No Authority review from Krystyna.

About NA at the Ed Debevicks I went! :) They sang "Don't Stop" and I don't know the other one but I will let you know when I ask my friend. It was so fun! The guys signed autographs. I already have stuff signed from before so I didn't bring anything but I did bring a camera and if i get them scanned I will send some if you would like a copy. They talked to alot of us. I also saw alot of chicks grabbin butts, I was pretty shocked at that one. I would never do that! I really wanted to talk to the guys but so many girls were following them. I gave Eric a ring with waves on it SO LOOK FOR IT ON HIS RIGHT WEDDING FINGER!! :) Me and my friend Christina got Danny a awesome Finger Board hehe it's dope! If he didn't want it would have kept it for myself :) But he loved it, and Eric loved my ring! Later on in the night they danced with us and let me tell you they dance very well! Alot of girls were pushin and stuff trying to get in to dance and it got very hot! Eric still owes me a dance ;) The guys sang a song to one of the fans that were there and Eric wowwie, I totally love his voice! And Tommy slow danced with a friend of mine and sang to her in the process *L* Ricky danced on one of the tables and girls were screamin'! Oh yah this little dance club performed for us and the littlest one I don't remember her name, was being held by Eric and he was asking for a kiss from her and she was shaking her head no and it was so cute and then finally he decided to just give her a kiss on the cheek herself and she's all "Yuck" and wiped her face! While we were all dancing the guys were using the mike and singing along to the songs, Danny rapped itw as cute but I could barely hear what he was saying. Ricky had all of this stuff on tape, and he had everyone say hello to his camera. Jojo was awesome, he showed everyone his toes! Everyone had a great time, and I can't wait to see NA again. Also I saw them Thursday at the recording studio in Hollywood.

ALL THAT Reviews

Laura (

Nickelodeon’s All That Tour....... Columbus Show!!! (is it not right that Toronto Girlz go n e where for NA?) Alrighty....... occurring June 27, 1999! Ok, it was AWESOME!!! The doors opened at.... 5pm.. well.. maybe a little earlier. NA starting their first autograph signing at 5:00pm. Girls who didn’t know who they were before, do now!!! They came on stage first.... we could see them backstage.... and the girl from (sorry I don’t get Nick but this is what I think her she was..) Dear Ashley (????) was like jumping on Eric backstage! Damn, that girl has a lot of energy!!! Anyways..... they came on first, sang 4 songz.... Don’t Stop, What I Wanna Do, Don’t Get Better, and A Girl Like You..... ok, I think those are the songz, altho I thought the one was something like The Perfect Girl or something, but bare with me, I luv these guyz, but I only have a sample tape and those were the songz on it..... but that girl who went up for that song is flippin lucky! Wait...... they sang 5 songz.... one of them being Beautiful Girl and the other ones I mentioned!... if I am wrong, lemme know please..... OMG, they sound sooooo good! If for some reason you are contemplating on whether or not to go..... GO, you will so not regret it!!! Not that they sounded bad last year at YTV’s PB, but THEY SOUND SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME NOW! Getting on with it..... no more couch! They do have four chairs tho!! ..... Ricky and Eric do funky flip things throughout the show! Rick took his shoes off at one point too!! What else.... I was so like in awe.... right, they brought a girl on stage and serenaded her during that song.... Beautiful Girl ....... and all together their performance was soooooo good.... honestly!!! Itz GREAT!!!! ::hit me with the 7 digits:: hehe! Alrighty, k, they did two signings, great turnouts, of course!! These two older men.... one with an Ozz Fest.... shirt on and another one.... they went through the line and went and showed the guyz their tattoos! Speaking of which, Tommy’s is so cool! K, I have never seen it before until Saturday morning looking through a magazine..... my little brain.... at first it looks like a Superman one, YET, up close, it is his initials in a superman like shape! There was this lil girl, she was so cute.. she kept yelling things.... esp. to Tommy! I dunno what else..... but the girlz that waited in the pouring rain...... was it not worth it?!?! hehe!!!! Thanks to some LOVELY and SO SWEET people (they know who they are) . We got to go backstage... with.... 5 others...... at first, she was taking us to this room, YET, we were standing there and I was looking at this guy cuz he looked like..... Nick.. yah from 98 Degrees, and so I asked one of my friends and it was him, then the other three came out! We didn’t like formally meet them, but they were doing some interview there! Anywho, getting to NA, we got to talk and such with them outside of their tour bus!! I have never personally met Tommy before, and aww... he’s such a sweetie!!! Like all of them!! I dunno what else you guys may want to know about that...... we got group pix with them and then like individuals..... with our own cameras..... they were great (of course)!!!! Tiz all I have to say..... oh and they signed thingz for us!! The pens were having problems working.... but they did!!! Ok, for a review of the other artists..... we saw NA then we had to leave. During that time Aaron Carter and EYC went on.... I saw like 2 min of Aaron, he cut his hair! He sounded good tho! I never heard EYC perform but *someone* said they weren’t that great.... I DIDNT SAY THAT, someone said it to me! Monica, we saw the end of her show, she is really good!!! LOUD... LOUD... with the fire like things bursting... but she is real good live!!! 98 Degrees.... alrighty...... they started off in these like Austin Power Freezing chambers.... they had white clothing on..... and these white masks (look like the gas masks from WW1.. LoL) then they stripped to.... army pants (see a trend....) and these bullet vests.... I dunno what they are.... but they didn’t cover much! They sang.... Pretty Fly for a White Guy and..... My Name is ...... maybe something else.... that isn’t originally theirs I mean..... but they changed into Cincinnati jersey’s..... couldn’t tell you what sport though! This little girl got to give Jeff a rose and he gave her a kiss..... she was only little, but she wiped it off..... he didn’t see her do it tho!!! They are good live!! They performed shorter than I thought they would, but it was all good!! Nothing else to say..... except.... there are lots of events happening throughout the event time. They have a second stage, with Billy Crawford.... and some other things. I never saw Billy, so I have nothing to say.... I didn’t talk to anyone that saw him, well one girl, except she just said she saw him, no comment about it! She did say that he had like no crowd near him! aww.... There are also Nick auditions and some other things going on! It is a well organized event!!!! And NO AUTHORITY WAS SOOOOO GOOD!!!! Also, there are demo tapes that are handed out.... at Polaris it was by the Venue staff, and some shows it may be by *specially picked* people! The tape is good, and they talk on it!! hehe!!! Going through everything we had to..... it was SSSSSSOOOOOOOO worth it!

Erin (

The Detroit show. Okay, the show was incredible!! Wow.....thats basically all I have told everyone, and they got the pic!! Before the show started, AOL gave us the wrong directions, so we ended up going somewhere else (Not my fault!!), but that turned out to be great, because I turned on the radio, and they announced No Authority was about to come on and get interviewed. They talked a lot, and confused me and themselves, because none of them knew when their cd was coming out. Next, we got to the show, and sat through Billy Crawford and Aaron Carter. Finally, NA came out!! They started with Don't Stop, which sounds even better now!! Then they introduced themselves, and Eric flirted with the crowd some, and made every NA fan there scream. Next, they shut up Eric and sang What I Wanna Do. After they undid their shirts or took off their jacket things so they could walk around in tank tops, which by the way, they looked great in!!! They went on to sing A Girl Like You (7 Digits) and Beautiful Girl, which were both unbelievable. I don't think I blinked at all through their whole performance. After that, we ran as fast as possible to get in the autograph line, where I finally my friend Jenny, who I have been talking to online for about 3 monthes. One in a million chance there, but anyways, after Danny caught up with the guys, since he missed the golf cart the first time and rode another one out there, they started signing autographs. Lemme just say......WOW!! From where I was during the performance, you could barely see the guys, but up close they are all sooooo much fyner!! Eric has an amazing smile, Ric has the prettiest eyes, Danny has a cute belly button (he showed a bunch of his belly button because someone said it was ugly....its not!), and Tommy is just adorable. He was talking to everyone and telling everyone to have a great day. I am gonna finish by saying.......No Authority rawked!!!


The concert was on June 30th in Camden: Well it was my 16th b-day and my parents got me and 4 friends tickets and a limo to the show. it took about 2 and a half hours to get there but worth it! the ride was fun because everyone in other cars were looking at us and we keeped sticking our heads out of the sun roof! well when we got there all these girls thought that we were someone famous it was funny because they were asking us for our autographs! well then we ffinally found starr and she told us to spred the word the NA was going on first and at 7 they will be signing autographs. so we did. i am kinda shy but got the word out to sooooo many people. well then we went in to our third row seats and NA came out. when they came out some guys was like "You have the right to remain silent,...." and they had their hands over their heads. then i think it was danny who said "I don't think so" it was so cute! then they did all their dancing and eric and ric did their back flips. they were so sexy! danny had on an orange vest and a black sirt under and Khaki and sliver shorts. Eric had on a top the said Kiss The Future on a pockt it was black with green shoulder pad things and purple-blue pants. rric had on a bright green shirt that said kiss thhe future and the same pants that ric had on. tommy had this kinda mesh black shirt with silver thingys on it an silver pants. they all had bright orange shoes on. after they went on i went out side to their booth and stood in front. i didn't get on line becausei was meeting them later. i just stood there for an hour watching then, they are so funny. then starr came over to us and told us to go to the backstage door and wait because they were leaving soon and she didn't want us to get hurt. so we did.once thry were backstage starr told us that we had to go to the other side because we would have to walk through offices. we did, we ran over as fast as we could. once we got there the guy guarding the door said that there wasn't anything back there expect trucks. but we waited, and finally starr came over. we got to go in. the guy was right---kinda---- it was the lot with all the tour busses!. and there were the guys. we and my friend were the first and we gave them all hugs. then we got pics signed and i gave tommy a pic that laura gave me to g ive him and he was like "i know her! andy friend of her is a friend of mine and gave me a huge hug! well i went to danny and got a pic and stuff signed and the same for all the guys we then lined up for group pics i got mine and moved to the side. then Molly got hers and wispered something in danny's ear and he smiled at me. he wisperd to the other guys and i was so curious! then danny said happy sweet 16 and he started signing in a really funny way. he was like "happy birthday cha cha cha to you cha cha cha..." it went on and i almost died there then we talked some more. i asked ricky what Kiss the future meant and he said "Well i am the future so kiss me!" and i gave him a kiss on the cheek and he said "thanks! i sould wear this shirt more often!" when i talked to eric he picked me up and spun around while my friend was talking pics and we had to take like 10 until we both liked it. he said " both b-day people in one pic, WOW! exciting" i went back over to danny and my friend was talking to him. i knew she was talking about me because she knew that i loved him but i would be too shy tot talk to him. so he came over to me and said that he wanted a pic with me. i was like " you want one with me!!!" and he was like "yeah i do" he put his arms around me and picked me up. then puit his arms around my waist and lifted my shirt uplike an inch so his arms were around my stomach. i almost fainted! then kissed me on the check. i wanted him to sign my body and i didn't know where. he said my stomach, but i wouldn't let him because i am a lifeguard and have speedo tan. we talked about our love for the sun and the water and weird tan lines. i won for haveing whisle tan. it was funny, he is soooo sweet!! Then he asked if he could sign my back because he liked it, i was like sure!!! anywhere you like! then starr keeped yelling at both of us because i had to go. we all got a group hug with everyone that was back there, it was like 13 girls and 4 guys but i got between danny and tommy and got squeezed between them, not a bad spot to be! then we really had to go and it was sad. we went inside and saw 98 degrees and on the way home it hit me, i screamed and was like " i meet them!!! i really did!!"

Sarahsart (

See her pics from the All That show, here. Ok, first I just wanna say this was the best freakin’ night of my whole life! Sorry this review/encounter is so long, but read it all please! On July 27th, my friends and I went to the All That concert at Universal Amphitheatre. We got there at 1:30, which was good cause soon after, a lot of people starting getting there. We just hung out there and made signs and stuff. Finally at about 4:30 they let us in and we all ran to the NA Booth. We hung out there for about 20 minutes, when they got there. They sat down and we were pretty close to the front so we got up there quickly. When we first walked up, we didn’t say anything, but then they all saw us and they all shouted, “The NA Squad’s here!” They totally remember us. Eric wasn’t wearing the ring on the necklace I gave him at KIIS a week ago though. But he was wearing it at the Irvine Meadows concert and at the Redondo Beach performance. I asked him about it and he said he's worn it every day since then but he couldn’t wear it today for some reason. But he said he wears it every single day and Ricky said that Eric keeps it by his shaving stuff so he doesn’t forget to put it on. We had our NA Squad shirts on, they are really cute, the guys loved them! We got up there and Danny’s mom and Tony told us we had to take them off if we wanted them to sign it so Jen and I were up front and we took it off, we had tank tops underneath. While we were taking them off Danny and Eric were watching us, shouting “Yeah! Take it off!” We had them sign all of our shirts, they thought they were so cool! We went down the line and gave them their gifts, not the real ones we got but gag gifts. I reached Danny and I gave him a sucker from KIIS FM that I know he loves. He thanked me and said he loves them and ripped it open and starting eating it. Then we all gave them ring pops. I gave Danny one and asked him to marry me and he said Yes. (Just to clarify, we are NOT getting married for all you who start rumors) Then I went to Eric and Jen was still there; she gave them a bottle of whipped cream. She put it in front of Danny and Eric and told them to use their imagination and they started cracking up! Then Jen gave Eric a bracelet that he put on and wore during their performance. We got pics of them and then we had to leave for the show. We went inside, my mom, Joyce and I were in the Orchestra Pit, the seats were SO CLOSE!! The first performance was NA, they were great! They only got to do 2 songs, which really sucks and they were really pissed about it. Even B*Witched got to do like 6 songs, NA got the least amount of songs, they got screwed! But anyways, they performed What I Wanna Do and Girl Like You and they kept looking at me and Joyce cause we were like the only ones dancing around and stuff. After their performance, we ran back outside for the next autograph signing. We were up close again. We got up there and we gave them the 2 posters we made earlier that we held up during the show. We gave them to Danny’s mom and she opened them and showed them to the guys. One said “What We Wanna Do Is…Get With You” on one side and on the other side it said “7 Digits…then one of our numbers and something underneath.” On the other poster we put “You’re The Rainbow In Our Sky” and on the other side we put NA SQUAD really big and put the NA symbol underneath. They said it was so cool and we told them it glowed in the dark and they said they were gonna put it on their tour bus. Oh, and we were talking to them and they told us they saw me and Joyce cause we were practically the only ones standing up dancing, cause no one else was around us. Then they told us they heard us yelling and screaming NA Squad and each time we shouted their names or something like that. Then we gave them their real gifts. We got Tommy a pullover vest, which he loved and then Danny opened his, he pulled out a stick figure guy made out of metal, which for some reason, he really liked. But we told him something else went w/ it and they he looked in the bag again and pulled out a little surfboard that they guy holds. He attached it and showed the guys, he loved it too. Then Ricky opened his, it was a green control pad for his playstation. His face lit up and he opened his mouth so big and he was like “YEAH!” and showed all the guys. Then Eric opened his, a shirt from Structure. He loved it and put it on right then. But then some girl who shall remain nameless called out “B*tches!”, she was on the side of Eric, about 10 ft away. But then he looked up and gave her this look like “Why are you saying that?” But we stayed up there for awhile and I gave Danny 3 more of the suckers and a little 6 pack of Oreos w/ a tiny package of Gummy Worms. He smiled really big and then took off all the stuff he had on his lap and stood up and said Thank You and gave me a hug and a kiss. Then Tony started practically yelling at us to leave and they turned around to him and were like “No, they can stay. We don’t want them to leave, we want to talk to them more,” But Tony kept yelling at us to move. Then we took a group pic w/ them and handed the camera to someone who worked for them and had him take a pic and Tony told him not to take a picture, but they guy said yes and took it anyways. Then we started to leave and they thanked us again for the gifts and gave us all hugs and then after Ricky hugged us all he kissed us! Then we left and walked behind them just to hang out. We got so many dirty looks from all these girls we didn’t even know, just because of the fact we know them and they wanted to talk to us or whatever. So we were standing back there and then we saw Carla and started talking to her, she told us she loved our shirts and jewelry and stuff. Then we left to go watch the rest of the concert, but we stopped in front of NA again and said bye and then all waved at us and said bye. Then we went over to Eric’s mom and sisters, who know me because Eric’s sister is good friend w/ my cousin. My mom told her about my website and she told Eric’s mom. She got my website address and number, she is gonna call us for my cousin’s number. We took pics w/ them and then we met up w/ 2 of Josh Keaton’s sisters that were there, Danielle and Sabrina. They are so sweet, they got our numbers to call us and stuff. They told us Josh was there, backstage and that they had been getting dirty looks all day from the people that worked w/ NA, which sucks, cause it isn't their fault. But oh well. We talked w/ them for awhile and then said bye and went in and watched B*Witched do 6 songs, Monica do her performance and then Josh Server from All That was in the audience so we went over to him and got a pic w/ him and a hug. After that 98* came on. Their show is SO GOOD! They performed Do You Wanna Dance, Heat It Up, Invisible Man, True To Your Heart, The Hardest Thing, I Do, Because of You and they did cover songs of Party Like It's 1999, My Name Is (Which they changed the lyrics to) and Pretty Fly For A White Guy. When they started that, Jeff started dancing around like a dork and they stopped the show and asked what he was doing. He said he was dancing and they said “Well, I guess it's ok, Cause he’s pretty fly for a white guy!” Then they did the song. By like their 3rd song, we saw empty seats closer to the stage so we left our 7th row center seats and got dead center 2nd row seats! We got up there and I was taking so many pics and all of a sudden, some guys that worked there came over and told me to give them my film. I started freaking out, cause the pics were so good and they said they had to take it cause I have this really nice camera, which is my dads for his job, it's kinda like a paparazzi camera, that zooms in so close. My mom told them we didn’t know we couldn’t have the camera, which we didn’t know, and they said they still had to take it. I was freaking out and I started like hysterically crying cause it had all the pics of NA and 98* on it. They told me to take the film out, they felt so bad about it. I was like shaking so I could rewind it cause you have to do it by hand. By then all these girls around me were staring at me, I think they thought I was crying cause like Nick looked at me or something. I couldn’t get the film out so they took my camera and I like had my head in my hands crying so much. Both of the security guys looked away, cause they didn’t want to see me crying cause they felt so bad! They took my camera and told me they would get me and autographed pic of 98* and walked away, telling us to get it after the show. Then this lady comes over, that works for Disney and told my mom something and then she came back a little later and gave Joyce, me and my mom 3 backstage passes. So of course by then, I was freaking out again, actually happy that they took my camera. As soon as they finished their performance, we met the lady by the side door and we got to go out backstage. There was a ton of people out there but she led us to some door and we started talking to her and like 2 other ladies. They were so sweet, they felt so bad about what happened. Then I saw Jen and Marissa, they had been backstage the whole time since B*Witched! They were hanging w/ NA the whole time! I guess NA did photo shoots and Tommy was wearing the vest we gave him in it and they did 3 interviews and they had the blow up glow in the dark doll we gave them that they named Bambi w/ them the whole time. They said Bambi was famous now. Anyways, then I saw Danny again and went up to him w/ Joyce. He had all these girls around him but he turned to me and I asked if I could have another pic w/ him and told him what happened to my film. He got a sad look on his face and said “I’m sorry, Sarah, baby” Then I took a pic w/ him and instead of just putting his arm around my waist like he usually does, he gave me this big hug and his face was right up next to mine. Then he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. I went back to where my mom was and was just standing there and I looked over at Danny. He saw me and a minute later he walked over to me and was like, “Hey, whats up?” I started talking to him and then someone came up and asked for an autograph and he tried to sign it but his pen ran out. He turned to me and told me that he had to go get a new Sharpie cause his pen ran out and then he’d be right back. But as soon as he left, the lady took us back in some room, to meet 98 Degrees! We went in there and it was like an after party w/ magazines and family and stuff. We stood by Jeff and then he introduced himself to us and we said hi. He signed something for me and Joyce and then we got a pic w/ him. He noticed our NA shirts and was like “Oh cool, you got the guys to sign your shirt!” I felt weird though cause I didn’t have any of my 98 degrees stuff w/ me. Then after a couple minutes he had to go out in the hall. Then like 5 minutes later, the lady led us into the hall, it was only me, Joyce, my mom and Nick, Jeff, Justin and Drew and like 2 security guards. We got to hang w/ them and talk to them. We got pics w/ all of them and their autographs. They introduced themselves to us and like looked us straight in the eye. It was so cool! We told them we went to the concert on Sunday at Irvine Meadows also and that they were so good and they dance so well. Drew said “Well, we try” They are so modest :o) Then I told Drew that they were so great on General Hospital and that I taped all 3 episodes, which he thought was really cool. We talked to Justin for a little bit, he's super nice! Then I went over to Nick, who is my absolute favorite. He shook my hand and said hi, that he was pleased to meet me. He signed my paper and I got a pic of me and him. I told him how Joyce and I went to City Walk when they were there awhile ago and how we didn’t know that you had to be there by a certain time so we didn’t get in. But then we told all of them how we tried to get into Hard Rock Café where they were but they wouldn’t let us in so we snuck around the side and went in that way. They started laughing and they said how cool that was. Then later one of them noticed our NA shirts and was like “I guess you guys are big NA fans huh?” We said yeah, but that we absolutely loved them. They started laughing and said that they didn’t believe us. I told them how if I would've know I was gonna meet them I would've brought something! I said that I had that big huge poster of them like firefighters on my wall that I would've brought and they believed me finally! ? Then we took a pic w/ Jeff again and my mom was like “Ew, Im all sweaty and gross” Jeff was like, “You think your sweaty? Look at me” My mom said, “Yeah, but yours is the good kind of sweat” and he started laughing. Then we got another pic w/ all of them and then we had to leave. We told them thank you so much for meeting us they were like “No problem, the pleasure was all ours” I gave them one last hug and then we left and they called bye after us. Besides NA, they are the sweetest guys I have EVER met! We went outside and no other celebrities were the but we saw Jen and Marissa and told them what happened. Then they played us the tape they did of them talking w/ NA. They have Eric signing Beautiful Girl, which he dedicated to the NA Squad. Then they have Tommy singing and then Ricky. They were gonna have Danny, but he was being chased around by some girl that wouldn’t leave him alone. But they mentioned the whip we got them w/ the blow up doll and they hadn't seen it. Ricky said he had to find it cause he was gonna us it. They had them talking a lot more, mentioning the NA Squad a lot, w/o even asking them to! Then we had to leave, so we got my camera back, which was broken; the rewind thing won't turn. I was so upset earlier that it got all bent when I was trying to take the film out. But thank god, the guys told us they left the film in it! Ok, that is it, I know you’re all thinking “Thank god it's over!” Well if you have any questions or even if you went to any of the Universal concerts or Irvine Meadows, email me w/ your encounter review and Ill put it up. Bye!

Lori (

ALL THAT CONCERT REVIEW Gorge Amphitheatre in George, Washington. *To see her pics click here.

Okay first off we had really horrible seats so me and my friend didn't watch most of the concert, except for No AUthority and 98 degrees. We got there are stood in line to meet No Authority, it was so awesome! The guys I have been in love with for two years were right in front of me, my camera was going like crazy!! I could not belive how hot they looked in person especially tommy and ricky. I wasn't a huge fan of tommy's until i met him yesterday. We went through and got all of our stuff signed and got hugs and stuff and pictures taken with each member. Then we went to sit on the grass right in front of the booth to watch them til they had to go onstage. This lady next to us taps us on the shoulders and asked us how long we had been NA fans. We told her since they came out and it turned out to be RICKY'S MOMMY!! SHe introduced us to Eric's Dad, Sister Stephanie, and Danny's Mom. We talked to her for awhile and she told us about the new albulm and how much we were gonna love it. Then NA took to the stage and performed four songs. They were such great dancers!!! Then they did another autograph signing and we went through line again. My friend acidentally knocked off tommy's sunglasses when she gave him a hug the first time and he recognized her the second time and told her jokingly to not hit him in the face again. Then after we got more stuff signed we sat in the grass again and Eric's butt (had boxers on of course) was hanging out (we got a pic!) and he kept messing with his butt, we though he was scratching it the whole time and he finally goes "this stupid this is bugging me" and ripped out the tag of his underwear, so me and my friend go up and asked the bodyguard, who was EXTREMELY nice to us if we could have the tag and he said "ask eric" so we were embarrassed and we asked eric and he said "sure, that's real nice, a souveneir of my underwear" and he was laughing! so we got the tag out of Eric's underwear and all our tshirts,cd's and posters signed, it was the best concert i have been too!!! i will have pictures up on my website and will post the link when they are up! (there are like 90 of no authority) BYEBYE.

Lana(& her friends)-(

NO AUTHORITY ENCOUNTER 7/30/99 Our names are Lana, Monica, and Beth. July 30th 1999 was one of the best days of our lives. We woke up at 9 o'clock, ate breakfast, and spent the entire day getting ready for the All That concert in Concord, CA. We had been waiting for this for so long and we were so excited, we were finally going to see our boys. We have been in love with them since '97 and had seen them once before in '98, but this was going to be an awesome day. We left early so we could get a good spot in the autograph line. We THOUGHT that we were on schedule, until we missed our exit and drove right passes the pavilion. As we were freaking out (ahhhhhhhh), we continued to drive away from the hottest guys in the universe searching for a place to turn around. Phew, we finally made it back to the pavilion, only to make TWO MORE wrong u-turns! As we finally got out of the car, Monica's mom tried to tell us where to meet, but we were so anxious to get out, we just nodded our heads, pretending that we were listening and ran out. We were the second people in line and waited there for about an hour and a half. The radio station there (Wild 94.9) were yelling out the names of all the artists there, everybody screamed for 98*, but when it got to No Authority we were, like, the only ones screaming. But we made up for everyone there with our loud screaming, everyone was giving us weird looks cause we were totally freaking out. The gates opened around 5 pm, we ran in looking for NA`s booth. We were one of the first groups there. The guys drove up in golf carts as Lana punched Monica in the arm muttering under her breath "OMG!!!! Its Danny!" The guys sat in the order of Eric, Ricky, Tommy, and (drum roll please)...........DANNY! =oP He is Monica and Lana's favorite. Beth loves Eric. Monica went first, followed by Beth and then Lana. As we approached each guy we said. " Hey _____ " <------ their name here.=o) They looked up kinda surprised that we knew their names and signed our pictures. When Mon got to Danny she told him that he was " sooooooo hot", which she is kinda embarrassed about now.=oP Danny gave a little laugh and smiled with those seductive dimples as he said "thanx" in reply. (God, he is so adorable) When we got through the line, we thought that we should stay and hang around their booth until they left. We had a REALLY good view of Danny. We made friends with one of the security guards, his name is Ethan. He was so sweet and cute. We filled him in on all the guys names, birthdays, hobbies, blood types, etc.=oP Monica and Lana stood there telling Ethan how much they luv Danny and jokingly told him how they were going to marry him. Ethan saw our signs, which included Danny's "Will you marry me" sign. He called for Danny and when he looked up, Lana and Monica turned around hoping that he wouldn't see them. Ethan was kinda surprised at how star struck we were, so we asked him who would make him freak out and that's how we were for NA (BTW, Rebecca Romaijin Stamos =o) Monica said "Please, do not say Britney Spears!" Ricky heard Britney's name, and looked up. He looked at us and asked "Britney? Is she preforming?" We were like "God, we hope not!" Ricky told us how she got booed off the stage, that made us smile cause we hate that fake slut! =o) As we were talking to Ethan, we mentioned that we have been fans since `97. Danny heard us and looked up and smiled (sigh). Pretty soon after thar, they had to leave. They got on the golf cart and began to drive away. Lana and Monica ran up to the cart, leaving Beth with our bags and signs. The cart began to move slowly as we walked along side trying to take pictures. As the cart moved faster Monica started to run after it, forcing Lana to grab her arm and pull her back. The whole time, Eric was watching them and laughing. We walked back to the booth and saw that Tommy had left his water bottle. Ethan picked it up and gave it to us after we had begged for it. We hurried to our seats which were pretty good. There were not that many people there for No Authority. They came out and we screamed out heads off. We ran up to the front of our section holding up the signs that we had for them. They saw us and they pointed and smiled at us. They are REALLY good dancers. Ricky altered the lyrics from "Lets get personal" to "Lets get sexual". That got the crowd going. =o) When they finished their awesome performance, we ran as fast as we could to the second autograph signing. We got in line and waited for our boyz to come back out. The line was much longer this time. What pissed us off was that nobody in the line knew their names, so we had to educate everyone. There were two little 11 year old girls who didn't know who they where and ended up getting NA's towels. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! But they were cute. We had been working up the nerve to ask them for hugs. Monica had Lana go before her to ask Danny for a hug. We were almost to the front when we saw the NA posters for sale. Monica saw Danny in the pic and said how he looked soooo hot. At this, Danny looked over as Mon looked away embarrassed that he had heard her AGAIN. We got to Danny (he was the first guy at the table) Lana gave him her picture and asked for a hug. He said "sure" and gave her a hug.=o) His mom came over and told everyone no more hugs, poor Mon.=o( We got to Tommy and showed him the poster we had made for him. We drew his tattoo on it. He was impressed and said "That's tight!" He showed us his other tattoo that was scabbing over. The other guys were leaning over the table looking at it too. We got out of the line and took our place in front of them. Beth came out, holding her hand, shaking, and almost in tears. Eric had given her two of his bracelets and had done a little design around her fingers which she hasn't taken off since. We talked with our bud Ethan a little more and took pics of the guys. They are really photogenic, they smiled every time the camera was pointed at them. Especially Ricky and Tommy, they are so cute! It got time for them to leave and do a radio station interview. We were sad that they had to leave but Monica wasted no time and walked along side them with Ethan, following them to the booth. We stood around there for a while but then decided to head back to our seats. We walked past the NA booth and Monica noticed that Danny had left his soda on the table. Lana and Beth told her to go ahead and take it. There was a guard standing in the corner and when his back was turned Mon went through the gates and got the soda (Sprite) =o) It was still half full. We all drank a little and then Mon finished it. Lana saw Ricky's soda (Sprite 2) under the table so she went in and got it but then gave it to Beth. The guard looked up in surprise and asked what she was doing, she held up the can and bolted out of there. At this point, we decided to go to our seats and watch the rest of the show. We got there when Monica (the performer lol ) came out. The show was great, but we couldn't stop thinking about No Authority and tomorrow night.

Lori (

Gorge Amphitheatre in George, Washington. Okay first off we had really horrible seats so me and my friend didn't watch most of the concert, except for No AUthority and 98 degrees. We got there are stood in line to meet No Authority, it was so awesome! The guys I have been in love with for two years were right in front of me, my camera was going like crazy!! I could not belive how hot they looked in person especially tommy and ricky. I wasn't a huge fan of tommy's until i met him yesterday. We went through and got all of our stuff signed and got hugs and stuff and pictures taken with each member. Then we went to sit on the grass right in front of the booth to watch them til they had to go onstage. This lady next to us taps us on the shoulders and asked us how long we had been NA fans. We told her since they came out and it turned out to be RICKY'S MOMMY!! SHe introduced us to Eric's Dad, Sister Stephanie, and Danny's Mom. We talked to her for awhile and she told us about the new albulm and how much we were gonna love it. Then NA took to the stage and performed four songs. They were such great dancers!!! Then they did another autograph signing and we went through line again. My friend acidentally knocked off tommy's sunglasses when she gave him a hug the first time and he recognized her the second time and told her jokingly to not hit him in the face again. Then after we got more stuff signed we sat in the grass again and Eric's butt (had boxers on of course) was hanging out (we got a pic!) and he kept messing with his butt, we though he was scratching it the whole time and he finally goes "this stupid this is bugging me" and ripped out the tag of his underwear, so me and my friend go up and asked the bodyguard, who was EXTREMELY nice to us if we could have the tag and he said "ask eric" so we were embarrassed and we asked eric and he said "sure, that's real nice, a souveneir of my underwear" and he was laughing! so we got the tag out of Eric's underwear and all our tshirts,cd's and posters signed, it was the best concert i have been too!!! i will have pictures up on my website and will post the link when they are up! (there are like 90 of no authority) BYEBYE ~~~ LORI~!!***~~!!!!


Hi my name is Autumn Ritter and I am 15 years old. I have currently went to one of their shows July 14 (Nickelodeon show) and got to see their GREAT performance and got to meet them well like an autograph thing. But this time it was much better. August 26th was the day I went to a Macy's concert in Atlanta. It was with C-Note and No Authority. We got there (at Lenox Mall) where there was a small line for me, my friend, and my mom to get in. They handed out some flavored water, cause man was it hot in Atlanta. The line was moving to get up near the stage, me and the rest of my group got up right to the gate. They came on first with their tight tank tops, but Ricky was only wearing a vest and some shorts. During the show Ricky took of his Jacket and Tommy ripped off his tank top. They were so FINE! Soon the show ended with No Authority then C-note came on. I will admit they did awesome as NA did. We got Awesome pictures there pictures, cause we were so close. Soon the concert was over and we went to go get autographs like everyone else. We got up there shook their hands and the woman in charge of this was telling us to hurry because they had to catch their plane. So when we got out of there my mom knew where we were going, which was to the airport. Since they had to get to Boston from Atlanta to do another show the next day. We got there at 8:30pm. We looked for where they would be (like their gate) and what flight. We found out and started to head down until I looked back. I saw C-note where we had passed them. I told me mom and my friend to come with me and soon enough it was them. I said "hi" to Raul and he had remembered us. We started talking about how we got here and I asked if they would take a picture. They were more than willing to (even if they got noticed). So me and my friend got a picture with Raul and Dru. The others werent around to take the picture with us. We gave them a hug and Dru gave me a kiss on the check (AWWWW!). Then all of a sudden here comes Tommy coming up from the stairs. I tapped him on the shoulder and asked how he was doing. He said he was doing great. Then I asked him if we could get a picture with him. He agreed, also willing. But we werent done. We had to find the other memebers, so we went ahead down to their gate and waited, soon enough here they come, but we spotted Ricky singing acapella (Angle of Mine) to a woman who didnt know them. He walked our way, we got pictures with him individually and then Danny. He was holding me so tight I didnt want him to let go. Eric jumped in our picture with the signs he kept from the concert and Danny put his pizza in front of Eric's face. The camera started to act up so I didnt get a pic with Eric, Danny, and me. But it soon worked again so I got on with Danny and me. We were still holding eachother we it acted up. Then I got one with Eric. He was so cute. He put his signs in the picture. We soon had to leave and so did they so We said good-bye and Tommy and Danny came over to give eachother a hug. While Tommy gave Kaley a hug Danny was going to give me one until my friend jumped in his way. So I gave Tommy one then I gave Danny one (big one). He told me he loved me. And we went back to where my mom was. Kaley was telling that their manager had recorded that whole thing. Hopefully it will be on one of their tapes when it comes out. The only thing that sux about the whole thing is that they dont even know my name. Some how I have to meet them again to see if they remeber me and I could tell them my name. I love you guys( NA ) and the great music you make with those awesome harmonies. They are going to tour with 98 degrees. And I am going to meet them again anyway I can to see if they remember me. I will send pictures when my scanner works, I promise so I have my proof. Thanx for your time. Email me if you want to ask me anything. Thanx again for reading this.

NOTE: Even though a lot of us dislike singers or other performers, please try to avoid negativity. Thanks!

