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Roper's Anguish

Yes into everyone's life.. a little Pain must fall. Of course I could
have missed the pain.. then I would have missed the dance.....

Throughout our lives we all experience pain and joy, on one level or
another. You have already seen some of my joy, and you will see more
in the pages to come. For now.. let me tell of my pain....

~ Life ~

Standing there like a behemoth..
With it's mouth opened wide..
I see fate standing there..
Daring me to step inside..
Like a side show Barker..
Inviting me to ride the ride..
"Do you accept the dare?"
He asks me, Staring his icy stare..
"What is this ride?"
I ask, daring to look inside..
"Why.. it has love..
It has joy..
It has pain..
It has strife.."
He says, this fellow named fate.
This is what it is..
I say.. "What do you call this ride?
This thing of love and joy,
This thing of pain and strife?"
His response is simple and direct..
He simply states..
"Why my friend, it is simply called life."


Why did I write this poem? Maybe it was to show the pain and joy I
endured when an ex and myself parted ways. My first love...
Kim. You know how that goes. You never get over it until you
realize that sometimes it's simply life. I had no control over the
situation of fate.. showing it's hand.

~ The Fool ~

The Fool I was..
The Fool I thought I would always be..
Peope came and tried to understand me..
But I would always turn and flee..
Yelling at them..
Can't they see?
"Why do want to try and comfort me?"
The Fool I was..
The Fool I thought I would always be..
"Leave me be..
Can't you see?
I am the Fool..
My life is filled with nothing but misery."
"Please let me be !!!
Simply turn away from me.."
The Fool I was..
The Fool I thought I would always be..
I was used..
I was abused..
By those who said they cared for me.
I was tossed away..
There to lay..
Lost and forgotten..
Until one day..
An Angel came my way..
Radiating an immeasureable love..
Sent to me from the Heavens above.
She took my hand and led me to the light..
Showing me the path that was right.
The Fool I was..
The Fool I thought I would always be..
She stood by my side..
All my fears, she did subside..
The Fool you once would see..
Each time you looked at me..
Is here no more.
He was tossed upon the floor.
Now what you see..
When once again you look upon me..
Is the
I was always meant to be.
I now know happiness..
I now know love..
All because of My Angel..
Sent from Heaven above.


Personal Quote:
"In each of our lives.. there are times we must first play the Fool..
Before we can truly become the Wise Man."

This was "my time".. to play the Fool.. and be used and abused, and almost
driven mad before I was rescued. The PuppetMaster in this story, pulling
my strings as expertly as a concert pianist playing a symphony excert..
was another Ex.. Celeste. She looked at me and saw a man who wore his
heart upon his sleeve. Easy prey.. as a lamb in a pack of wolves.
Always manipulating the situation to her advantage. Once again I was
caught off guard and thrown flat of face. Learning my lesson, and at most
painful cost. For this I have paid dearly.. and continue to pay.
This lesson in love almost turned this man's heart of gold into a heart
of stone.