Who was there: Michelle Kwan, Dorothy Hamill, Todd Eldredge, Elvis Stojko, Oksana Baiul, Philippe Candeloro, Isabelle Brasseur & Lloyd Eisler, Victor Petrenko, Oksana Kazakova & Artur Dmitriev, Elena Berezhnaya & Anton Sikharulidze, Surya Bonaly, Rudy Galindo, Michael Weiss, Marina Klomova & Sergei Ponomarenko, Elizabeth Punsalen & Jerod Swallow, Marina Anissina & Gwendal Peizerat, Nicole Bobek, Evgeni Plushenko, Timothy Goebel, Vladimir Besedin & Oleksiy Polishchuk (the acrobats), and Sasha Cohen.
No shows: Brian Boitano, Maria Butyrskaya, Shae-Lynn Bourne & Victor Kraatz, Alexei Yagudin, Sarah Hughes, and Naomi Nari Nam.
The opening was your typical COI opening, skaters being announced, doing their jumps or spins or whatever they wanted to do.
Go back to SweetiePie's Ice Skating Heaven!
Here goes my review of COI on Friday, May 19th. Please bear with me as I didn't take
notes and only remember the highlights.
The show started about 10 minutes late, as it usually does. I had the good fortune
of meeting 3 FSW'ers there, one of which had an exra ticket (thank you Laurie!).
I found my seat and went to talk to everyone I met up with earlier. Luck was with me again when
one of the ladies' friends had an extra ticket and backstage pass which
she so generously offered me (thank you Molly!). Going from row H to row A was a big improvement.
I'm not going to go in order since I don't remember who skated when,
I'll just write the hightlights which stick out in my mind.
*Evgeni Plushenko: What bright pants you have!
*Michelle as Bond: What a new program! Very different from what she usually does but I think it's good for her. The audience loved her.
*Viktor and his lady: The audience loved this one...very high energy. It wasn't a suprise to me since I remember it from the broadcast awhile ago.
*Dan as Cartman and Mrs. Doubtfire: Great!!!! He's an awesome skater and did so well tonight. The audience LOVED his performance, what a character! I'm glad Tom put him in the tour this year and am looking forward to seeing him next year!
*Sasha: Poor kid, she just wasn't on tonight at all. Most if not all her jumps were spills and once her feet just slipped out from under her as she was gliding along.
*The acrobats: Big hit with the audience. Those guys sure are muscular! Very entertaining, I hope Tom brings them back next year.
*Rudy Galindo and the clowns: He was covered in sparkles! Even after the show, he still had it all over his arms. The audience loved him, got a very big round of applause.
*Todd and The Glory: Wow, I love this program!
Elvis: He had the whole crowd rockin' with "What I Like About You". Very energizing!
The finale: Neat! I can't imagine the practice and coreograpy that went into that. The skaters seemed to be having fun, talking to each other and flying around the ice.
Backstage after the show:
We were all hustled to the roped off area for autographs after the show. I missed the first half of them coming out as I was looking for someone else from the show but I did end up with Michelle's, Todd's, Phillipe's, Surya's, and Isabelle's autographs. The were all very gracious and kind, although I know they must've been exhausted. I noticed a lot of the pairs skaters walking by themselves without being asked for autographs at all while the single skaters were being crowded around. I couldn't help feeling bad for them and would've liked to get their autograph if I knew who they were :)
All in all, I thourougly enjoyed the show and highly recommend it to anyone.
Review of Stars On Ice January 2001
Read SweetiePie's backstage review of COI 1999!
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