Full Name: Ricardo Felix Godinez
Nickname: Jade (?)
Age: 18
Birthdate: December 2nd , 1980
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace:San Bernadino, Calif.
Lives in: L.A., Calif.
Eye Colour: Brown (he has blue contacts though).
Favourite Colour: Green
Height: 5'9
Before No Authority: Ricky was a dancer and a gymnast. He once dreamed of competing in the Olympics.
Favourite Things: Madonna, choreographing, performing, and his fans!
Most Annoying Habit: Ricky does `facercises` - you kinda have to see them to appreciate them- and takes too long in the bathroom.
The Girl Thing: He's into girls with fair skin, pretty eyes, nice body, nice butt and nice personalities.
Most Amusing Quote: "I Love our fans - I want girls to run up and tackle me" :)
Tidbits: Has two potbellied pigs, Kitty and Moe and he is a BIG admirer of his mother(aw-that's sooo sweet!)

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Email: nacanada@hotmail.com