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"Here comes trouble"

"New outfit, new religion, same ol' wacko underneath"
~Xena to Najara

"Sometimes the best man for the job is a woman"

"Scarred by fire, entombed for eternity. You'll forgive if I'm not at my peak"

"No, no, yes, no. I tried that. Yes, both ways. No, I don't know. No, again...
Are there any more questions? Good."

"I'll rise, but I refuse to shine"

"Fill yourself with desire and see only illusion. Empty yourself of desire and
understand the great mystery of things"
~Lao Ma

"Welcome to my world. Now get ready to leave it"

"What is none of this is really happening. And like we're all in somebody else's
head and they're making us up"

Pompey: "So...why do they call you the warrior princess??"
Xena: "Because 'Caesar' was already taken"

"I knew you were evil, but you were obnoxious too!!"
~Gabrielle to Xena

Gabrielle: "This thing keeps shrinking. Is it enchanted??"
Joxer: "Yes, they are. I mean, it is"

Pompey: "I like you"
Xena: "Don't. I'm not a likeable person"

"May you live forever"
~Xena to Callisto

Gabrielle: "You don't have to be a virgin to be virtuous"
Leah: "Oh yes. You keep telling yourself that"

"Shall I carve or will you??"
~Callisto to Hope

Priest: "Virgins only"
Gabrielle: "What!! Is it written on my forehead??"

"I scratch your back, you stab mine"
~Callisto to Xena

"Well, listen to my story 'bout Gabrielle,
cute little girl that's lookin' really swell,
perfect hair, such a lovely lass,
nice round breasts and a firm young..."

"Any new husbands since the last one I killed??"
~Callisto to Gabrielle

"You fight with your heart. That gives me an advantage over you. I no longer seem to have one"
~Callisto to Xena

Xena: "You may be immortal, but I can still do damage.
How'd you like to spend eternity in five pieces??"
Callisto: "Oh Xena, how I've missed you"

"I hate the dead. You can't take vengeance on them"

Gabrielle: "Why aren't you dead??"
Hope: "Well, it's certainly not for your lack of trying, is it??"

"Scarred by fire, entombed for eternity, you'll forgive me if I'm not at my peak..."

Gabrielle: "Xena only kills if it's absolutely necessary"
Najara: "And I only kill evil people. Why is she better than me??"

"Don't just kill me and walk away"