Paintkit Help New PCX Decals
NASCAR PAINTKIT"How To Import New PCX decals"The big question always asked is <<Is there a way to paintthe PCX decals outside of PaintKit, then import them backin?>>ANSWER: Doing this is tricky business, but it can be done.First let me add my disclaimer that as a frequent designer,I've found that it is almost always easier to do your workin PaintKit than take it elsewhere. The quality is usuallybetter and with less work (or a different kind of work <G>)A few exceptions are if you want to convert something from another format, shrink or blow up a logo, or draw a perfectcircle.The rule you must NEVER FORGET is that any fancy stuff you doelsewhere will be negated in the end because PaintKit is yourleast capable application and that is where your work will endup.OK, if you've gotten through that and still want to proceed <G>... You need an application to edit in first of all. "NeoPaint" is the most common. It is Shareware available inCompu$erve GO PEARL forum. Many applications that areconsidered great, like Corel, do not work for editing NASCARPCXs. The application MUST preserve the color palate and moreimportantly the exact size ratio of the original PCX. Many highend applications do not do that. Start by exporting the PaceCar from PaintKit. The PCX file will be in your C:\NASCARdirectory. You can then open up the file in NeoPaint or anotherapplication (you may not know if PaintKit will accept another application's work until you import it back to PaintKit.) PaintKit works in a low resolution, LESS than 256 color palateworld. There should be a color palate for NeoPaint in theMotorsports Library of this forum. Use it! If you can't get apalate, use the "color sample" tool from applications that allowyou to choose a color right from the image instead of a palate.That way you know your color is right. If you do this, youmight want to use a car like Jeff Gordon's (with a lot of color!)Be careful in NeoPaint! Outside of PaintKit, when you edit, youare actually editing the whole PCX file. What I mean is that youare not restricted to staying inside the outlines of the carpanels. If you cut outside the lines, you will actually get justthat. Also, the gray background in NeoPaint comes through as"clear" back in PaintKit.Play around, cut and paste from other graphics in NeoPaint. Ifthey are of high detail, they will fall apart back in PaintKit,if they come through at all. The fewer colors the better. Sizesmust be fairly small. Open up your car PCX and let NeoPaintchange to the proper resolution. Then open up another file ofyour choice (logo) and copy a section to paste to the car PCX.Save your files and then import them back in PaintKit. You willmost certainly still have to do some clean up work in PaintKit toperfect the image.