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Ink...its there...its not...hehehe poor Mary

"You know I kinda feel bad about this." Nutmeg commented.

Joanie and Marianne grinned.

"Pard, pranking is not an occupation where a conscience is an ally." Marianne said with a chuckle.

"Puts it right up there with being a lawyer." Joanie cracked.

The pranksters snickered amongst themselves as Nutmeg worked on the door's lock.

It gave a moment later and Nutmeg opened the door. "Voila!" She proclaimed in a stage whisper.

The pranksters grinned, picked up their supplies and scurried inside.

The following evening, like always, Mary Travis prepped her paper's layout before printing it in preparation for the morning. Then, exhausted, she went to bed.

"WHAT ON EARTH!!!!" Mary's voice very nearly shrieked the next morning.

Across the street the three pranksters grinned at each other and leaned back in their chairs.

"Mary?" Chris called out as he ran into the Clarion. "What's wrong?"

Mary held up one of her papers which happened to be very blank. "The paper...the words are gone!"

Chris took the paper in hand and examined it. "You're sure this was one that went through the printer?"

Mary looked at him askance. "Of course I am." She said patiently as if talking to a two year old. "I checked them myself last night. And besides," She gestured to a pile of waiting papers. "They're all blank too."

Vin walked in then and Chris explained the situation. Vin frowned and took the paper to examine it closer. He ran a couple of fingers across the paper then rubbed them together. "Feels like there's ink but I can't see it." He remarked. It was then that it dawned on him.

He and Chris shared a look.

"MARIANNE!" Chris bellowed even as Vin yelled.


Catching on Mary added in. "NUTMEG!!!!"

The three pranksters sauntered in moments later with wide smiles.

"You hollered?" Nutmeg asked sweetly.

Chris held up the paper. "Who's idea was this?"

All three pranksters grinned.

"Not mine." Joanie spoke first.

"Not guilty either." Nutmeg added.

Everyone looked at Marianne.

"Sorry. It wasn't my idea." She said angelically.

Chris was frustrated. "Then who did this?"

"Oh we did." Joanie admitted.

"You just said it wasn't your idea!" Chris burst out.

"It wasn't." All three chorused.

Mary tossed her hands up in exasperation. "Explanation please?"

Marianne decided to have mercy on their sanity and come clean. "We carried out the actual prank but Lisa Saplak made the original suggestion."

"Which was?" Vin asked calmly.

"Disappearing ink." Nutmeg reported. "It stays for a few hours then vanishes."

"Don't worry." Joanie added. "It'll come back soon."

Mary sighed then started laughing. "You three are incorrigible." She said shaking her head. "It will come back?"

They nodded.

"All you gotta do is wait." Marianne assured her.

"Well then since all I have to do is wait I feel like an early lunch." Mary decided. "Care to join me?"

Chris and Vin accepted but the three pranksters declined. They had more plotting to do.


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