I Love Long Beach!
My hometown, Long Beach, California, is one of the best cities in the nation, and I would like to show you my city!
This is Long Beach! On the lower left hand corner is the famous ship, the Queen Mary. As far as your eye could see is Long Beach! [Left]
The Long Beach Convention Center is host to many conventions, dinners, galas, and many more events, including my High School Prom! [Right]
Overlooking the Apartment Complexes you see a portion of the City's long clean beach! Long Beach's beaches attract thousands each year! [Left]
The Long Beach Marina is home to many boats! This portion is next to Shoreline Village, and in the background is the Hyatt Regency Hotel! [Right]
Pine Square is one of the most popular locations in Long Beach. It is host to the AMC Pine 16 movie theatre, and is home to many good eateries, including Johnny Rockets! The office in which I work in (Summer Job) is right across the street from Pine 16! [Left]
The Queen Mary could be mistaken for the Titanic, but the Queen Mary is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the City! The Queen has a hotel, shopping center, and has tours of the ship! You may hear about the Queen on Unsolved Mysteries, or some weird Television shows like that, because of the ghost that still hunt the ship... [Right]
The Long Beach Airpot is a small place...but the Airport is host to Boeing and the United States Air Force! Both Boeing and the USAR produce planes in Long Beach, including the military C-17![Left]
The Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach is the largest sporting event in the City! Thousands of people come to Long Beach from all over the country to see the Indy Car races held on the streets of Downtown Long Beach! Famous drivers include: Al Unser Jr., Mario Andriette, and many more...The Grand Prix is held every year in the beginning of April![Right]
Long Beach is host to two Professional Sports teams - the Long Beach Ice Dogs and the Long Beach Sting Rays! The Ice Dogs are a minor league hockey team in the IHL, while the Sting Rays are a Professional Female Basektball team in the ABL! Both teams have made it in the Playoffs and/or Championships!! Go Beach!!![Left]
The Blue Line is our train (metro) that takes people from Long Beach to Downtown Los Angeles and back! This is a great way of transportation so you don't hit traffic in Downtown Long Beach![Right]
The Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific is one of the largest in the nation! It is expected to attrach more than 1 million visitors each year, but I feel that it will surpass that! June 20th was the first day that it was open to the public, and what I have heard, it has recieved great reviews! You should visit the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach! [Right]