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Roper's Herd

Well howdy there partner!
Welcome to my Herd page, where you can learn more about
me and my family..... those who mean most to me in this world.
Thank ya for stoppin in.. shore do appreciate it.

Say hello to "Stick Boy".. my older brother. I do tease
him with that name, that's all it is tho is funnin...
Owen knows I love him and we have a wonderful relationship.
Now I didn't say it was always that way... we had our
fights as all brothers do.. yet we never lost sight of
what was important. That's mostly cause of our parents.
The poor critter that Owen is riding is Rebel. I pity this
poor horse... Eeew, he has to carry Owen around. *LOL*

This is me, Rebel, and my Brother Owen. Oh, Rebel is the horse...
in the middle.. *LOL* just in case you didn't know.

This is me and my Mom, Regina. She is a wonderful woman,
who I admire so much. I used to be a little devil child
when I was smaller, thank God she put up with me...
"I love you, Mom."

This is my Dad, Howard. He loves geneology, and is very
adverse in History. He enjoys backpacking, and is a Viet Nam
vet. Oh, and did I mention Dad is where I got my sense of
humor??? I love you, Dad.

These are my Grandparents who live in TillaMook, Oregon.
I don't get to see them as much as I want to. Still, They
Know I love them very much!!!!!

These are my babies... Dallas James or DJ, and Skyla Zelda Ann
Marie. These are or used to be my Boston Terriers. Since I am
in college my Mom and Dad are keeping them. I think they love
Mom and Dad more than me now. Oh well, I still have Pepper.
I know she loves me.

Just click "Next" to continue on your tour....
(as tho you didn't already know that huh?)
Well I hate to see lost people. * LOL *