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To My Piece of Heaven on Earth

Do you believe in God? In Heaven? Have you ever wondered what
it would be like to have that Heaven on Earth?? I don't have
to wonder. I found my piece of Heaven and she is right here
with me. Thank God that prayers are answered. When they are
it's in HIS perfect time. For years I searched for the perfect
soulmate for me and then who would have thought that she had
been right there under my nose all the time??

"To My ACountryVixen,Jo...

She's my shelter in a raging storm.
My light in a world full of darkness.
My everything that means anything.
With her I am complete.
She is my friend, companion, my life's love and soulmate.
She understands me like no one else ever has or ever will.
We are so much alike that we read each other's minds.
Have you ever been thinking of something and didn't quite
know how to say it? Then suddenly someone says the exact
thing you are thinking?? We do this constantly.
We amaze each other with this every day.
Without my Southern Angel I would be completely lost.

We met on the internet about 6 months ago. We started out as
acquaintances, then became friends. Then more as best friends. I
used to joke and call her mom.. because she was so wise. When I
needed someone to talk to or to help with my problems, she was
always there.. to lend a shoulder to cry on, a breath of fresh air,
when I felt as though I were suffocating. Then she was there when
me and an ex were having problems.. always trying to stop my pain.
She was there trying to reconcile us. What an amazing woman!
She always put others before herself. Always having time for her
friends, and never judging. It didn't matter what time of night
or day it was she would still make time to talk, listen, or just
give advice. She still amazes me. How can someone be so selfless?
I listened to her because she was the only one who could calm..
my fears, or dissipate my nightmares. NO matter what they were or
how I felt or no matter how depressed I was... she could always
lighten my darkest moment.

I used to sit in Yahoo and watch her in action... what a "Spitfire"
when she was angered. Which didn't happen much. When it did, God was
it fun to watch her take someone apart. I would sit and laugh and wish
and hope and dream.. knowing it could never be. Or atleast thinking
that. She always had the time and patience for me when I needed her.
The strange thing is that it didn't matter what she was doing, all
I had to do was tell her I needed to talk and she was there.
Once I was really depressed when a friend of mine, and his girlfriend
started some trouble. My girlfriend at the time contacted her, and asked
if she would try and find me to stop me from doing something stupid.
When I answered the phone that day at work... hearing her voice on the
other end of the line my heart skipped a beat. She did something that
no other woman has ever done in my lifetime. She gave me a love that
is beyond all reason. Endless and pure, without reservations.
Just to see her smile, gives me ALL the happiness I need in life.
Having here near me.. Is more like heaven then anything I know.

You only cross paths with the perfect love once in your lifetime...
and I have found mine. You know it's love when you can sit, and stare
at the person for hours on end, and never tire of the happiness your
heart feels, or the excitedness of hearing that person's voice. Still,
today it feels like a dream to hold her in my arms, and touch her face
and know that she is here with me. It's hard to believe that I have
my angel, and know that she will never leave. I always "thought" I was
in love when I was with another person in my past...
now I "KNOW" I am.

She used to tell me that... "There is a perfect person out there for
everyone, and when the time is right you will meet that person. Just
take it slow and have some patience. Everything will work out according
to God's plan." Well ya know what? She's right, as usual. This LOVE is so
strong and secure, that I don't know where I begin and she ends, or where
she begins and I end. We are like two pieces of the same puzzle that
interlock completely. One of us would not be complete without the other.

"My Morning Dove... My Eternal Love...
I love you more than life itself.
There's nothing I wouldn't give to make you happy.
I could sit for hours and stare into your eyes.
To see a smile on your lips I would walk thru fire.
To hold you in my arms I would walk a high wire.
Your Protector, Friend, Companion, and life's Love...
Your WhiteKnightCowboy... your love without end.
As the song, I Cross My Heart plays I am reminded
that this is our solemn promise to each other."

"I love you always and forever.." Brian