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This story started out as a project for school. Then I started
to want to know more and more about Native American Culture.
My teacher wanted me to publish this one, and I was told that
without an agent they wouldn't touch it. Silly huh? ........
so I am placing it here for you to read. I hope you enjoy.

  As I lay there in the snow, my breath growing ever so shallow and slow,
I remember. I remember how it all started that day. I remember it all. I remember....

  "Grey Wolf! Hey, Grey Wolf wake up you sleepy head. I swear,
you'd sleep your life away if noone bothered to wake you up."
Said Running Deer in a half laughing, half scolding tone...
"Get your lazy carcass up, we have things to do."

  As I slowly opened my eyes, I could see through the slit,
in the skin entrance covering. GREY SKY! Oh no, not grey sky.
Each time that the grey sky appears, it brings with it the great cold.
However, the great cold is not all that it brings. Everytime that
the grey sky has come, something bad has always happened. Last time
the sky was this color, Spotted Dove, one of the warriors, was killed
during a hunt.

  "Come on!" Running Deer shouted. I could tell that he also
felt the arrival of the great cold, for he put on his cloak, made from
the skin of the great hairy beast, that the people called .."Buffalo".
As I struggled into a sitting position, yawning and stretching, I
watched Running Deer bend over as he exited from the tee-pee. He was
only gone for a moment when he came running inside with some white
pordery stuff all over him.

  "Snow!" He cried, "the first snow fall of the season. Isn't it
wonderful? Soon the warriors will head out to hunt and WE get to go
along!" He said with so much honor.
  I just stared at him sleepily.
  "Well aren't you excited?" He asked.
  I just yawned and continued to stare at him.
  "Fine, just be that way" he cried as he rushed out of the
tee-pee. After he left, I struggled to my feet and slowly staggered
outside into the "snow."

  Just as I stepped out I heard "Morning Grey Wolf," from my right. As I slowly turned my head to look that way, I spotted Grey Cloud, an acquaitance. I say acquaitance, because we never truly got along that well.
&bnsp;&bnsp;"Morning Grey Cloud" I said not bothering to sound friendly.
&bnsp;&bnsp;"How do you like this snow?"
&bnsp;&bnsp;"I hate it! I spend the nights trying to stay warm, but all my
attempts fail because not all of US get a warm skin to crawl under."
He said in a spiteful tone, that he didn't even attempt to conceal.
&bnsp;&bnsp;"Yea, yea, yea, you better stop now, because you may make me cry,"
I said in a sarcastic tone. I could tell by the expression on his face
that he did not appreciate this at all I just walked away laughing.
As I was almost out of ear shot, Grey Cloud shot one last insult my way. He said, "Hey Grey Wolf, your momma was a dirty, filthy, mongrel, who deserved what she got." This really angered me, for I loved my mother, she was killed one year while out on a hunt by a rampaging buffalo. I spun around and ran right up to Grey Cloud and stared him right in the face. I growled, "NOBODY TALKS ABOUT MY MOTHER, ESPECIALLY NOT SOME MOTH EATEN, BROKEN DOWN OLD NAG LIKE YOU!!!!" He just snorted in my face, which served to only anger me further. I tried to control myself, but was unsuccessful in my attempt. I lost control of my anger and bit him on the nose. Well actually, I just nipped him, but it was enough to get my point across. In fact I got my point across so well, and so suddenly, that he turned around so fast that he nearly fell over. He finally managed to regain his balance and took off running around the pen he was in. I found all of this more fun then anything I could have ever imagined. I chased him barking and laughing like I had been bitten by the rattling stick (rattlesnake). I saw some humans who had been bitten by one, act like I must surely be acting now. They would sweat, toss, turn, scream out, and cry. However, I didn't really think about that at the time, I was having to much fun with what I was doing. Even though I knew that it was wrong of me to do this. I had been warned about this sort of thing before, I didn't care. I thought that I wouldn't get caught until. "GREY WOLF!! What do you think you are doing?!?!" I heard from behind me. My first thoughts were, "Oh No." For I knew that voice, and I knew that I was in some serious trouble then. I slowly turned around to see Dancing Bear standing there staring at me. "Leave that horse alone, you BAD dog." He said in an angry tone. "No, I am not bad" I wanted to explain to him. It was that STUPID horse, he started it all." All this I wanted to say, but alas I could not. For I am but a simple dog and humans simply don't understandme or my animal friends when we speak to them anymore. When we speak to humans, all they hear, because they repeat it to us as if we were but simple foolish animals, is te animals that they hear. Baa's, moo's, barks, meow's, chirps, and squaks. When I was but a pup, I was told why things are the way that they are now, and how it once was. There was a wise old owl that once lived in a tree near the village. One day I happened to wander over to the tree and hear a hooting above me. When I looked up, I saw the owl. We talked for awhile, and he told me many wonderful stories, about the past, about things he had seen. One tale he told me about, was how humans once had the gift of animal speak, but lost it. "They received it as a gift from the great spirit father." He said. "They were able to converse with, and understand the animals. It was a wonderful time between humans and animals." He ruffled his feathers and spoke in a lower tone when he continued. "However, this peace was not to last. One day a human was born that radiated mischief and death. Around the humans he acted sweet and kind, but around us animals he was mean. He would chase us, and throw things at us. We tried to tell the human but they did not believe us. One day, after he had grown into a man, he took a limber green branch and some string that he had found, and made a weapon that he called a bow. He used some other branches, and made what he termed arrows to shoot from this bow. He took his weapon out one day and startedto fire his arrows at any animal that he came upon. He killed many of our kind, before the other humans discovered what he was doing and stopped him. They begged and pleaded with the animals to forgive their ignorance, but they were to late. All of the animals turned from the humans and never spoke to another one of their kind. Over the generations, man has forgotten that he ever had this wonderful gift. We animals still have the ability to speak with one another though. We also understand when man speaks to us, but they do not understand us when we speak to them." After that day I never saw the wise old owl again. Although I made several trips to the tree over many moons. All I could do was to lower my head, tuck my tail between my legs, and slink away. All the time that stupid horse Grey Cloud laughed his horsey laugh. He thought that it was just wonderful that I had gotten in trouble for what I had done. As I came around one of the tee-pees, I literally ran into another of the camps dogs, Meadow Hunter. Meadow Hunter was about a year older than I was, and was one of the most beautiful females that I had ever seen. All of the other guys in camp, liked her too, but she didn't pay any attention to them. I was just about to yell at who ever it was to watch where THEY were going. However, when I saw her, my attitude changed completely. I jsut stared at her, I am not sure if my jaw was hanging open or not. I finally managed to croak out, "hu, hu, hello, Meadow Hunter." I don't know why but I was ALWAYS nervous around her. She climbed to her feet and smiled, or as close as a dog can smile, at me and said, "Oh, hello Grey Wolf." As I worked to my feet she shook herself off. Dirt and snow went flying everywhere, including all over me. After she stopped shaking herself clean, she asked, "So where are you going in such a hurry?" I took time to shake myself before I answered, "Oh, nowhere in particular." She gave me that look. The one that was both quizzical and demanding. I could tell just by looking at her that she didn't believe what I had just told her. She confirmed my thoughts, when she said, "Come on now, you can't lie to me and you know it. So where are you going?" I hung my head and said, "I was running away from Grey Cloud." "Why? What did that big bully due?" She asked. She never liked Grey Cloud that much. He could be a real jerk at times, and the two of THEM got along even less then he and I did. "It wasn't because of what he did, but because of what I did." "Was it that bad?" "Actually, I was running because I bit, well actually nipped Grey Cloud on the nose" I said. "Good for you. So why were you running?" I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Because Dancing Bear caught me." "Oh, I see" was all she had to say. "Yea that's why I was running, and why I ran into you just now. I said. "What about you? Why are you in such a hurry?" "I was just looking for my human, Red Eagle. He says that we are going on a hunt today." "Yea, Running Deer told me that same thing earlier today." We set off together to look for each of our humans. We had only gone a short way when we heard, :Hey guys, wait for me" from behind us. We both turned around about the same time to see this big black dog with a white front paw bounding towards us. His pink tongue lolling from side to side. I was the first to speak to him. "Hey Moondog, slow down before you hurt yourself." Moondog was one of my litter mates, and the only brother that i ever truly got along with. He wasn't exactly the smartest dog in the world, but what he lacked in brains, he MORE than made up for in bravery. Loyal not jsut to his human, but to ALL his friends. I once saw him stand up to THREE of the grey brothers (wolves) who had wondered into camp. He just stood there like the worlds largest statue, growling at them and telling them to leave if they didn't want any trouble. I thought that they may all attack him, and that I would lose a brother, but they surprised us all when they turned and bounded away. Their last words to him, were, "Hey dog, your brave enough to be one of our kind. If you ever want to leave this place, you have a home with us." I was truly impressed by his total lack of fear. "Where are you off to in such a hurry" asked Meadow Hunter. "I looking for my human" he said in his deep baritone voice. " We are too" I said, "do you want to come along?" "Yes, I go with you to find my human." He said in his semi-intelligent speech. "Good, lets go" Meadow Hunter said. After awhile we all came upon the warriors standing around in a group. Some with their dogs, others without. I saw Ten Bears with his dog Silver Eagle, Squatting Dog with Morning Star, and White Eagle with Star Dancer. I also saw Ana' Li (Black Fox) with his dog Ahoshonti (Shadow) and Red Cloud with his dog Moonwalker. I also saw my friends, Night Wolf and Howling Spirit, but I didn't see their humans. Night Wolf and Howling Spirit were nearly identical litter mates, but not from my litter, and were real fun guys who often got themselves into much trouble. It was almost impossible to tell them apart, except for one thing. Night Wolf had a little white star on the inside of his front right leg. "Hey guys" I said "where are your humans?" Night Wolf looked at me and said, "Oh, they're around here somewhere" Before I could say anything else I ehard Dancing Bear tell all of the warriors to mount their horses and start heading out for the valley where we would be hunting this day. "I've got to go guys" I told them. They just wagged their tales and trotted off. They were truly an odd pair. I saw Meadow Hunter and Moondog walking near the front of the group, and decided to trot up and join them. As I drem nearer, I saw Running Deer on Grey Cloud, that mean old grouch. As I reached Meadow Hunter and Moondog, I could hear her asking if he had ever been on a hunt before. I got ther just in time to hear him say, "Yea, me hunted rabbits and squirrels before." "Anything bigger?" She asked. "No" he simply said. "Hey guys what are you discussing" I asked. "Huh" asked Moondog. "What are you two talking about?" "Oh" he said, "hunting. "Yea" said Meadow Hunter. "You got here just in time. I asked Moondog, so now I'll ask you. Have you ever been on a hunt before?" "Me? Well yes, if you count rabbits and birds." "I mean, have you ever hunted buffalo before" she asked in a voice that bordered on exasperation. "No" Moondog and I said at about the same time. "I was talking to Grey Wolf, Moondog" she said. "Oh, sorry" he said, sounding ashamed of himself. "It's ok" she said. He just trotted on wagging his tail. "Have you?" I asked. "Yes," she began, "It was the last time that the great cold came. We came to the top of the hill and looked down and could see many of them. It looked as if the whole valley were alive. We dogs took off ahead of the horses. It was glorious, we were barking, warriors firing their arrows, and buffalo died. But tragedy struck. My brother A 'Gana (Grudhog) got to close to one of the buffalo and was killed by it's hoves. I have never forgotten that moment." I looked over at her just in time ti see a tear, drop from her eyes, and it was at that time, that I felt a pain that I have never felt before. Not a physical pain, like getting struck by a stone, but an ache from down deep inside of me. Even though it was not painful, it was not comfortable either. "I'm sorry" I said. She looked over at me and smiled. "Me sorry too" Moondog said. "Thank-you both" she said. "That's so sad, you may make me cry" said Grey Cloud in a mocking tone. Meadow Hunter started to growl at him, but I stopped her. I said, "Don't let him get to you. He's that way because his momma never taught him any manners." I looked over at Grey Cloud and said, "Oh, that's right, your momma was used as food for us dogs!!" That obviously unnerved him, because he started to scream and tried to run over the three of us. However, his attempts failed because Running Deer pulled hard on his reigns and said, "What is your problem, you stupid horse!" The whole time we could hear him snorting at us. But we just trotted on laughing. We hadn't gone to far when the warriors, lead by Dancing Bear, stopped and climbed off their horses. They all gathered into a circle and started to speak. I walked up to where they were to see what it was they were talking about. I heard much heated debate about how they should attack the buffalo. Black Fox said, "We should split our party, and have half ride to the other side of the valley. Once there they can signal the party over here and we can ride down and catch the buffalo in the middle. We can then split them into smaller groups and can catch them easier that way." "Yes," said Red Cloud, "but that would waste much time. Precious time that we cannot waste." "I think that the best way to proceed is the most direct way" said White Eagle. "I have been on many hunts and I have found that charging directly at the buffalo works the best. For when we run down the hill the buffalo get scared and run into smaller groups anyway, making them easier to bring down." There was some mumbling amongst the other warriors, so Ten Bears turned to Squatting Dog and asked, "What do you think? You have been on almost as many hunts as White Eagle." "I agree with White Eagle, but don't forget that there are some young calves down there, and the cows will be meaner then usual." "Thank-you for your input, and your warning" said Ten Bears. Ten Bears turned towards the larger group of warriors and told them the plan and gace them Squatting Dog's warning about the cows. After he did this the warriors remounted their ponies and rode them to the hilltop. I also ran up to the top of the hill and was so engrossed by what I saw, that I didn't realize that anyone else had come up next to me, until I said, "buffalo." That was when I heard Meadow Hunter ask, "What?" From next to me. Without looking her way, I said, "Buffalo, look at all the buffalo down there!!" "Yes" she said in a half dreamy voice. I looked over at her and could tell that she was recalling that day when her litter brother died. "Meadow Hunter, ok?" Asked Moondog when he walked up next to her. She shook her head as if shaking away the past and said, "Yea, I'm ok." About that time some of the warriors raised their bows over their heads and started yelling, then others started, then they all were yelling. "What happening" asked Moondog in an excited, yet nervous tone. "It's ok" said Meadow Hunter, "they are just getting ready to give chase after the buffalo." She was correct, because as I watched, several warriors spurred their ponies forward and we dogs thook this as our clue to start giving chase also. I looked to my right and saw that Meadow Hunter and Moondog were still with me, they were as I knew they would be. We ran full out towards the animals, barking and yelling at them, but they either didn't notice us, or didn't care, because they continued to graze on what little grass there was. We were almost on top of them when they finally turned and started running, kicking up great clouds of white powder from the freshly fallen snow. We dogs split into our own little groups as did the warriors. In my group, there was Nighthawk and Howling Spirit. I saw Meadow Hunter and Moondog split off with another dog named Redpaw. It was much like Meadow Hunter had described. We dogs barked and laughed, the warriors cried and fired their arrows and buffalo fell. Sowe of the warriors also used long pointed hollow rods htat made a great deal of noise, that I think they called rifles. I think they called them rifles, because I had heard Dancing Bears refer to them once during a meeting of the braves. However, each time a warrior pointed one of these tubes at a buffalo, a lound crack and much smoke would pour from it and a buffalo would fall. It was indeed a marvelous experience. Evreything was going wonderfully, until fate intervened and disaster struck. My group was running amongst a group of these hairy beasts. We spotted a cow with her calf and Night Hawk said, "Hey let's go after that one split her and her calf from the group. That way we can show the humans that we are the smartest dogs out here." Neither one of us had any objections, so we went after this pair. Night Hawk was either having to much fun or simply wasn't paying attention, because he got to close to the cow and her hooves. She was kicking at us, either trying th hit one of us, or simply scare us away. However, we were not about to let up on our chase so easily. However, her persistnece finally paid off. I was just about to yell at Night Hawk that he was getting to close, but I was too late. He had obviously stepped within her striking range and she caught him square in the head. I could hear as her hooves and his head met. The sickening sound of the crack, like that of a snapping twig, and his momentry cry, which seemed more like a cry of surpirse than of pain at what had happened. I watched as he dropped limply to the ground and rolled a short distance. From the time of him being stuck and his final roll, must surely have taken no more than a few moments, but it appeared to take several cycles. Briefly looking at him, it was obvious that his spirit had indeed departed his body. Howling Spirit was so startled by the death of his brother that he did not watch where he was running, and he stepped right into a hole in the ground, that seemed to appear out of no where. When he did, he lost his footing and he rolled over and over. When the accident occured, the cow with the calf saw her opportunity. She quickly spun around and headed straight for Howling Spirit. She never even slowed, and he never had a chance. She trampled him repeatedly. I could hear his pitiful cries for help as the buffalo ended his life there on that frozen valley floor. I wanted to help my friend, but was to afraid, and shocked. I now realize that when a friend truly needed me, I was a coward, and abandoned him. His yelps of pain were the last sounds that I ever heard from my good friend. I ran away from there looking for some of the rest of my pack with which I could continue the hunt, when I spotted what would soon end my existence. I saw Grey Cloud, with Running Deer on his back, stumble and fall to the cold ground, sending Running Deer flying throught the air and evevtually crashing into the frozen earth. I witnessed Grey Cloud regain his footing and take off running while Running Deer lay there in the snow, the coward. I didn't see Running Deer move, as I approached him. Luckily there were few buffalo around to harm the still Running Deer, in their attempts at flight. I made it to Running Deers side and saw that he was atleast breathing, but I also saw what appeared to be blood, for I had smelled this stuff before, flowing softly from his head. I licked his face and whined softly attempting to awaken him, but the only response I got from him was a moan. "Awwww, isn't that sweet," I heard from somewhere behind me, "a boy and his dog." As I spun around growling at whoever this intruded might be, I got my answer. It was the largest, hairest, bull that I had EVER laid eyes on. "Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked him, trying to sound as tough and ferocious as I could. Even though I felt like neither at the time. "Me? Why my clan calls me Red Rock. As for what I want? Well I want REVENGE naturally. Which means the death of that BOY, and any other human that I can get my horns on." "But why" I asked. Trying to stall for time, hopeing that one of the warriors would arrive in time to help Running Deer and myself. "WHY?? You have the NERVE to ask WHY?" He thundered at me. "Isn't it obvious? His kind hunt us! They kill us and our calves." "Yes, but only so that they can survive" I said. "I DO NOT CARE why they do it, all I know is that they do it, and I have vowed REVENGE for the death of MY people." He continued to stare at both of us while he pawed the ground. "I will make you a deal, uh, what is your name dog?" "Grey Wolf" I said. "Ok Grey Wolf, because you are a fellow animal, I will make you a deal. If you move away from that human, he said almost spitting it out, I will not kill you along with this human." I thought about his offer for less than a second and told him, "NO!" I decided that I would not repeat the error I did when Howling Spirit needed me. I would not abandon Running Deer in his time of need. "You are a brave dog, but foolish. For I shall crush you both." "Not if I have anything to say about it you won't" I growled at him. We both started running at each other. We must have surely been a sight from outside this confrontation. However, there was a motive to my madness. For as we were about to run into one another head to head, I swerved quickly to my right, turning my head slightly to my left, biting him on his left ear. This sent him into a frenzy. He started spinning in a circle chasing me. While he was pursuing me, I kept barking and calling him names, in order to keep his mind off of Running Deer. My plan worked, because he seemed to forget all about Running Deer, laying unmoving, but still alive just a few feet away. I imagine that the two of us must have looked for the world like two tribal dancers acting out a trmendous battle scene. When I would see an opportunity, I would dash in and nip at him. Which only served to fuel his anger, which aided my plan to keep him away from Running Deer. I would hurl insults at him, like I had seen may of the warriors hurl their spears at targets in camp. Each one hurting a little more. I would yell, "Is that the best you can do? Why I hace seen turtles move faster than you, you old fool!!" I felt as if I could have kept this dance of life and death going for many moon cycles. However, fate and the great father must have had other plans for me that day. For during one of my attacks, I heard Running Deer moan and I looked his direction for a moment. However, that moment was all that was required. I dashed for Red Rock's back legs, but since I was distracted I did not see the danger until it was to late for me. All I really remember was the flash of his hooves, feeling myself sailing throught the air, much like an Eagle soaring through the cool morning sky. Then feeling myself crash into cold mother earth, which brought me back to where I was and what was happening. When I hit, I remember hearing a sound that reminded me of a dry twig snapping beneath the hooves of one of the warriors ponies. I remember my body being filled with a tremendous pain, it was so great that I found it difficult to even continue breathing. For with each breath, the great pain racked my body. Somehoe I managed to raise my head and see Red Rock pawing the ground, laughing at me and saying, "Now who is the old fool huh?" First I will crush you and then I will finish off this human that you fought so bravely to protect from his fate." He backed up a short distance from where he was standing, and then he suddenly shot forth, barreling upon me with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. I simply laid my head down, closesd my eyes and waited for the end. For surely there was nothing more that I could do. I could feel the pounding of the ground from his massive hoofs as they thundered towards me. When I thought that he must surely be upon me, I heard something that shocked and frightened me all at the same time. I heard a crack, muych like that made by the sky, when it was truly angry (thunder) that had often frightened me as a pup. I felt a thump and thought that the earth itself must be opening itself to swallow me whole. I opened my eyes not because of the sound, or the feeling of the earth, but from what I had heard from Red Rock. Ilooked just in time to see him on his knees, then fall to his chest, and finally on his side. I watched as his breathing slowed, slowed, slowed, and finally ceased altogether. The whole time he just kept saying, "NO! No! no! no! no!" His voice slowly fading away with his life. "GREY WOLF!! GREY WOLF!!" I hear in a voice that I immediatly knew as Running Deer. I watched as he and Dancing Bear ran up to where I lay. I cold also see White Eagle was with them and the he was holding one of those rifle things. He must have been the one who had brought down the once mighty Red Rock. Dancing Bear said, "Grey Wolf, I saw you protect my son with your life. You are truly a good dog, and I would like to appologize for what I said earlier." He looked at me and I could see tears starting to fall from his and Running Deer's eyes. "White Eagle got the buffalo," Dancing Bear said, confirming my thought, "I am sorry we took so long though." Meadow Hunter and Moondog showed up about that time. Running Deer was sobbing louder, his shoulders bobbing with each ragged breath he tried to take, and Meadow Hunter kept telling me that I couldn't leave them this way. All I could do was to lay my head back down to cold mother earth and try and breath, and remember. All of this I remember as I lay here in the snow, my breath growing ever so shallow, and slow. I remember, I remem........

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