Josh Talk

This is just a chat that an NA fan had with Josh. If I get any more recent ones I will post it! ***IF YOU HAVE ANY TROUBLE READING THIS, JUST HIGHLIGHT IT! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Saintygirl: Dear Josh! I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Josh: Thank you so much - same to you
Saintygirl: Thanx!! Are you asking for anything special this year?
Josh: Not really, I'm just spending it with my family. I think my parents are getting me that new iMac
Saintygirl: Oh coool! I luv those thingz! The colors are so awesome huh? I hope you get it!! Are you happy to be home? How is college going?
Josh: I love being home. I just took my last final today.
Saintygirl: How do you think you did?
Saintygirl: I"m sure you did great! You are sooo smart! *LOL*
Josh: thanks
Saintygirl: Is college hard?
Josh: not really, It depends on what classes you take, but I love it, so it's not a chore to do the work or anything
Saintygirl: Oh thatz good! So what classes are you taking?
Josh: A political science class, a psycology class, a film class and an english class
Saintygirl: Cool! What do you want to become?
Josh: Well, I want to pursue my acting career, but I'm probably going to major in entertainment law
Saintygirl: Oh!! :-( I was so shocked when you left the group! You were my favorite! And then when you didn't show up at the Toronto Airport, I was really sad cuz I really wanted a Josh autograph! And now I'll never have one!
Josh: Of course you can have one. If you write to Bop, I check in with them every now and then, and If the have stuff for me, I always answer it.
Saintygirl: really!? That is so funkie! Well which address should I write to at? The bopone? or the NA one?
Josh: write directly to bop
Saintygirl: Awww that is so sad! I'm sure things will look a lot brighter in your future!
Saintygirl: I'm really sorry if I am disturbing you! Am I?
Josh: well everything's actually, everythings going well right now
Saintygirl: I'm happy to hear that! :-) Are you angry that you are being replaced by Tommy?
Josh: no, not at all
Saintygirl: Oh! I don't think he'll ever be able to replace you tho! Your voice is so awesome! So is this your SN? Or your friends?
Josh: well, it's my friend B_____'s computer. I'm at his house
Saintygirl: Oh well hello B____!Saintygirl: Are you guys best friends?
Josh: yes
Saintygirl: That is so sweet! Do people still recognize you Josh? And if so, what do they get autographed from you?
Josh: yes, I still get recognized. What ever they have to sign
Saintygirl: *LOL* Cool! Even NA posters?
Josh: sure, why not?
Saintygirl: Oh alrighty! Do you wish you were still a part of NA?
Josh: I miss the fans
Saintygirl: Awww!
Saintygirl: Oh well I hope your acting career works out for you! You know what? I have an old BOP picture of you when you were on Alex Mack!
Josh: oh my god LOL
Saintygirl: *LOL* Do you have any of those pix?
Josh: yea, my mom does, but I have to go, talk to you later
Saintygirl: Alright! Nice talking to you! Bye!
Saintygirl: Can i talk to you next time you are online?
Josh: sure.
Saintygirl: Ok Good night!!!!
Saintygirl: Bye Josh! Bye B_____! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Saintygirl: Hey B____ and Joshua! How was your New Year?
Josh: it was great, yours?
Saintygirl: It was a lot of fun also! thanks! What did you do?
Josh: I just kicked it with some friends
Saintygirl: Oh that's cool! Are you ready to go back to school?Josh: not really
Saintygirl: Me neither! Did you get that iMac you said you wanted for Christmas?
Josh: yes I did, I also got 18" rims for my car
Saintygirl: that's cooL! but, what are rims?
Josh: lol, wheels
Saintygirl: Oh cools! For your mustang?
Josh: yeah
Saintygirl: Oh cool! that is such an awesome car! hehe! What CDs do you play in it?
Josh: Joe, TQ, lots of R&B
Saintygirl: oh cool! You like Hip hop huh?
Josh: mostly R&B
Saintygirl: oh thats cool!! Have you ever met any R&B singers???
Josh: yeah
Saintygirl: Cool! which ones?
Josh: I don't remember, quite a few
Saintygirl: Oh that's cool! Do u have a favorite?
Josh: Joe
Saintygirl: Oh cool! Whats your fave song?
Josh: It changes all the time
Saintygirl: Oh...ya! So did you get any new tattoos lately?
Josh: no, not yet. Probably on my birthday. I don't know what yet, though
Saintygirl: Oh cooL! hehe....Does it hurt?
Josh: yeah
Saintygirl: *LOL* Sorry to hear that!!! You know what? My bday is coming up soon! On January 18!!!
Josh: happy early b-day
Saintygirl: thank you! I'm turning 16!
Josh: that's cool
Saintygirl: What did you do for your 16th birthday?
Josh: I don't even remember, that was almost 4 years ago
Saintygirl: *hehe* sorry!!! What are you planning on doing this year for your birthday?
Josh: I'm not sure yet. I'll probably have a party since I'm not going to be a teenager anymore
Saintygirl: Hehe!!! Lucky you! I feel so young!! *LOL* Whatcha gonna ask for?
Josh: a supercharger
Saintygirl: *LOL* Whats that?
Josh: it's like a turbo. It adds about 100 horsepower to my car
Saintygirl: Oh that's cool! I hope you get it! Do you speed when you are driving?
Josh: of course
Saintygirl: *LOL* How much over the limit Josh?!
Josh: I've gone about 150
Saintygirl: 150 over? or just 150?
Josh: no, 150 mph
Saintygirl: *LMAO* Whew! I don't want you getting hurt! Do your parents know that you speed?
Josh: yeah
Saintygirl: Do they mind?
Josh: they just say be careful. They know I race my car
Saintygirl: Oh cool! Are you part of a club?
Josh: no. I used to race with B____ and J____, but B____ got rid of his cobra and got a BMW, and J____ still races his truck
Saintygirl: that's cooL! who wins usually?
Josh: between us?
Saintygirl: yup!
Josh: B___ used to always win, but now I do
Saintygirl: Oh cool! Cos of your charger thingy?
Josh: no, I don't have it yet. Cause B____ sold his cobra
Saintygirl: Ohhhh I see!!! Is that all you do for fun? Racing?
Josh: well I race professionally at the track, too
Saintygirl: Awesome!!! Are you gonna be like one of those racer dudes like that Jack Villeneuve guy?
Josh: I also like watching movies and clubbing
Saintygirl: Hehe cool!! Did you see the Faculty?
Josh: no, It looks stupid
Saintygirl: Oh! I've seen it! it's really scary! I am scared to go back to school! hehe....did u see any new realeases lately?
Josh: I saw you've got mail, enemy of the state
Saintygirl: Cool! did you like them?
Josh: yeahSaintygirl: Which one was better?
Josh: you can't really compare them - they were both good in thier own way
Saintygirl: oh cool!! When do you have to go back to school?
Josh: i don't know, sometime next week
Saintygirl: Oh cool!! Do you mind that I'm talking to you? Or should I leave you alone?
Josh: no it's cool
Saintygirl: oh alrightie! by the way, my name is Michelle!
Josh: hey michelle
Saintygirl: hehe....hey! Who am I talking to? Josh or B_____??
Josh: josh
Saintygirl: Oh cool! You know your SN??? What does it stand for??
Josh: it's all an inside joke
Saintygirl: Oh ok! anyone at school recognize you?
Josh: not really. College students weren't really our audience
Saintygirl: *LOL* That's too bad! But i guess it would get really annoying huh? You wouldn't be able to like concentrate!! Do you live in a dorm?
Josh: no I live at home
Josh: hello
Saintygirl: Oh sorry! I was on the phone!
Saintygirl: So....what are you doing on the net?
Josh: nuthin. Checking and answering mail
Saintygirl: Me too!!! hehe....its such a hassle sometimes huh??? how many new messages did you have?
Josh: a LOT!!!
Saintygirl: Hehe!
Josh: yeah and that stupid porn stuff!!
Saintygirl: Ewwwy!
Saintygirl: Do you always reply to your fan mail?
Josh: of course
Saintygirl: That's so sweet of you!
Saintygirl: A lot of people in bands don't reply!
Josh: well, I'm not in one anymore!! LOL
Saintygirl: Heheh! Well, kinda, I mean, they didn't change their webpage yet!
Saintygirl: Do you want me to show you it?Josh: nah, it's cool
Saintygirl: Are you sure?!? If you want it, lemme know! Its exclusive, I'm not supposed to have it!!! But I got it from a friend of a friend! Hehe..... Do you want it or not?
Josh: sureSaintygirl: Oh ok...where should I send it?
Josh: to my emailJosh: where else would u send it?
Saintygirl: hehe...I meant which one?
Josh: what do you mean?
Saintygirl: Well you said that you have a lot of do you want me to send it to another email address or ________ ?
Josh: _____ is cool
Saintygirl: Oh ok! I'm on my way!
Josh: hey I have to go. TTyl
Saintygirl: ByeBye!
Saintygirl: Check your mail later!
Josh: k, bye!!
Saintygirl: Its sent! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Comments or Questions? Have a NA interview(preferably transcripted)? Send them our way!!!

