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Diamond's Realm of Fantasy
Death of the Phoenix
by Cathi Pelletier

She soared aloft on blazing wings.
She showed him how a wild heart sings.
The Wizard gazed in quiet awe,
Then turned away. No love she saw.

The Phoenix faltered in fiery flight.
She felt dank wind in cold of night.
Swooping lower, she fanned his face
With flaming wings, so full of grace.

The magi's eyes were elsewhere now,
Cast on his books with furrowed brow.
The Phoenix fell from starry skies,
Beseeching him with burning eyes.

Her flaming flight was at an end.
The lack of love her heart did rend.
An ashen heart lay in its grave.
No bolder soul the Gods e'er gave.

The Wizard sat in tower tall,
An ashen face turned to the wall.
The magi sat in silent thought
Of Phoenix flight, in memory caught.

He dreamed of her in blazing light,
Like sparkling comet in black of night.
He longed for her, and in the night
Her fiery soul once more took flight.

Donna Denn
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The Clan of the Lost Dragon
And my universe--
And don't forget my new Dreamworld ezine.
(still in the beginning stages)
My ICQ# 10962503
"Exterminate! Exterminate!" --the Daleks
"Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom."-author unknown


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