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Roper's Flock 2

Mandy is a great friend, and loves everyone. She always made me feel
welcome in chat. Thanks Mandy for being an angel.

Sem is another friend of mine from Yahoo Country Chat. What a heart
of gold and a soul to match. Men be careful cause she don't give up.
*LOL* Just kidding now Sem, so don't get mad at me.

Marcie and Tim were married in September. I wish them all the best of
luck. Marcie is a sweetheart and a good friend.

Traveler1_98 has been a good friend too. She is a women to reckon with.
If you don't know her then I suggest you get to know her. She is Yahoo
Country alot and is a wonderful person. Thanks Traveler, my friend.

Spitfire1_98 is exactly what her name implies. A "Spitfire" of a woman.
She could make the devil blush even if he was already Dark Red. God she
is so much fun tho. You gotta love her for that.

A sweetheart of a friend, from is this one. Michele...
is always herself no matter what or who is talking to her. I laugh
alot in CM cause she is so funny. Thanks for being a friend.

Country Muddin Girl... or April.. is a jewel all on her own.
Bright, cheery, and a "dont't take nothin off anybody" attitude.
LOL She is a sweetheart, and I am glad to call her my friend.

Meet Suzie. A breath of fresh air, and a comedian. She's so funny
especially when she's drinking. *LOL* Ok, Suzie dodn't get mad now.
Thanks for the great times in Yahoo.

*Howls* This is Wolfie, or Brandtfan. She's a character all her own
too. Funny, delightful, and a great friend.

This is Straitshooter987 or you_talkin2me. Shane is a great guy! He
and ACountryVixen are more of less.. brothers and sisters. He has
my admiration and respect for chosing such a great friend. *S*

This is Chattess. A friend I met in Finally someone
with the same wacked sense of humor I have. *LOL* Thanks girl for the

This is Akgstrait. A very good friend, and fun to pick on too.
She never takes anything serious. She also loves horses, and riding.
Chat with her and you will walk away smiling.

This is White Lion and her husband, Left Lane. Jody, and Mike are
some of the best people you want to meet. Jody is hilarious to
joke with and she does take it with a grain of salt, as they say.

Ahhhhhh now this is the best for last deal. Shallimara is my soaker
buddy... *LOL* We pretend alot of times that we are soaking each
other with Supersoakers. She is so much fun to irritate. Most of the
times we come up with these "wierd" costumes to disguise ourselves.
She's the best. Love ya Shall and thanks for the fun and practically
giving me phneumonia. *LOL*