The Webmasters

NO AUTHORITY RoxX (our page)
Cool All-Gurl Site
Place to Get Email
Fast, Easy webpages
Other Reviews of Ours
LOOK @ what we adopted!

Here is me (Sara): I'm Sara. I run the webpage that you're at right now(NO AUTHORITY RoxX). Doesn't it kick ass!?!? Anyway, I don't know why you'd wanna be here but you're watch us make fun of ourselves!!! hehe....I will do that l8er but for now, g2g!

And Laura's pic(it'll be here soon!): -she is the one who writes and gets all the 411 for our awesome newsletter. You should email her if your not on the list! She's from On,Canada and she's a bigger NA fan than me, she's seen them live and met them! wah. I am jealous..More info to come!

NO AUTHORITY RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
