We, the body of believers of the Solid Rock Baptist Chapel, understand that Jesus Christ and He alone, is the head of this church. It will be the aim of this body to bring glory to God in all that we do.
We, therefore, resolve to carry out Christ's purpose for the church.
We see that purpose being therefore:
We seek to do this through empowerment of the Holy Spirit, being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory which comes from the Lord. We will provide biblical teaching and preaching that is relevant and applicable for believers today, in order to help mature them in the Christian life. Our corporate time of worship will seek to bring glory to the Lord allowing freedom for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of people, resulting in changed hearts and lives.
We see the body biblically functioning in unity by expressing "agape" love through fellowship with one another and most importantly, praying for one another in all matters.