told Hisserich after the vote, "We want to support parents who are taking responsibility for their children."

U. of Hawaii Branded as Homophobic

More recently, the rainbow has become a symbol for gay and lesbian pride, which the school's athletic director said was a factor in the decision to drop the rainbow from school logos and the football team's nickname. From now on, the team will be know only as the Warriors.

``That logo really put a stigma on our program at times in regards to it's part of the gay community, their flags and so forth,'' Hugh Yoshida said after the new logo was unveiled this week. Now, the university if being accused of homophobia by gay and lesbian groups and being criticized by some Native Hawaiians. ``A statement like that I can understand coming from student-athletes, but to come from the athletic director, I am surprised and disappointed,'' said Ken Miller of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center.

The old logo with the letters UH and a rainbow of blue, green, red and yellow was replaced by an ``H'' adorned with Polynesian kapa designs signifying strength and unity.

Hawaii was known as the Fighting Deans during its first football game in 1909. The name Rainbows was used for the first time by reporters following the final game of the 1923 season, a 7-0 upset of Oregon State that was followed by rainbow appearing over the field. Manoa Valley, where the university is located, also is well-known for its rainbows. The state has since included one on its license plates. The school's nickname was changed to Rainbow Warriors in the mid-1960s after the student newspaper ridiculed the name Rainbows and linked it to homosexuals. Yet the rainbow in Hawaiian culture is a symbol of power and hope, and therefore made a good logo for a team called the Warriors, said Jonathan Osorio, associate professor at the university's Center for Hawaiian Studies.

The rainbow symbolizes the presence of ali`i, or Hawaiian chiefs, and the locations of a chief's birthplace or a sacred site. To see a rainbow was to know the ali`i were looking over their people, Osorio said. ``As far as I was concerned, a rainbow was a perfectly appropriate symbol,'' said Osorio, a Native Hawaiian.

Online sex seekers

A year after the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) noticed a chatroom at the center of a cluster of syphilis infections among gay men, the distinguished Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26 published the report, a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study finding higher risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among partners found online, and an editorial calling on public health professionals to enter the electronic era in their efforts to stop STDs.

While men are more likely to use the internet to find people, woman do also. The increase of transmitted diseases are on the rise for woman as with men.

Editorial writer and Georgia Department of Human Resources division of public health director Kathleen Toomey was careful to make the distinction that often gets lost in headlines -- the difference between using the Internet as a source of erotic stimulation for so-called "cybersex" that poses little or no risk, and using it to make contact with others in the flesh, which the studies indicate may offer additional risk compared to other venues.

Consistent proper use of condoms and or other means of protection greatly decreases the risk of transmitting HIV and syphilis. Please think of your health first and hormones second.

MSH Needed more then ever

Seems like everyone I know is getting divorced, myself included. Of course I know from experience that it gets better. In my case the feelings should be a way of life for me as every time I get comfortable with someone I forget just why we need My Sisters House. We need MSH for friends & family who are getting divorces, breaking up, needing a place to meet others and even have some fun. It’s a place where you can ask for help and know you will receive it, a place where you can meets others and enjoy a nice conversation. A place to hang your hat and play a game of pool.

I must be grateful for one thing though; the friendship of Luv2much and her persuasive manner in making me get things done. For such a young lady, she has a matured head on her for keeping things in perspective and cracking the whip on this OLD procrastinator. So, while I have not mastered the computer, I have mastered the art of talking to groups of people and will keep pitching the idea of My Sisters House to all those sisters that are interested in having a home.

Currently, now that I am single again, I am looking to hang the first shingle in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and live up to the dream of a coast-to-coast home for women, before the year is out. The second home will open in Los Angeles area in 2001.

Texas Hate Crimes Committee Meets

A special committee met this week in the council chamber of the Dallas City Hall to discuss the issue of hate crimes in Texas. After the James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Act failed to pass into law in the last session of the Texas Legislature, the issue was sent to the Judicial Affairs Committee to be scheduled for an interim hearing.

Previous studies examining hate crimes in Texas have indicated that homophobia and discrimination, which often leads to hate crimes, is common in the more rural parts of the state. "Our office receives calls from all over the state from GLBT persons, mostly men, who are literally afraid to even contact authorities when incidents of hate crimes occur," said Hardy-Garcia.

Activists are confident that if Texas passes hate crimes legislation, sexual orientation will most certainly be included as a protected group. Considering the relatively small percentage of Texans who are black, gay or both, statistics indicating these groups as the most-targeted are very telling, according to Hardy-Garcia.


Pet Of The Month

Hi....our names are Friskey and Cuddles.....we are twins, and we hardly ever get into mischief.

We were born in August of 98 and we are very loved by our two mommies.

One of our mommies lives far away but the mommy we live with lets us "type" to her sometimes. We hope that we will get to meet other animals in this column each month. Please send your pictures to one of our mommies at Don't forget to write alittle about your pet also.

Frisky & Cuddles

If you would like to beccome a aprt of MSH newsletter staff, please feel free to write Bestwolf or luv2much. You can also send questions you would like to see on the survey. So come on in and become a memeber of MSH Newsletter Staff.

If you have any Questions, comments or would like more information please write to:

My Sisters House

P.O. BOX 6441

Laconia, N.H. 03246

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