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Angel throwing Kiss

For you Chippewa...Kisses

Each of us is special to one another.
And we are special to this very moment.
Because what is past can't be repeated,
let's remember to enjoy every moment as it comes.
Let's pay close attention to each person,
each activity that we encounter today.
It's not what we do today,
but how we do it that counts.
Can I do each thing well today, even the small things?

bar of stars

Each of us carries reality inside ourselves,
and as we grow stronger within,
we discover that we can see clearest when we trust our own eyes.
There is a glorious world,
full and rich,
just waiting for us to see,
Will I see the world through my own eyes today?

bar of stars

When we look outside ourselves for happiness,
we can never be sure of it if we count on certain conditions to guarantee it.
However, we can always be sure if we carry it with us wherever we go.
The happiness habit can be developed, with practice, just as surely as playing good piano or accurate pitching.
We control our thoughts.
The decision to make them happy is ours.
Am I carrying happiness within right now?

bar of stars

Laughter is a gift waiting for us on the other side of our sadness.
Looking closely at a clown's face,
we will often notice a bit of sadness around the eyes.
Clowns are able to move easily from sad expressions to ones full of delight very easily.
For all of us,
laughter and tears come from the same deep well inside.
And often, after a good cry, we find ourselves ready to laugh easilly and loudly.
Can I begin to laugh by smiling now?

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